1.Respect for the child – speak and listen as you would to an adult.
2.Follow the child – trust your child will develop at their own pace.
3.Allow time – when we slow down, there is more time for exploration, curiosity, conversation and connection.
4.Set kind and clear limits – Montessori is also about respect to others, the environment and oneself and taking responsibility when needed.
5.Create rich experiences – experiences don’t need to cost a lot of money. Head outdoors, walk to the end of your street at the child’s pace, go to a pond to observe, visit a fire station or watching the trains, trips to the library to borrow books etc.
6.Involve your child in daily life – prepare food together, involve them as you do washing and cleaning, create gardening projects together, prepare for visitors, etc.
7.Help me to help myself – our children are so capable so we help as little as possible and as much as is necessary.
8.Observation – be a scientist and look at your child as if you have never met them before.
9.Hands on concrete learning – rather than simply telling your child things or showing them how things work, let your child make discoveries for themselves
10.Set up your home for your child to have success – a place for everything and everything in its place where less is definitely more.