This chapter mainly tells us stories of examinations about Su’s family.
First, it is time for Su tungpo and his brother to take their examinations. So after their marriage, they went to the metropolis with their father, take exams and visit the gay city. To their excitement, they all passed with high honors.
Second, it is examinations about Su shun. He struggled for his dream that doing something for the country throughout his life, but he was less fortunate than his sons. Finally he feels phobia about all examinations and when the imperial edict came, he received it.
I think this chapter contains too many contents. It tells almost all important things in one person’s life, such as getting married, having big accomplishments in career and experiencing mother’s death.
3 interesting sentences
1. Overcome by his enthusiasm, Chang was persuaded to write a letter of introduction to Ouyang shiu.
2. There are always enough ”patriots” willing to serve as puppets of a foreign government in the name of the common people of China so long as they can keep themselves in power.
3. The approach to this most critical moment of a scholar’s life was always filled with keen excitement, tense hope , and a nervous fear of failure. (This complex emotion is like to express love to somebody. ^_^)
3 words
1. Cordially:in a friendly but polite and formal way
Eg: You are cordially invited to our party next week.
I cordially dislike the person who always shows off himself about everything.
2. Metropolis:大都市,首府
Eg:When I talked with my friends about the history of Nanjing, he told me he is also interested in history and had always been to Metropolitan Museum of Art when he was in the USA.
3. Bribery:贿赂
Eg:I criticize him for not working hard, but he gets the wrong meaning that he thinks I want to get his bribery!