big nostril thing 大鼻孔
sneeze n.喷嚏 vi.打喷嚏
how many perfectly fine woman are you gonna reject over the most superficial insignificant things?
insignificant adj. 无关紧要的
Adam's apple 喉结
IT made me nuts(adj.) 让我恶心
you guys are messin' with me,right?你们在玩我呢。。
Yanni 雅尼 没有受过正当训练的钢琴师
YOU'RE stomping 你们在重踏,制造噪音
that was not about being picky 那不是吹毛求疵
go into light 现身吧
go ahead and scoff 尽情嘲笑吧
crop circles 麦田怪圈 bermuda triangle 百慕大大三角洲
single-celled organisms 单细胞生物
earthy possession 所有遗产 earthy 现世的, 所有的
dump 垃圾堆 crap 废物
actually i think this apartment sullies the good name of crap.
funky shirt 奇怪的衬衫
literally adv. 逐字地 真正地(加强语气)
MY BIG BOOK OF grievance MR HACKES 的笔记
tacky adj. 俗气的 邋遢的 (tacky jewellery)
dry-cleaning 干洗好的衣服
opposable thumbs 对生拇指
overlord n。 最高统治者 上帝
high school yearbook 高中同学录
you crack me up in science class 你在科学课上使我捧腹大笑
be voted class clown 班宝
clarinet n.单簧管
knock it off 停止
too gums 牙龈太多了
end up alone 终生寡居
bitter town 愁苦镇 aloneville 孤独镇 hermit junction 隐士村
at her folk's places 在她父母家
to have her fun 找乐子
be allergic to shellfish 对有壳的水生生物过敏
teeny tiny 强调极小的
i cant believe you caved 我不能相信你投降了
neat i gonna die alone
bitch about 抱怨
hold off on asking her out in the past ...
it's really not that big 书面语 it‘s not really that big