The primary candidates for DMCplus control are high volume units, such as Crude Distilling Units. In these units, the scale factor works for the benefits, so that a small improvement in operation results in a very significant economic benefit.
Conversion units, such as Cat Crackers and Hydrocrackers, are also good candidates for DMCplus control. Since these units are converting a less valuable feed to higher valued products, the potential exists to significantly improve yield and profitability.
A third group of candidates for DMCplus control are units that produce a highly valued product(s). Evenif the unit is a low volume unit, the benefits can be quite significant for increased product recovery. Many specialty chemicals applications fall underthis group.
A fourth group of candidates for DMCplus control are units with a high consumption of utilities. Many fractionation trains fall under this group.The products are over-purified so that the effects of disturbances do not cause the products to go off-specification. By implementing DMCplus control, the effect of the disturbances can be accounted for, with products controlled closer to specification which saves energy.
A fifth group of candidates for DMCpluscontrol areunits that are subject to frequent disturbances.The Pre-frac Tower mentioned previously provides aprime example of this type of application. Stabilizing the operation of the unit may not have tangible benefits at the point where the controller is implemented, but the profitability of the downstream units is generally improved. Constraints can be pushed more closely since the feed is more stable.
A final group of candidates for DMCplus control are units where Real Time Optimization (RTO) is to be applied. The scope of RTO covers the entire process unit, and not just certain pieces of equipment in the unit (DMCplus). RTO calculates a steady-state operating point that is optimal from the standpoint of the entire process unit, while the DMCplus steady-state solver can only optimize the equipment covered by the controller (typically not the entire process unit).
In order to implement RTO solutions,it is necessary to have a control scheme that controls highly interactive multivariable processes at several constraints simultaneously; DMCplus is a natural fit.A typical RTO application writes setpoints to several DMCplus controllers. These controllers are required to take the process quickly to the new optimal operating point, and hold it there in the face of disturbances.