2009-05-24 21:37
我之博客时常翻阅遥远的过去,又记录刚刚离去的过去,任意跨越时空界限,挣脱现实的束缚,是许多艺术家或是作家穷尽毕生孜孜以求之的,我是现实的妥协者,却又妥协不彻底,这种如此强烈的感觉是在为Rolf做完口译之后发生的,黑暗中行走在回家的路上,想着自己还是害怕孤独的人,能够体会他的孤独,眼又望着远处温暖的灯光,心情非常复杂。这是个离家29年的异乡人,出生在德国,心灵永远也无法回去,也无法安定下来,寻不到归处,漂泊便是他生命的存在,正应了演讲的标题— farther. beyond.
Rolf A. Kluenter,中文名字柯罗夫,下面是他简单的经历:
1976-1982年就读于德国Duesseldorf州立美术学院。曾师从Abraham David Christian教授(雕塑)、Gotthard Graubner教授(绘画)、Erich Reusch教授(建筑学及艺术之综合)。
Before a word is spoken
For an instant or an eon
Teeth are locked, tongue is held,
and the cavern of thought is still inviolate.
Before the first word
That made the universe
Was the long rich darkness of secret thought.
We can only live with so much light.
We can only hear so many facts.
To live, we must have our inner darkness, the peace of wordlessness, our holy, secretive solitude.
Every house of life must have a forbidden room, a shadowed center where masks can be tried and discarded,
where truths can be made and unmade without anyone to judge, where the mirrors are blind.
Every house of life must have a place without windows and doors where the air is still, where the sounds are muffled.
A place where mementos lie scattered. A place with only one set of footprints in the dust.
Whom am I before I speak a word? Who do you see?
You can only look in the windows. You can never truly know. The eyes are not the mirror of the soul. Where the soul lives, the mirrors are all shrouded. There, in that inner room, the soul sings to itself, a sacred, silent song, and waits.
There is no loneliness. There is only loneliness.
There is no loneliness.