


今天,FOMC将我们的政策利率提高了 25 个基点(符合市场的预期)。我们继续预计,正在进行的加息将是适当的,以获得一个足够限制立场的货币政策,使通货膨胀率恢复到2%。此外,我们还在继续大幅缩减资产负债表规模。恢复价格稳定可能需要在一段时间内保持限制性立场。在简要回顾经济发展之后,我将对今天的货币政策行动有更多的话要说。













































(回正文)去年美国经济明显放缓,实际GDP增长率低于趋势值 1%。最近的指标表明本季度消费和生产适度增长。消费支出似乎增长缓慢,这在一定程度上反映了过去一年金融状况的收紧。住房部门的活动继续减弱,很大程度上反映出抵押贷款利率上升。利率上升和产出增长放缓似乎也在给企业固定投资带来压力。【GDP、固定资产投资的相关扩展内容请看《如何看待我们的1月份PMI?如何看待欧美GDP等数据?如何指引加息》

尽管经济增长放缓,但劳动力市场仍然极度紧张,失业率处于50年来的最低水平,职位空缺率仍然非常高,工资增长也很快。就业增长一直很强劲,过去三个月平均每月增加 247,000个工作岗位。尽管过去一年就业增长速度有所放缓,名义工资增长也出现了一些放缓迹象,但劳动力市场仍然失衡。劳动力需求大大超过可用劳动力的供应,劳动力参与率与一年前相比几乎没有变化。

通胀率仍远高于我们 2%的长期目标。在截至12 月份的 12个月由,PCE 总房价上涨了 5.0%;剔除波动性较大的食品和能源类别,PCE 核心产品价格上涨了 4.4%。过去三个月收到的通货膨胀数据表明,每月增长速度有了可喜的下降。虽然最近的事态发展令人鼓舞,但我们需要更多的证据,才能相信通胀正在持续下行。


美联储货币政策行动的指导原则是,我们的任务是为美国人民促进最大限度的就业和稳定的物价。我和我的同事们清楚地认识到,高通胀给人们带来了巨大的困难,因为它侵蚀了人们的购买力,特别是那些最无力支付食品、住房和交通等必需品较高成本的人们。我们高度关注通货膨胀给我们两方面任务带来的风险,我们坚定地致力于让通货膨胀回到我们 2%的目标。

在今天的会议上,委员会将联邦基金利率的目标范围提高了25个基点,使目标范围达到 4-1/2 至4-3/4%(4.50%-4.75%)。我们还在继续大幅缩减资产负债表的规模。

通过今天的行动,我们在过去一年中把利率提高了4-1/2个百分点。我们继续预计,联邦基金利率的目标范围内的持续增长将是适当的,以便获得足够限制立场的货币政策的立场,使通货膨胀率恢复到 2%。

我们正在看到我们的政策行动对经济中对利率最为敏感的部门,特别是住房需求的影响。然而,货币限制的全部影响,尤其是对通胀的影响,还需要一段时间才能实现。鉴干货币政策的累积性收紧,以及货币政策在影响经济活动和通胀方面的滞后性,委员会今天决定将利率提高 25 个基点,继续从去年的快速增长步伐中回落。放慢节奏会让委员会更好地评估经济在实现目标方面取得的进展,从而确定今后需要提高到何种程度,才能获得足够的限制性立场。我们将继续逐项作出决策,同时考虑所有即将到来的数据及其对经济活动和通胀前景的影响。




Q: Chris Rugaber, Associated Press. Thank you for doing this.

As you know, financial conditions have loosened since the fall with bond yields falling, which has also brought down mortgage rates and the stock market posted a solid gain in January. Does that make your job of combating inflation harder and could you see lifting rates higher than you otherwise would to offset the increase in—or to offset the easing of financial conditions?

MR. POWELL: So it is important that overall financial conditions continue to reflect the policy restraint that we’re putting in place in order to bring inflation down to 2 percent, and, of course, financial conditions have tightened very significantly over the past year.

I would say that our focus is not on short-term moves but on sustained changes to broader financial conditions and it is our judgment that we’re not yet at a sufficiently restrictive policy stance, which is why we say that we expect ongoing hikes will be appropriate. Of course, many things affect financial conditions, not just our policy, and we will take into account overall financial conditions along with many other factors as we set policy.

问:Chris Rugaber,美联社。谢谢你做这个。




Q: Hi, Chair Powell. Thank you for taking our questions. Rachel Siegel from The Washington Post.

Over the last quarter we’ve seen a deceleration in prices, in wages, and a fall in consumer spending, all while the unemployment rate has been able to stay at a historic low. Does this at all change your view of how much the unemployment rate would need to go up, if at all, to see inflation come down to the levels you’re looking for?

MR. POWELL: So I would say it is a good thing that the disinflation that we have seen so far has not come at the expense of a weaker labor market.

But I would also say that that disinflationary process thatyou now see under way is really at an early stage. What you see is really in the goods sector.You see inflation now coming down because supply chains have been fixed, demand is shifting back to services, and shortages have been abated. So you see that.

In the other—in the housing services sector we expect inflation to continue moving up for a while but then to come down, assuming thatnew leasescontinue to be lower. So in those two sectors you’ve got a good story. The issue is thatwe have a large sector called non-housing service—core non-housing services where we don’t see disinflation yet. But I would say that so far what we see is progress but without any weakening in labor market conditions.

问:你好,鲍威尔主席。谢谢你接受我们的问题。我是《华盛顿邮报》的Rachel Siegel。在过去一个季度里,我们看到价格、工资和消费支出都在下降,而失业率一直能够保持在历史低位。这是否改变了你对失业率的看法?失业率需要上升多少,才看到通胀率下降到你所寻找的水平?(各位,是不是觉得这些记者问的问题很有水平?这些都是市场中的不确定性因素!)


Q: Has your expectation for where the unemployment rate might go changed since December?

MR. POWELL: You know, we’re going to write down new forecasts atthe March meetingand we’ll see at that time. I will say that it is gratifying to see the disinflationary process now getting under way, and we continue to get strong labor market data. So, but, you know, we’ll update those forecasts in March.




Q: Hi, Chair Powell. Neil Irwin with Axios.

You and some of your colleagues have emphasized the possibility that job openings could come down and that that would let some of the air out of the labor market without major losses. We saw the opposite in the December JOLTS this morning, job openings actually rising. That also coincided with a slowdown in wage inflation. Do you believe that openings are an important indicator to be studying to understand where the labor market is and where wage inflation might be heading?

MR. POWELL: So you’re right about the data, of course. We did see—we’ve seen average hourly earnings and now the employment cost index abating a little bit, still off of their highs of six months ago and more,but still at levels that are fairly elevated. The job openings number has been—in JOLTS has been quite volatile recently. I did see that it moved back up this morning. I do think that it’s probably an important indicator.The ratio, I guess, is back up to 1.9 job openings to unemployed people, people who are looking for work.So it’s an indicator, but nonetheless, we—you’re right: We do see wages moving down.If you look across the rest of the labor market, you still see very high payroll job creation, and you know, quits are still at an elevated level. So by many, many indicators, the job market is still very strong.

问:你好,鲍威尔主席。我是Axios的Neil Irwin。你和你的一些同事都强调了职位空缺可能会下降,这将使劳动力市场的(紧张)状况得到缓解,而不会出现重大失业。今天早上,我们在12月的JOLTS中看到了相反的情况,职位空缺实际上在增加。这也与工资通胀的放缓相吻合。你是否认为职位空缺是一个重要的指标,以了解劳动力市场的情况和工资通胀可能的走向?


Q: Thank you. Colby Smith with The Financial Times.

Given the economic data since the December meeting, is the trajectory for the fed-funds rate in the most recent SEP still the best guidepost for the policy path forward, or does ongoing now mean more than two rate rises now?

MR. POWELL: So you’re right: At the December meeting we all wrote down our best estimates of what we thought the ultimate level would be, and that’s obviously backin December, and the median for that was between 5 and 5.25 percent. At the March meeting we’re going to update those assessments. We did not update them today. We did, however, continue to say that we believe ongoing rate hikes would be appropriate to attain a sufficiently restrictive stance of policy to bring inflation back down to 2 percent.

We think we’ve covered a lot of ground, and financial conditions have certainly tightened. And I would say we still think there’s work to do there. We haven’t made a decision on exactly where that will be. I think, you know, we’re going to be looking carefully at the incoming data between now and the March meeting and then the May meeting.I don’t feel a lot of certainty about where that will be. It could certainly be higher than we’re writing down right now. If we come to the view that we need to write down—you know,to move rates up beyond what we said in December, we would certainly do that. At the same time, if the data come in in the other direction, then we’ll—you know, we’ll make data-dependent decisions at coming meetings, of course.




Q: Just a specific follow-up. How are you viewing the kind of balance of risk between those two options of, you know, the likelihood of maybe falling short of that or going beyond that level?

MR. POWELL: I guess I would say it this way: I continue to think thatit’s very difficult to manage the risk of doing too littleand finding out in six or 12 months thatwe actually were close but didn’t get the job done and inflation springs back and we have to go back in,and now you really do worry about expectations getting unanchored and that kind of thing. This is a very difficult risk to manage, whereas—you know, of course we have no incentive and no desire to over-tighten. But, you know, ifwe feel like we’ve gone too far we can certainly—and inflation is coming down faster than we expect, then we have tools that would work on that.

So I do think that in this situation where we havestill the highest inflation in 40 years,you know, the job is not fully done. As I mentioned—started to mention earlier, we havea sector that represents 56 percent of the core inflation index where we don’t see disinflation yet. So we don’t see it. It’s not happening yet.Inflation in that core services ex-housing is still running at 4 percent on a six and 12 month basis. So there’s not—nothing happening there. In the other two sectors, representing, you know, less than 50 percent, you actually, I think, now have a story that is credible, that’s coming together. Although, you don’t actually see disinflation yet in housing services, but it’s in the pipeline, right? So for the third sector, we don’t see anything here.

So I think it would be premature.It would be very premature to declare victory, or to think that we’ve really got this.We need to see—our goal, of course, is to bring inflation down. And how do we—how do we get that done? There are many, many factors driving inflation in that sector. And they should be coming into play, to have inflation—the disinflationary process begin in that sector. But so far, we don’t see that.And I think until we do, we see ourselves as having a lot of work left to do.







Q: Howard Schneider with Reuters. And thanks, as usual.

So I just want you to connect a couple dots here. The statement made a number of changes that seemed to be saying things are getting better. You’re saying inflation has eased. That’s new. You’ve taken out references to the war in Ukraine as causing price increases. You’ve taken out references to the pandemic. You’ve eliminated all the reasons that you said prices were being driven higher. Yet, that’s not mapping to any change in how you describe policy. We still have ongoing increases to come. So I’m wondering, why is that the case? And does it have more to do with uncertainty around the outlook, or more to do with you not wanting to give a very overeager market a reason to get ahead of itself and overreact?

MR. POWELL: So I guess I would say it this way, we can now say, I think,for the first time, that the disinflationary process has started. We can see that. And we see it really in goods prices so far. Goods prices is a big sector. This is what we’ve thought would happen since the very beginning, and now here it is actually happening, and for the reasons we thought. You know, it’s supply chains. It’s shortages. And it’s demand revolving back towards services. So this is a good thing. This is a good thing.

But that’s, you know, around a quarter of the PCE price index—core PCE price index. So the second sector ishousing services. And that’s driven by very different things. And we—as I mentioned, with housing services—we expect, and other forecasters expect, thatmeasured inflation will continue moving up for several months, but it will then come down,assuming thatnew leases continued to be soft. And we do assume that. So we think that that’s sort of in the pipeline. And we actually see disinflation in the goods sector and we see it in the pipeline for two sectors that amount to a little less than half. So this is good. And we note that when we say inflation is coming down. That this is good.

We expect to see that disinflation process will be seen, we hope soon, in the core goods ex-housing—sorry—the core services ex-housing sectorthat I talked about.We don’t see it yet.You know,it’s seven or eight different kinds of services,not all of them that are the same. And, you know, we have a sense of what’s going on in each of those different subsections. Probably the biggest part of it, probably 60 percent of that, is—research would show is sensitive to slack in the economy. And so the labor market will probably be important. Some of the other ones, the labor market is not going to be important. Many other factors will drive it.

In any case, we don’t see disinflation in that sector yet. And I think we need to see that. It’s the majority of the core PCE index, which is the thing that we think is the best predictor of headline PCE, which is our mandate. So it’s not that we’re not—we’re neither optimistic nor pessimistic.We’re just telling you that we don’t see inflation moving down yet in that large sector. I think we will fairly soon.

But we don’t see it yet. And until we do. I think we—you know, we see ourselves—we’ve got to be honest with ourselves, when we see ourselves as having perhaps more persistent—we’ll see—more persistent inflation in that sector, which will take longer to get down. And we’re just going to have to—we have to complete the job. I mean, that’s what we’re here for.







Q: Nick Timiraos, The Wall Street Journal.(各位注意下这个华尔街日报的记者,他有个外号叫“美联储的喉舌”,他的言论可以留意一下)

Chair Powell, you observed several years ago that we learned we can have a low unemployment rate without above-target inflation. And we have learned lately that inflation can come down from its uncomfortably high level despite a historically low unemployment rate. Given that, and given how much you did over the last year, why do you think further rate increases are needed? Why not stop here and see what transpires in the coming months before raising rates again?

MR. POWELL: So we—you know, we’ve raised rates four-and-a-half percentage points and we’re talking about a couple of more rate hikes to get to that level we think is appropriately restrictive. And why do we think that’s probably necessary?We think because inflation is still running very hot.We’re, of course, taking into account long and variable lags, and we’re thinking about that.

It really—the story we’re telling about inflation is—to ourselves and the way we understand it is, basically, the three things that I’ve just gone through a couple times. And again,we don’t see it affecting the services sector ex-housing yet. But I mean, I think our assessment is that we’re not very far from that level. We don’t know that, though. We don’t know that. So I think we’re—you know, we’re living in a world of significant uncertainty.

I would look across the rate—the spectrum of rates and see that real rates are now positive by—you know, by an appropriate set of measures, are positive across the yield curve. I think policy is restrictive.We’re trying to make a fine judgment about how much is restrictive enough, that’s all. And we’re going to—you know, that’s why we’re slowing down to 25 basis points. We’re going to be carefully watching the economy and watching inflation, and watching the progress of the disinflationary process.






Q: Did you or your colleagues discuss the conditions for a pause at this meeting this week?

MR. POWELL: You know, you’ll see—the minutes will come out in three weeks and will give you a lot of detail. You know, we spent a lot of time talking about the path ahead and the state of the economy, and I wouldn’t want to start to drive—describe all the details there. But that was—the sense of the discussion was really talking quite a bit about the path forward.




Q: Hi, Chair Powell.

I wanted to ask about the debt ceiling. Given that we have now hit up against it, I was wondering, if the U.S. goes past the X-date will the Fed do whatever the Treasury directs as it relates to making payments as the fiscal agent, or will it do its own analysis of any legal constraints?

MR. POWELL: So the question is would we—say your question again?

Q: Will the Fed do what Treasury directs as it relates to making payments, or will it do its own analysis of any legal constraints?

MR. POWELL: So you’re really asking about—you’re asking about prioritization, in effect, is what you’re—

Q: Yes, yes.

MR. POWELL: OK. So I feel like I have to say this: There’s only one way forward here, and that is for Congress to raise the debt ceiling so that the United States government can pay all of its obligations when due. And any deviations from that path would be highly risky, and that no one should assume that the Fed can protect the economy from the consequences of failing to act in a timely manner.

In terms of our relationship with the Treasury, we are their fiscal agent and I’m just going to leave it at that.










Q: Are you actively doing any planning of what might happen in the event that that would happen?

MR. POWELL: I’m just going to leave it at that. This is a matter that’s to be resolved between, really—it’s really Congress’ job to raise the debt ceiling, and I gather there are discussions happening, but they don’t involve us. We’re not—we’re not involved in those discussions. So—we’re the fiscal agent.



Q: Jeanna Smialek from the New York Times. Thanks for taking our questions.

I wonder, was there any discussion today of the possibility of pausing rate increases and then restarting them? Lorie Logan from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas seemed to suggest that that would be a possibility in a recent speech, and I wonder if that view is broadly shared on the committee.

MR. POWELL:So the committee, obviously, did not see this as the time to pause.We judged that the appropriate, you know, thing to do at this meeting was to raise the federal-funds rate by 25 basis points and we said that we continue to anticipate that ongoing increases in the target range will be appropriate in order to attain that stance of sufficiently restrictive monetary policy that will bring inflation down to 2 percent. So that’s the judgment that we made.

You know, we’re going to—we’re going to write down new forecasts in March. And we’ll—you know, we’ll certainly be looking at the incoming data, as everyone else will.

问:纽约时报的Jeanna Smialek。谢谢你接受我们的问题。

我想知道,今天是否有关于暂停加息然后重新开始的可能性的讨论?达拉斯联邦储备银行的Lorie Logan在最近的一次演讲中似乎暗示,这将是一种可能性,我想知道委员会是否广泛认同这种观点。



Q: Sorry, I should have been clearer. I mean, would it be possible to take a meeting off, for example, and then resume? You know, could you, rather than just doing at every meeting a move, go a little bit more slowly, take some gaps in between moves?

MR. POWELL: I mean, I think—this is not something that the committee’s thinking about or exploring in any kind of detail. In principle, though, you know, we used to think—what we used to do is go every other meeting, if you remember, 25 basis points, and that was considered a fast pace. So I think a lot of options are available.

And I mean, you saw what the Bank of Canada did. And you know, they left it that they’re willing to raise rates after pausing. But this is not something that—this is not something that the—that the Federal Open Market Committee is on the—on the point of deciding right now.





Q: Steve Liesman, CNBC.

Mr. Chairman, the SEP has the PCE inflation rate in 2023 of 3.1 percent. Meanwhile, the three-month annualized PCE is 2.1 percent. And you’ve achieved this without going to your 5.1 percent funds rate, which is what you have penciled in for this year. And you’ve also achieved it without the 1 percentage point increase in the unemployment, which you have penciled in for this year. I’m wondering if you’ve considered the idea of whether or not your understanding of the inflation dynamic may be wrong and it’s possible to achieve these things without raising rates that high, and also without the surge in unemployment.

And specifically, I wonder if you might comment on the speech given by Vice Chair Lael Brainard, who said to the extent that inputs other than wages may have been responsible in part for important price increases for some non-housing services, an unwinding of these factors—in other words, it may not be wages. The idea that it may not require unemployment rising to get this sector of inflation under control. Thanks.

MR. POWELL: So a couple things. First, on the—on the forecast, you’re right, if you take very short-term three-month, say, measures of PCE—core PCE inflation, they are quite low right now. But that’s because it’s driven by, you know, significantly negative readings from goods inflation. Most forecasters would think that the significantly negative readings will be transitory, and that goods inflation will move up, fairly soon, back up to its longer-run trend of something around zero—something like that. So a lot of forecasts would call for core PCE to go back up to 4 percent by the middle of the year, for example. So that’s really where the sustainable level is, is more like at 4 percent. So that would suggest there’s work left to do.

You know, let’s say inflation does come down much faster than we expect, which is possible, as I mentioned. You know, obviously our policy is data dependent. We would take that into account. In terms of the non—sorry—the core non-housing services, as I mentioned earlier, it’s a very diverse sector—six or seven sectors. And so sectors that represent 55 or 60 percent of that—subsectors of that sector—we think are sensitive to slack in the economy sensitive to the labor market, in a way. But some of the other sectors are not. And for example, you know, financial services is a big sector. That’s really not driven by labor markets, wages.

So that’s why I said there are a number of things that will affect—take restaurants, right? So clearly labor’s important for restaurants, but so are food prices. And, you know, transportation services is going to be driven by fuel prices, for example. So there are lots of things in that mix that will drive inflation. I would say overall, though, my own view would be that you’re not going to have a—you know, a sustainable return to 2 percent inflation in that sector without a better balance in the labor market. And I don’t know what that will require in terms of increased unemployment, your question.

I do think there are a number of dimensions through which the labor market can soften. And so far we’ve got, as I mentioned in goods, we have inflation moving down without a softening in the labor market. I think most forecasters would say that unemployment will probably rise a bit from here, but I still think, I continue to think, that there’s a path to getting inflation back down to 2 percent without a really significant economic decline or a significant increase in unemployment.

And that’s because the—you know, the setting we’re in is quite different. The inflation that we originally got was very much a collision between very strong demand and hard supply constraints—not something that you really have seen in prior—you know, in prior business cycles. And so now we see goods inflation coming down, for the reasons we thought. And we understand why housing inflation will come down. And I think a story will emerge on the non-housing services sector soon enough. But I think there is—there’s ongoing disinflation and we don’t yet see—you know, we don’t yet see weakening in the labor market. So we’ll have to see.

问:Steve Liesman,CNBC。


具体而言,我想知道你是否可以对副主席Lael Brainard的讲话进行评论,他说,如果工资以外的投入可能对一些非住房服务的重要价格上涨负有部分责任,这些因素的松动,换句话说,可能不是工资上涨的因素。认为可能不需要失业率上升来控制这个部门的通货膨胀。谢谢。








Q: Can we get there with just 5 percent?

MR. POWELL: Certainly possible. Yeah, absolutely it’s possible. You know, it’s a question—no one really knows, I think. It’s because this is not like the other business cycles in so many ways. It may well be that as—that it will take more slowing than we expect, and I expect, to get inflation down to 2 percent. But I don’t—that’s not my base case. My base case is that the economy can return to 2 percent inflation without a really significant downturn or a really big increase in unemployment. I think that’s a possible outcome. I think many,many forecasters would say it’s not the most likely outcome but I would say there’s a chance of it.




Q: Michael McKee from Bloomberg TV and Radio.

I’d like to pick up on what you were just saying about a substantial downturn and ask with the full weight of your tightening not in place yet and with the progress against inflation there’s still a lot of talk about very, very slow growth, going forward, in 2023 and the recession indicators are all suggesting that we are going to see recession this year.

So I’m wondering if you’ve changed your view or you have a more nuanced view of what you think the danger to economic growth is, going forward, and whether you’re very close to, perhaps, tipping it into the wrong place, which calls for more restraint on your part.

MR. POWELL: So I do think you—most forecasts and, you know, my own assessment would be that growth will continue—positive growth will continue but at a subdued pace, as it did last year. We had growth of—GDP growth of 1 percent last year and also final sales growth, which we think is a better indicator, of about 1 percent.

I think, you know, most forecasts and, certainly, my assessment would be that growth will continue at a fairly subdued level this year. There are other factors, though, that need to be considered. You will have seen that the global picture is improving a bit and that will matter for us, potentially. The labor market remains very, very strong and that’s job creation. That’s wages.

As inflation does come down sentiment will improve. You also—state and local governments are really flush these days with, you know, money and many of them are considering tax cuts or even sending checks.

So I think that’s going to support. They’re also spending a lot. There’s a lot of spending coming in the construction pipeline both private and public and so that’s going to support economic activity.

So I think there’s a good chance that those factors will help support positive growth this year and that’s—my base case is that there will be positive growth this year.








Q: Thank you. Rich Miller from Bloomberg.

First of all, how are you doing?

MR. POWELL: Fine, thanks. Fine.

Q: Good. Good.

Second off, I think that earlier on in the press conference you said you’d need to see substantially more evidence of inflation coming down. Can you give us some idea of what you’re thinking of? You mentioned three months, and we’ve seen three months in a row. Governor Waller suggested he might want to see six months. Is it just the inflation data, or do you have to see the labor market coming back into better balance to have that substantially more evidence metric?

MR. POWELL: So I don’t think there’s, you know, going to be a light switch flipped or anything like that. I think it’s just an accumulating—accumulation of evidence.

So, of course, we’ll be looking. By the time of the March meeting we’ll have two more employment reports, two more CPI reports, and we’ll be looking at those carefully as all of us will and we’ll be asking ourselves what are they telling us, and soon after that we’ll have another ECI wage report which, as you know, is a report that we like because it adjusts for composition and it’s very complete and, you know, the one we got, I guess it was yesterday, was constructive. You know, it shows wages coming down but still at a high level. They’re still at a level that’s way above—well above where they were before the pandemic.

So I don’t want to put a number on it in terms of months. But as the accumulated evidence comes in it’s going to be reflected in our assessment of the outlook and that will be reflected in our policy over time.

But I will say, though, you know, it is our job to restore price stability and achieve 2 percent inflation for the benefit of the American public. We’re not—market participants have a very different job. It’s a fine job. It’s a great job. In fact, I did that job for years but—in one form or another.

But, you know, we had to deliver that and so we are strongly resolved that we will, you know, complete this task because we think it has benefits that will, you know, support economic activity and benefit the public for many, many years.











Q: Thank you, Michelle. Thank you, Fed Chairman, for taking the questions. So you’ve talked about—we had solid job growth—Edward Lawrence from Fox Business, by the way.

We had solid job growth, slight falling in the increase in consumer spending. It seems so far it’s been relatively mild for the economy to go to—from a 9.1 percent CPI inflation to 6.5 percent CPI inflation. Is the hard part yet to come, to go from 6.5 percent to 2?

MR. POWELL: I don’t think we know, honestly. You know, the—so we, of course, expected goods inflation to start coming down by the end of 2021, and it didn’t. It didn’t come down all through ’22, and now it’s coming down and it’s coming down pretty fast. So I would say these are—this is not a standard business cycle where you can look at the last 10 times there was a global pandemic and we shut the economy down and Congress did what it did and we did—it’s just—it’s unique. So I think certainty is just not appropriate here.

Inflation—it’s just harder to forecast inflation. It may come down faster. It may take longer to come down. And, you know, our job is to deliver inflation back to target, and we will do that, but I think we—we’re going to be cautious about declaring victory and, you know, sending signals that we think that the game is won, because, you know, we’ve got a long way to go. It’s the early stages of disinflation and it’s most welcome to be able to say that, that we are now in disinflation. That’s great, but we just see that it has to spread through the economy and that it’s going to take some time. That’s all.






Q: How long do you see, then, the federal-funds rate remaining at this elevated level?

MR. POWELL: You know, so—again, my forecast and that of my colleagues, as you will see from the SEP and—I mean, there are many different forecasts, but generally it’s a forecast of slower growth, some softening in labor market conditions, and inflation moving down steadily but not quickly. And in that case, if the economy performs broadly in line with those expectations, it will not be appropriate to cut rates this year, to loosen policy this year. Of course, other people have forecasts with inflation coming down much faster; that’s a different thing. You know, if that happens, if inflation comes down much faster, you know, then we’ll be seeing that and it will be incorporated into our thinking about policy.



Q: Thank you, Chair Powell. Simon Rabinovitch with The Economist.

May I ask a further question about the language around ongoing increases? That, of course, implies at least two further rate rises. If you look at Fed fund and futures pricing, the implication is that you’ll raise rates one more time and then pause. Are you concerned about that divergence, or do you think, if everything breaks right, is that a plausible outcome?

MR. POWELL: I’m not particularly concerned about the divergence, no, because it is largely due to the market’s expectation that inflation will move down more quickly, I think. That’s the bigger part of that. So, again, as I just mentioned, you know, our forecast—different participants have different forecasts, but generally those forecasts are for continued subdued growth, some softening in the labor market, but not a recession, not a recession, and we have inflation moving down, you know, into the—somewhere in the mid-threes or maybe lower than that this year. We’ll update that in March, but that’s what we thought in December.

Markets are past that. They show inflation coming down in some cases much quicker than that. So we’ll just have to see. And we have a different view and a different view—it’s a different forecast, really. And given our outlook, I don’t see us cutting rates this year, if our outlook turns true. As I mentioned just now, if we do see inflation coming down much more quickly, that will play into our policy setting, of course.





Q: Hi, Chair Powell. Scott Horsley from NPR.

One of the changes in the statement this month is that the committee’s no longer listing public health as among the data points you’ll consider in assessing conditions. What should we make of that? Does the Federal Reserve no longer see the pandemic as weighing on the economy?

MR. POWELL: That’s the general sense of it. Look, we understand—I personally understand well that Covid is still out there but that it’s no longer playing an important role in our economy. And you know, we kept that statement in there for quite a while and I think we just—we knew we would take it out at some point, there’s never a perfect time, but we thought that, you know, people are handling it better and the economy and the society are handling it better now. It doesn’t really need to be in a—you know, in the Fed’s monthly—or, you know, postmeeting statement, as an ongoing economic risk, as opposed to, you know, a health issue.

问:你好,鲍威尔主席。我是NPR的Scott Horsley。



Q: Hi, Chair Powell. Nancy Marshall-Genzer with Marketplace.

I wanted to go back to another thing that Fed Vice Chair Lael Brainard said recently. She said she doesn’t see signs of a wage-price spiral, and I’m wondering if you agree with that.

MR. POWELL: I do. Yeah, I do. You don’t see that yet.But the whole point is, you know, once you see it, you have a serious problem. That means that, effectively, in people’s decision-making inflation has become a really salient issue. Andonce that happens, that’s what—that’s what we can’t allow to happen. And you know, so that’s why we worry that the longer we’re at this and the longer people are talking about inflation all day long every day, you know, the more risk of something like that. But, no, there’s not much—it’s more of a risk. It always has been more of a risk than anything else.

By the way, I think it’s becoming less salient. And people are—you know, we pick that up in conversations. And I’ve seen some data, too, that show people are, you know, gradually—they’re glad that inflation’s coming down. People really don’t like inflation. And as we see it coming down, that could also add a boost to economic activity.

You look at the sentiment surveys now and they’re very, very low, with 3 ½ percent unemployment and, you know, high wage increases, nominally, by historical standards. Why can that be? It has to be inflation, right? So I think once inflation is seen to be coming down in coming months, even you will also see a boost to sentiment, I hope.


我想回到美联储副主席Lael Brainard最近说的另一件事。她说她没有看到工资价格螺旋上升的迹象,我想知道你是否同意这一点。




Q: So that’s what you’re looking at most closely, is consumer expectations?

MR. POWELL: That’s at the very heart. It’s consumers and businesses that, you know, are—essentially,we believe that expectations of future inflation are very—at a very important part of the process of creating inflation.That’s sort of a bedrock belief. In one way or another, it has to be. We think it’s important.

And in this case, I would say the risk eight months ago or so, longer-term inflation expectations had moved up. We moved quite vigorously last year. Expectations are—seem to be well-anchored, including at the shorter end now, not just the longer end.

So it’s—you know, and that’s—I think that’s very reassuring. I think, you know, the markets have decided and the public has decided that inflation is going to come back down to 2 percent, and it’s just a matter of us following through. That’s measurably helpful to the process of getting inflation down, the fact that people now do generally believe that it will come down. That’ll be part of the process of getting it down, and it’s a very positive thing.







Q: Thank you, Chair Powell. Greg Robb from MarketWatch.

In the minutes of the December meeting, there was a couple sentences that struck people as important when the committee said—participants talked about this unwarranted easing of financial conditions was a risk and it would make your life harder to bring inflation down. Haven’t seen—heard you talk much about that today, or in the statement. So I was wondering, has that concern eased among members? Or is that still something you’re concerned about? Thank you.

MR. POWELL: I would put it this way, it’s something that we monitor carefully. Financial conditions didn’t really change much from the December meeting to now. They mostly went sideways or up and down, but came out in roughly the same place. It’s important that the markets do reflect the tightening that we’re putting in place. As we’ve—as we’ve discussed a couple times here, there is a difference in perspective by some market measures on how fast inflation will come down. We’re just going to have to see. I mean, I’m not going to try to persuade people to have a different forecast, but our forecast is that it will take some time and some patience, andthat we’ll need to keep rates higher for longer. But we’ll see.

问:谢谢你,鲍威尔主席。Greg Robb来自MarketWatch。



Q: Hi, Chair Powell. Brendan Pedersen with Punchbowl News.

I wanted to ask if the Fed takes into account at all the debt ceiling when it comes to quantitative tightening, given the fact that rapid or faster quantitative tightening could bring us closer, faster to that drop-dead debt ceiling deadline. Could it play an effect as we get closer to that drop-dead deadline this summer?

MR. POWELL: Look, it’s very hard to think about all the different possible ramifications. And I think the answer is basically I don’t think there’s likely to be any important interaction between the two, because I believe Congress will wind up acting, as it will and must in the end, to raise the debt ceiling in a way that doesn’t risk, you know, the progress we’re making against inflation, and the economy, and the financial sector. I believe that that will happen. I believe it will happen. You know, we, of course, will monitor money market conditions carefully as—you know, as the process moves on.

For example, the Treasury general account will shrink down and then it will grow back up. And we understand there’ll be lots of flows between there and the overnight repo facility and reserves. We understand all that, and we’re watching it carefully. We’ll just be monitoring it.

Thank you very much.

问:你好,鲍威尔主席。我是Punchbowl新闻的Brendan Pedersen。







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