25 Best Motivational Books for Personal Development
–敦促您采取行动 Urge you to take action
–改变你的思维方式– change the way you think
–控制您的生活 – take control of your life
–为获得个人和专业上的成功提供实用指导– provide practical guidance to achieving personal and professional success
–激发创造力– inspire creativity
1. The Art of War, by Sun Tzu
《孙子兵法》可能是一本最广泛阅读的书,探讨了战略和争端解决方法,无论男女,军人,企业高管和政界人士都同样研究。 根据这本书,策略,准备和利用机会是克服冲突取得成功的关键。
The Art of War may be the most widely read book that examines strategy and dispute resolution, equally studied by men and women, military, business executives and politicians alike. According to this book, strategy, preparedness and taking advantage of opportunities are key to achieving success by overcoming conflict.
2. The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide To Personal Freedom, by Miguel Ruiz
根据作者米格尔·鲁伊斯(Miguel Ruiz)的观点,生活中的四个协议是通往自由之路的基本步骤:
According to author Miguel Ruiz, four agreements in life are fundamental steps on the path to freedom:
Be impeccable with your word.言行无懈可击。
Don’t take anything personally. 不要带任何私人物品。
Don’t make assumptions.不要做假设。
Always do your best.永远全力以赴。
3. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change, by Stephen R. Covey
This educational and motivational book was first published in 1989, and has sold over 25 million copies worldwide in over 40 languages. The 7 habits touted by the book are:这本具有教育意义和激励性的书于1989年首次出版,在全球以40多种语言售出2500万册。本书的7种习惯是:
Be Proactive主动
Begin with the End in Min,开始就要考虑如何结束
Put First Things First第一要务
Think Win-Win认为双赢
Seek First to Understand, 首先寻求理解Then to be Understood ,然后被理解
Synergize 协同作用
Sharpen the Saw 敏锐的发现
4. How to Win Friends & Influence People, by Dale Carnegie
Brimming with practical advice, this motivational book includes fundamental techniques in handling people, six ways to make people like you, twelve ways to win people to your way of thinking, how to be a leader and change people without giving offense or breeding resentment, and seven rules for making your home life happier.
5. Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill
The title of this motivational book suggests that this book tells you how to accumulate monetary wealth, but it is so much more than that – the principles set out in this book cover growing rich in every aspect, personally and professionally
“There is no substitute for persistence. The person who makes persistence his watch-word discovers that “Old Man Failure” finally becomes tired, and makes his departure. Failure cannot cope with persistence.” “没有什么可以代替坚持。 坚持不懈的人发现“老人失败”终于疲倦了,离开了。 失败不能解决持久性问题