1. psychologist: n
an expert of psychology
1. psyche : `Greek root` spirit, soul or mind.
2. iatreis : medical healing.
3. pathos : suffering or disease.
4. soma : body
5. gensis : birth or origin
- psychology :
- psychological :
- psychic :
refers to phenomena or qualities that cannot be expained in purely physical.
- psychopathic :
an adjective that describes someone suffering from a severe mental or emotional disorder.
- psychopathical
- psychopathy
- psychosomatic :
an adjective that delineates the powerful influence that the mind, especially the unconscious, has an bodily diseases.
- psychoanalysis :
- psychogenic :
Having a psychological origin or cause rather than a physical one.
- psychotherapy
- psychotherapist
- psychotheraptic
2. psychoanalyst: n
3. orthodontist: n
a dentist of working in straightening tooth.
1. orthos : straight or correct.
2. odontos : tooth.
3. paidos : child.
4. peri- : `prefix` around or surrounding.
5. endon : `Greek word` inner, within
- pedodontist :
one expert who specializes in care of children's tooth.
- pedodontia
- pedodontic
- periodontist :
who is a gum specilist.
- periodontia
- periodontic
- endodontist: who specializes in work on the pulp of the tooth and in root-canal therapy.
4. optometrist :n
this practitioner measures your vision and prescribes the type of glasses.
1. opsis, optikos : view , vision
2. metron : measurement
3. therme : heart
4. baros : weight
5. sphygmos : pulse
- thermometer :
an instrument for measuring temperature.
- barometer :
an instrument to measure atomosphereic pressure.
- sphygmomanmeter :
an device for measuring blood pressure.
- metric system : a decimal system of weights and measures.
5. optician : n
this practitioner grinds lenses according to the specifications prescribed by optometrist or ophthalmologist.
6. osteopath : n
person who practices osteopathy.
1. osteon : `Greek root` bone.
2. pathos : suffering or disease.
7. chiropractor : n
person whose job is treating diseases by manipulating people's joints.
1. cheir : hand
2. -mancy : `suffix` foretelling or prediction
- chirography : handwriting
- graphologist : 笔迹学家
- chirographer : 书法家
- chirographic
- chiromancy
- chiromancer
- chiromantic
8. podiatrist : n
this practitioner treats minor foot ailments.
1. pous,podos : `Greek word` foot.
2. iateria : medical healing.
3. okto : eight
4. platys :`Greek root` broads, flat
5. cheir : `Greek word` hand
6. -ium : `suffix` ofen signfies "place where"
- podiatry
- podiatric
- octopus : the eight-armed sea creature.
- platypus : flatfoot
- podium : a speaker's platform.
- tripod : a three-legged stand for a camera or other devices.
- chiropodist : podiatrist.
9. graphologist: n
the practitoner analyzes handwriting to determined character,personality,or aptitudes.
1. graphein : `Greek verb` to write.
2. kallos : `Greek verb` beauty.
3. kakaos : bad, harsh
4. photo : light
5. cadios : heart
6. phone : `Greek word` sound
7. tele- : `Greek root` distance
8. bios : `Greek word` life
- chirographer
- calligrapher : chirographer
- calligraphic
- calligraphy
- cacography
- cardiograph : heart writer
- photograph
- phonograph : sound writer
- telegraph
- biography :
life writing , a book that tells what has happened in someone's life.
10. gerontologist : n
this practitioner deals with various problems of elderly.
1. geras : `Greek word` old age.
2. iateria : medical healing.
3. senex : `Latin root` old age.
4. -scent : ageing ,growing old.
- gerontological
- gerotology
- senile :
- senility
- senescent
- adolescent
- convalescent : growing healthy
- obsolescent : growing or becoming obselte(荒废的,老旧的)
- senior :
- seniority
- senate : originally a council of older.