巨人的工具——体操就在你身边GYMNAST STRONG







QL 运动 —— 一种不一样的热身运动

萨默尔教练从举重运动员丹尼汤普森 Donnie Thompson 借鉴了这套练习,并将这些练习叫做“butt walk”(利用臀部进行移动)。 Donnie Thompson “超级丹” 是举起超过3,000磅(约1360kg,包括抓举,挺举,蹲下等整个全套动作)。QL运动是为了锻炼你的臀部肌肉和你的腰方肌,腰方肌被“超级丹”称作 “你后背后的狂暴巨人(腰方肌的强大可以让一个人更加的有力量而且站得更稳)”:

Donnie Thompson “超级丹”





QL 运动


Jefferson Curl(J-Curl)—— 一种体重锻炼的练习

萨默尔教练说:这个过程缓慢且需要耐心,不能操之过急。对于这种负载来锻炼柔韧度的练习,不是让你拼命地机械地去拉伸你的肌肉,而是要平滑地控制好每天的节奏,慢慢地进行。这个练习的最终目标就是能举起和你身体重量一样的杠铃(这里是指做 J-Curls 练习时举起的姿势,见下图),但我是从15磅开始练的,到目前我已经加到了50-60磅了。这样的练习对锻炼胸部和后背的肌肉效果真是令我意想不到,而且同时也锻炼了我的腿后肌。当我问萨默尔教练 J-Curls 练习的频率时,他说:“频率是要和你的呼吸一致”。也就是说,J-Curls 是作为每个基础运动强度最低的元运动(基础的基础)。




Jefferson Curl(J-Curl)

Dips with ROT (Ring Turn Out)

先问你一个问题,你可以在吊环上做10-20 个标准的升降吗?问这个问题你可能感到非常的吃惊,我甚至打赌你都很难在吊环上做5个单独的(非连续)升降,到最高点后可以有适当的分开(不必像图片那样竖直)。在做这个动作练习时,你的屁股是不可以撅起或者你的身体是不可以前倾的,在最高点缓慢下沉时你需要非常好的臂力,在最低点上升时需要非常好的肩膀拉伸力。你可以先骂我,因为这个标准动作实在太难了,不过你在8周后你要谢谢我,虽然困难但你可以慢慢得练,如果你开始能做到15个标准的升降,你可以考虑用吊环做俯卧撑,这种方法可以看 Kelly Starrett 凯利·斯塔雷特(第122页)的介绍,这种方法也是他第一次展示给我看。对于做俯卧撑的标准后面会介绍到。

Push-up with rings

Hinge Rows

这个对于你来说是一个中等难度而且低风险的练习动作,它可以很好得锻炼你的旋转肌群(旋转肌群由四条小肌肉所构成:supraspinatus 棘上肌、infraspinatus 棘下肌、subscapularis 肩胛下肌和teres minor 小圆肌,四条连接肩胛骨和肱骨的肌肉协同运作,让肩关节得以做出复杂的三度空间动作;让手臂可做上举、外展、伸展和旋转等动作)而且在吊环上可以进行倒立以及几乎体操中任何一个动作。你可以想象一下,就像棺材里的吸血鬼忽然坐起来,然后摆个大力士的姿势(秀秀自己的两个手臂的肱二头肌的样子)。注意:在整个动作过程当中你一定要始终抓紧吊环。一旦你可以做上20个这样的动作后,你可以谷歌 “lat flys” ,然后根据视频做“lat flys”。(见下图)

lat flys





Hinge Rows

Hinge Rows

Ag walks with Support




3.再然后将你的手放在地板上,用手将自己支撑起来,记得手臂要伸直,屁股离开地板,尽量将身体伸直(从肩膀到脚后跟),就像在 hinge rows 运动中从头到脚后跟伸直一样。

4.是不是很简单?那现在,你可以移动你的手,然后推着你的脚一起向前或向后。保持这样的动作运动5分钟,刚开始的60秒里你可能感觉比较轻松,但后面… 窍门:当你深夜2点在酒店走廊里做这项运动时,你会感觉无比地兴奋,不相信,你可以试试(哈哈)

Ag walks

Ag walks

Pike pulses

当一个傻瓜朋友嘲笑我练习 GST 时,我此时就越想将它练好,因为 Pike Pulses 最后看起来会使你的头摇晃,就像吃了摇头丸一样。





Pike Pulses

Pike Pulses

Cast Wall Walk









Cast Wall Walk

Cast Wall Walk——图A

Cast Wall Walk——图B

Cast Wall Walk——图C


本文让我印象最深的就是利用滑轮做 Ag walks ,特别是能让你在半夜兴奋不已,我虽然没有在半夜做这项运动,但我每次学习工作累的时候会做类似的动作——首先站直,两脚分开,然后身体慢慢地向后倾,摆好姿势向前走动,然后再向后走动,如此往复5次左右即可。如果次数多了会感到有点累,这样的运动能使你感觉精神焕发,再次投入学习工作中去效果会非常好,如果此时你感觉累了,那就快试试吧。其他的一些运动我还在尝试中,不妨你也一起来尝试一下,或许会有意想不到的惊喜哦!



Unusual and Effective Bodyweight Exercises

In less than eight weeks of following Coach Sommer’s protocols , I saw unbelievable improvement in areas I’d largely given up on.

Try a few of my favorite exercises , and you’ll quickly realize that gymnasts use muscles you didn't even know you had.

QL Walk — An Unusual Warmup

Coach sommer borrowed this exercise from power lifter Donnie Thompson, who calls it the “butt walk.” Donnie “Super D” Thompson is the first person to hit a power lifting total of more than 3,000 pounds ( bench press + deadlift + squat ).The QL walk is intended to get your glutes and quadratus lumborum (QL) firing , the latter of which Donnie calls “an angry troll in your back”:

1.Sit down on a mat(or gravel, if you want to turn your ass into hamburger meat ). Legs are extended in front of you , ankles can be touching or slightly apart , and your back should be straight. I keep legs together. this is “pike” position , which I’ll refer to quite a bit in this book.

2.Lift a kettlebell or dumbbell to your collarbones (think front squat) . I weigh 170 pounds and use 30 to 60 pounds. I hold the kettlebell “horns,” but Donnie prefers to support it from underneath.

3. Keeping your legs straight (no bend at the knee), walk your butt cheeks — left, right, left, right—across the floor. I typically go 10 to 15 feet.

4.Reverse direction and go backward 10 to 15 feet. That’s it.

Jefferson Curl(J-Curl)

Think of this as a controlled , slowly rounded, stiff-legged deadlift. From Sommer: “Progress slowly and patiently. Do not rush. For this type of loaded mobility work , never allow yourself to strain, grind out reps, or force range of motion. Smooth , controlled movement is the order of the day.” The ultimate goal is body weight on a bar , but start with 15 pounds. I currently use only 50 to 60 pounds. This can perform miracles for thoracic , or mid-back, mobility ,all while helping the hamstrings in the pike position. When I asked Coach Sommer how often I should do these, he said , “we do these like breathing.”In other words, at a minimum, J-Curls are done at the beginning of every primary workout.

1.Begin by standing up straight, legs locked , holding a bar waist-high with your arms shoulder width apart. (fig.A) Think dead-lift top position.

2.Tuck your chin tightly against your chest (keep it tucked for the entire movement ) and slowly bend over, one vertebra at a time , from the neck down.(fig.B) Keep your arms straight and the bar close to your legs. Lower until you can’t stretch any farther. As you become more flexible, stand on a box (I use a rogue plyo box), with the goal of passing your wrists below your toes. Keep your legs as perpendicular to the ground as possible , and try to not push your hips back until your head is below your waist.

3. Slowly stand back up, rolling one vertebra at a time.  Your chin should be the last thing to come up. ( fig. C) That’s 1 rep. Repeat for a total of 5 to 10 reps.

Dips with RTO(Ring Turn Out)

So you can do 10 to 20 regular dips? Fantastic. I challenge you to do 5 solo dips on rings with proper turn-out at the top(“support position”). Imagine the lines of the knuckles pointing to 10 and 2 o’clock at the apex. Perform this without piking (bending at the hips) or leaning your torso forward. This requires the brachial to work like a mofo at the top , and it requires good shoulder extension at the bottom—my nemesis. Curse me , then thank me in 8 weeks. If you can’t do 15 regular dips , consider starting with push-ups with RTO, which Kelly Starrett (page 122) first showed me. For the push-ups, ensure that you use the hollow and protracted position from cast wall walks on page 19.

Hinge Rows

This is an excellent low-risk option for smashing your mid-traps and external rotator cuff muscles, which are used for handstands and just about everything in gymnastics. Visualize popping up like Dracula in a coffin, then hitting a double bicep pose. The catch: You hands are holding rings the entire time. Once you can do 20 reps of hinge rows,Google “lat flys” and progress to those.

1.Set up a pair of rings to hang about a foot above your head when you’re sitting on the floor.

2.While sitting on the floor, grab the rings. Keeping your heels on the floor, lie back, and — arms straight —lift your hips off the ground. Focus on making your body (head to heel) ramrod straight. (fig. A)

3.Sit up (pike) until your head is between the rings and hit that double-bicep pose. The bends at your waist and elbows should be about 90 degrees. (fig. B)

4.Slowly lower yourself back down. Repeat 5 to 15 times.

Ag Walks with Rear Support

These are hugely productive and a major wakeup call for most people. 99% of you will realize you have no shoulder flexibility or strength in this critical position.

1.Get some furniture sliders ($5 to $15). These look like drink coasters and are used to move furniture around without scratching the floor.

2.Sit down in pike position and put your heels on the furniture sliders (which I now always pack for travel workouts).

3.Put your hands son the floor by your hips and —arms straight —lift your hips off the ground. Try to make your body perfectly straight from shoulder to heel, just as in the hinge rows.

4.Easy?Now walk forward with your hands ,pushing your feet along the floor. This can be done forward and backward. Aim for 5 minutes of constant movement, but feel free to start with 60 seconds (you’ll see). Pro tip:This is a treat way to freak people out when done at 2 a.m.in hotel hallways.

Pike Pulses

When one of my meathead friends is laughing at my GST exercises, I have them attempt this. It usually ends with a head shoe and a puzzled “Holy fuck.”

1.Sit in pike position in the middle of the floor.Point your toes and keep your knees locked.

2.Walk your hands out on the floor, as far toward(or past) your feet as you can.

3. Now, try to lift your heels 1 to 4 inches, which is 1 repetition or “pulse.” For 99% of you , this will be completely impossible and you’ll feel liken ice statue. Ratchet back and put your hands midway between hip and knee. See how you do and then move your hands forward enough to allow only 15 to 20 pulses.

If you did really well, now try it with your lower back against a wall. What happened? Sorry, killer, you weren’t actually pulsing, you were rocking back and forth like a cradle. Do it against the wall to keep yourself honest.

Cast Wall Walk

If you have no gymnastics background, this on will bw=e fun/terrible. I use cast wall walks as a workout finisher and recommend you do the same , as you’ll be worthless afterward. First ,Let’s define the position you need to maintain.

Torso “Hollow”:Sit on a chair , back straight ,with your hands on your knees. Mow ,try to bring your sternum (chest bone) to your belly button ; “shorten”your torso by 3 to 4 inches by contracting and pulling in your abs. You'll maintain this position throughout the entire exercise. No lower-back arch or sag permitted.

Shoulders”Protracted”:Keep your torso “hollow” per the above. Now , pretend you’re hugging a telephone pole. Your shoulders should be well in front of your chest, sternum pulled back strongly. Straighten your arms but maintain this position. Next ,without losing any of the aforementioned, lift your arms overhead ass high as you can. There you go. Now we can begin.

1.Get into a handstand position against a wall, nose facing toward the wall. (fig.A)

2.Keeping your body in one line ,slowly walk your hands out and your feet down the wall simultaneously. (fig.B) Keep your knees straight and walk with your ankles. The steps should be small.

3.Reach the bottom with your feet on the floor in a push-up position. (fig.C)correct your form to be maximally follow and protracted.

4.Reverse and go back up the wall, returning to handstand position. That is 1 rep ,my friend.

Target is 10 reps, but stop this on e at least a few reps before muscular failure. Otherwise, woe unto your face when gravity opens a can of whoops on your flattened head.


中文名 —— 《巨人的工具》


—— 蒂莫西.费里斯 (Tim Ferriss)著


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