下图是"SWAD(软件架构设计)"工作产品的创建和维护过程,其每一次变更(如:从Baselined 1.0 --> Baselined 2.0)是可控的,其相关联的上下游基线是明确的。这样就可以说保证了"SWAD(软件架构设计)"的完整性。
1) 配置管理策略
SUP.8.BP1: 制定配置管理策略 / Develop a configuration management strategy
制定配置管理策略,包括:/ Develop a configuration management strategy, including
职责 / responsibilities
工具和配置库 / tools and repositories
配置项(识别的)准则 / criteria for configuration items
命名规约 / naming conventions
访问权限 / access rights
基线准则 / criteria for baselines
合并和分支策略 / merge and branch strategy
配置项的修订历史方式 / the revision history approach for configuration items
a) 配置管理的范围需覆盖项目中的各学科(如:软件、硬件)、各地点、各过程(如管理过程、支持过程、工程过程等)
b) 制定整体策略,覆盖各学科、各过程及各地点等
c) 定义访问权限
d) 根据项目的复杂度定义所需的活动和工具
e) 定义配置项的识别准则及命名规约
f) 定义配置项的修订条件
g) 定义基线策略
h) 定义Variant及分支策略
i) 定义配置项变更历史的方式
[SUP.8.RL.1] If the strategy does not include all aspects above, the indicator BP1 must not be rated F.
[SUP.8.RL.2] If there is no dedicated configuration management system defined in the strategy but the procedure is adequate for the complexity of the product to be developed this must not be used to downrate the indicator BP1.
[SUP.8.RL.3] If major configuration management aspects (according to d) or e)) are missing in the strategy the indicator BP1 must not be rated higher than P.
[SUP.8.RL.4] If major baselining aspects (according to g)) are missing in the strategy the indicator BP1 must not be rated higher than P.
[SUP.8.RL.5] If major branching and merging aspects (according to h)) are missing in the strategy the indicator BP1 must not be rated higher than P.
[SUP.8.RC.1] If there is only an adequate generic strategy but no project specific implementation, the indicator BP1 should not be down-rated.
(2) 基线
SUP.8.BP6: 建立基线 / Establish baselines
Establish baselines for internal purposes and for external delivery according to the configuration management strategy
SUP.8.BP8: 验证配置项的信息 / Verify the information about configured items
Verify that the information about configured items, and their baselines is complete and ensure the consistency of baselines.
a) 定义基线中所包括的配置项
b) 根据策略创建必要的内外部基线
c) 创建跨不同学科、地点和过程的整体基线,并保证其之间的一致性
d) 基线中应包括再现工作产品的完整和一致的配置项集合
e) 根据策略中定义的命名规范创建基线
[SUP.8.RL.6] If it is not defined for each kind of baseline which configuration items are to be controlled, the indicator BP6 must not be rated higher than P.
[SUP.8.RL.7] If established baselines for different disciplines, sites, processes etc. (according to c) are not consistent or if overall baselines do not exist, the indicator BP6 shall be downrated.
[SUP.8.RL.8] If content of a baseline is not verified (by e.g., a baseline or configuration management audit), the indicator BP8 shall be downrated.
[SUP.8.RC.2] If the defined naming convention for baselines is not used, the indicator BP6 should be downrated.
(3) 分支与合并
SUP.8.BP4: 建立分支管理 / Establish branch management
Establish branch management according to the configuration management strategy where applicable for parallel developments that use the same base.
SUP.8.BP8: 验证配置项的信息 / Verify the information about configured items
Verify that the information about configured items, and their baselines is complete and ensure the consistency of baselines.
[SUP.8.RL.9] If branches are not created according to the strategy, the indicator BP4 shall be downrated.
[SUP.8.RL.10] If consistency and completeness of merged items or sets of items is not ensured, the indicator BP8 must not be rated F.
(4) 配置管理基础设施
SUP.8.BP3: 建立配置管理系统 / Establish a configuration management system
Establish a configuration management system according to the configuration management strategy
SUP.8.BP9: 管理配置项和基线的存储 / Manage the storage of configuration items and baselines
Ensure the integrity and availability of configuration items and baselines through appropriate scheduling and resourcing of storage, archiving (long term storage) and backup of the used CM systems.
a) 支持策略中定义的配置管理程序,包括访问权限
b) 适合于已定义的复杂度,包括适用于多地、项目规模、多项目或多变体应用等。
c) 了解所用的IT服务(如:文件共享、工具等)属性,比如存储、归档、备份,并与项目需求进行比较。识别差异并采取纠正措施
[SUP.8.RL.11] If the established infrastructure is not able to support the procedures (according to a)) or the complexity (according to b)), the indicator BP3 shall be downrated.
[SUP.8.RL.12] If there is no dedicated configuration management system in place but the established procedure is adequate for the complexity of the product to be developed this must not be used to downrate the indicator BP3.
[SUP.8.RL.13] If properties of used IT services are not known, or known but in case of deviations from project requirements no corrective actions are established, the indicator BP9 shall be downrated.