

英文 中文
Our planet is a place of constant change. 我们的星球瞬息万变
Each year, the seasons shift and life is transformed. 年复一年 四季交替 万物更迭
But there are places where the changes are so epic in scale 然而 在地球的某一角 自然更替如史诗般宏伟壮阔
they can be seen from space. 甚至可从太空中俯视观察到
In this series, 在本期《壮美无边》系列中
we reveal three of the most miraculous transformations. 我们带您领略三处 最具震撼的自然变换
The islands of Svalbard 斯瓦尔巴特群岛
within a few weeks,frozen wastelands burst into life. 几周之内 冰冻荒原迸发出勃勃生机
The African Okavango 非洲奥卡万戈河
a desert transforms into a magical waterworld. 一片荒漠转变为神奇水世界
And the mysterious forests of New England 新英格兰神秘森林
erupting in a blaze of seasonal colour. 随季节变化的色彩绚烂如火
Life finds the most ingenious and surprising ways to thrive 生命采取极具智慧的惊人方式
In the world's fastest changing landscapes. 在世界上最为变化多端的地域繁衍
00:01:07,780 --> 00:01:14,340 壮 美 无 边
New Englandhome to the most colourful forest in America. 新英格兰 美国最五彩斑斓的森林
Stretching across six states 横跨六大州
From Maine in the north to Connecticut in the south. 从北方的缅因州到南部康乃狄克州
Every year, millions of people flock here to witness 每年 数百万人聚集在此


one of the planet's greatest spectacles, 一睹地球上最壮阔的风景
known here as the fall 这里以秋景闻名
When billions of trees 当百万的树木
explode into a riot of red, orange and gold. 爆发出缤纷的鲜红、艳橙和金黄
There's nowhere else on Earth quite like it. 此番胜景 举世无双
But despite this beauty, there's a battle raging. 除了美景 这里也有战争
One that holds the secret to this magical forest's most 那是这魔幻森林斑斓的风景下
flamboyant display. 深藏的秘密
新 英 格 兰
气温 —5℃
The story of the fall begins 秋天的故事开始时
while winter still has a grip on the forest. 冬日的寒意还未退去
17 billion trees, rich with maples and oaks 主要为枫树和橡树的170亿棵树
wait in suspended animation. 在沉睡中静静等待
Amongst them, 在山林间
many of New England's animals are hibernating from the cold. 许多动物蛰伏其中躲避冬日的严寒
But America's tallest mammal remains at large. 但是美国最高大的哺乳动物麋鹿仍在活动
Moose survive by chewing on twigs. 麋鹿靠啃食细枝度过寒冬
Their calves will be born in just two months 它们的幼崽将在两周后出生
And their survival will depend on the same 麋鹿赖以生存的关键
chain of events that will fuel the forest's climax of colour. 与使得森林绚丽多彩的养料息息相关
As the weather warms, water courses through every tree 随着气温变暖 水流经过每一棵树
And it picks up sugar stored in the wood. 树木得以储存糖分
This liquid energy is the life force of the entire forest. 这种液体能量是整个森林的生命力
It's so rich with sugar that maple syrup is made from it. 枫糖浆 就是由这些树木中富含的糖分制成
The spring sunshine warms the land 春日温暖大地
And the sugar surges faster 糖分含量激增
Fuelling the growth of nutrient rich buds. 供给富含营养的嫩芽生长
These tiny packages contain everything needed to build a leaf. 这些小芽包存有长成一片树叶所需的全部物质
But from this point on, each tree faces a battle. 但从此刻开始 每棵树都面临一场战争
All across New England, twigs are coming to life. 遍布新英格兰的森林 树枝都在迎接新生
These creatures spend the winter disguised as twigs. 这些生物伪装成树枝度过严冬
Looper caterpillars. 天幕毛虫
They awake with the warmth and immediately begin to seek out 他们被温暖唤醒 立刻出发寻找食物
the freshest buds, on a hunt for sugar. 搜寻糖分 啃食最新鲜的嫩芽
Nearby, hundreds of baby tent caterpillars 不远处 数百只黄褐天幕毛虫幼虫
hatch from their winter eggs. 从冬卵中孵化出来
Each smaller than a grain of rice. They join the feast. 每只幼虫都比米粒还要小 它们也加入了这场盛宴


Swarming along the branches, a torrent of bud destruction. 毛虫聚集在树枝上 大量嫩芽被啃食破坏
This is just the first wave in a battle that will escalate through the year. 而这只不过是全年漫长征战的开始
The buds race to open before they can be attacked. 一些嫩芽能够在被啃食之前成长伸展
Gradually, the first flush of green spreads across the forest. 渐渐的 第一抹绿意在森林各处散开
But it will be a few weeks 但是到树叶完全展开
before the leaves are fully expanded 还需要几周的时间
And they will need a constant supply of sugary 它们需要树皮下
sap from under the bark. 含糖汁液的不断供给
In some trees, that sap is also at risk. 在一些树上 树汁也会招来危险
The warming spring weather attracts an animal with a serious 春日暖阳吸引了一批到访者
sugar addiction. 它们痴迷糖分
All the way from Mexico, 从墨西哥远道而来
he's one of the first to come back after the trees wake. 它是树木苏醒后的第一批光顾者之一
The yellow bellied sapsucker. 黄腹吸汁啄木鸟
His beak hammers six times a second 它的喙每秒啄六次
Wounding the tree deeply 深深的伤害着树木
And chiselling into the vessels carrying the precious sugar. 它们凿开树皮 直达运送糖分的导管
His feathery tongue quickly laps up the weeping liquid. 用它柔软的舌头快速舔舐着树木流下的汁液
On this tree last year, he dug hundreds of holes, 去年 它在这棵树上凿了数百个孔
but now, all the wells are dry. 但如今 “糖井”都干涸了
It's not enough to deter a determined sapsucker. 没有什么能阻挡一只意志坚定的吸汁啄木鸟
He can dig as many as 1,000 holes in a season. 它一季可以凿开多达一千个孔洞
And on another tree, he's excavating a nest. 在另一个树上 它开凿了一个巢穴
If he finishes it and keeps his wells running sweetly, 如果能完工 并保持“糖井”持续流出蜜汁
he could attract the attention of a female. 它就能吸引一位异性的注意
But there's another bird that could scupper his plans. 但是有一只鸟可能会毁了它的计划
A ruby throated hummingbird. 红喉北蜂鸟
He's followed the sapsucker all the way from Mexico. 它从墨西哥一路跟随吸汁啄木鸟至此
His wings beat 80 times a second, 它的翅膀每秒煽动八十次
putting him on a calorific knife edge. 使其能稳稳的悬停在空中
The weeping sap is the best source of sugar currently available, 流淌的树汁是目前最好的糖源
and feeding at 15 sips a second, he can quickly drain a well dry. 凭借每秒十五次的吸吮 能迅速喝干一口“糖井”
He's too fast for the sapsucker to chase off 它太快了以至于吸汁啄木鸟都来不及驱赶
So the sapsucker opens more and more wells. 所以吸汁啄木鸟只能开凿更多的“糖井”
Eventually, despite the interruption, 最终 尽管过程艰辛
he finishes off his nest, creating a deep hollow in the tree. 吸汁啄木鸟还是完成了巢穴 在树干中凿出了一个深洞
Now, everything is prepared. 现在万事俱备
气温 15℃
Despite relentless attack from birds and insects, 尽管有鸟类和昆虫无情的攻击
the warming weather keeps the trees pumping sap, 温暖的气候还是让树木不停的吸收养料
and, as the day length increases, the leaves continue to inflate. 随着白昼时间的延长 树叶持续膨大
As the leaves grow, they start to shade the forest floor. 逐渐形成林荫遮盖地面
In anticipation, the plants down below wake from their stupor. 就像预先计划好的一样 植物从沉睡中苏醒
The flowers must attract a pollinator before all 在光线被完全遮蔽前 花朵们需要
the light is stolen. 吸引一位授粉者
Now, hummingbirds can feed on their favourite source of sugar. 现在蜂鸟们可以从它们最喜爱的糖源汲取糖分了
Nectar. 花蜜
In turn helping to pollinate the flowers. 作为回报 它们帮助花朵授粉
A looper caterpillar feeds amongst the flowers, too. 天幕毛虫也从花朵中获取食物
He's no longer hiding amongst the twigs. 它无需再隐藏于树枝中
This master of disguise has a different trick up his sleeve. 这位伪装大师有另一套伪装技巧
Swaying back and forth, he mimics a flower moving in the breeze. 它来回摆动 模仿花朵在微风中摇曳
He sticks petals to his back 它把花瓣沾到背上
so that he can feed unnoticed by predators. 这样就能尽情享受美食而不被天敌发现
And there's a whole army of flower arrangers sporting the latest 这里还有一大群花瓣设计师
spring fashion! 引领着春日时尚
As the sun strengthens, 随着阳光的增强
the building sap finally forces the leaves to fully unfurl. 养料最终让树叶得以完全舒展开
As many as 200,000 leaves on every tree. 每棵树上有多达20万片树叶
Together, they grow enough foliage to blanket an area six times 所有树木的叶子合在一起 足以覆盖六倍于
the size of New England. 新英格兰面积的土地
As the leaves expand, 随着树叶成长伸展
they produce one of nature's most powerful chemicals. 它们产生一种自然界最具强大的化学物质
Chlorophyll. 叶绿素
This green pigment catches the sun's energy to power 这种绿色颜料能捕获太阳能 驱动一种
a reaction crucial to all life. 对全体生物都至关重要的反应
Photosynthesiscreating sugar from sunshine. 光合作用 借助阳光制造糖分
This sugar is essential for the tree to grow, 这种糖分是树木生长不可或缺的营养
but it's now in easy reach of New England's hungriest animals. 但与此同时 新英格兰最饥饿的动物正对这些养料虎视眈眈
A moose. 麋鹿
Named by the Native Americans as moosu, "He who strips off", 被美洲原住民命名为moosu “剥光的人”
they are leaf eating machines 它们就是树叶啃食机器
And can strip a branch clean in seconds 可以几秒内吃完一根树枝
But the trees can defend themselves. 但是树枝可以自我防卫
In response, they flood their leaves with a repulsive chemical 它们在树叶中注入一种令人作呕的化学物质
called tannin. 鞣酸
So moose must constantly roam to seek out fresh ones. 所以麋鹿必须经常漫步 搜寻新鲜的树叶
But this female doesn't want to travel far. 但是这位雌性麋鹿不想走远
She has twins and they're just two weeks old. 她有一对双胞胎 它们才两周大
Until now, they've remained hidden in the shade of the forest. 直到现在 它们还躲藏在森林的绿荫中
With the leaves now loaded with unpleasant tannins, 由于现在树叶中充满了苦涩的鞣酸
she needs to find an alternative food source. 它需要找到另一处食物来源
She leads the twins away from the cover of the trees 这是它第一次带领双胞胎幼崽
for the very first time. 离开树荫的遮蔽
Out here, it's a big, new world. 这是一个广阔而崭新的世界
The mother must stay close. 必须紧随母亲的脚步
Another cow and her calf 另一头母鹿和她的幼崽
are already enjoying the coolness of the lake. 已经准备好进入冰冷的湖水中了
Moose have the longest legs in North America, 麋鹿拥有北美动物中最长的腿
which allows her to reach 这使它能到达其它
something that other animals can't get to. 动物无法涉足的地方
It's what makes this lake irresistible. 这片湖水对麋鹿极具吸引力的
Water plants. 是鲜美的水生植物
Just what this mother needs to enrich her milk 这位母亲正需要这些食物来丰富自己的乳汁
Because they're packed with nutrients 因为水草富含营养
washed out of the leaf litter. 杂物已被清水洗涤干净
The twins will increase 在接下来的几个月内
in weight tenfold over the next few months. 这对双胞胎的体重将增加超过十倍
It's not just the females who need the nutrients. 流连于这片水草丰美之地的不只有雌鹿


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