体系架构(Enterprise Architecture, EA)的开山之作,之前一直引用,从来没有系统的学习,通过翻译加深理解,与感兴趣的朋友一起学习探讨。在分析了信息系统的不同类型描述和不同视角的呈现后,Zachman抛出了信息系统架构框架,这个框架图也是后续每每提到Zachman框架,引用最多的内容。
The framework. Two ideas have been discussed thus far:
a. 在构建复杂的工程产品过程中,不同参与者从不同视角会产生一组不同的架构呈现。
a. There is a set of architecturalrepresentations produced over the process of building a complex engineeringproduct representing the different perspectives of the different participants.
b. 同一个产品,从不同目的出发,又会有不同类型的产品描述。
b. The same product can bedescribed, for different purposes, in different ways, resulting in differenttypes of descriptions.
The combination of the two ideas suggeststhat for every different type of description, there are different perspectives(and actually different representations) for each of the different participants.For example, for the material (or data) description, there are the owner’srepresentation, the designer’s representation, the builder’s representation,etc. For the functional (or process) description, there are the owner’srepresentation, the designer’s representation, the builder’s representation,etc. For the location (or geographic) description, there are also the owner’srepresentation, the designer’s representation, the builder’s representation,etc.
Figure 2 illustrates the total set ofdifferent perspectives for each type of description. Note that because theintent is to depict a framework for information systems architecture, all theinformation systems analog names from Tables 2, 3, and 4 have been used inFigure 2 in place of the more generic manufacturing or construction names.Also, the machine language perspective in Table 2 has been omitted, merelybecause it is not as interesting as the others from an “architectural” point ofview.
Figure2 Framework for information systems architecture
The one single factor that makes thisframework extremely interesting is the fact that each element on either axis ofthe matrix is explicitly differentiable from all other elements on that oneaxis. That is, the model of the business (owner’s perspective) is differentfrom the model of the information system (designer’s perspective), and so on.(Remember from earlier discussions that these representations are not merelysuccessive levels of increasing detail but are actually differentrepresentations-different in content, in meaning, in motivation, in use, etc.)Also, the data description column (entity-relationship-entity) is differentfrom the process description column (input-process-output), and so on. Becauseeach of the elements on either axis is explicitly different from the others, itis possible to define precisely what belongs in each cell, and further, eachcell in the matrix will be explicitly different from all the other cells.