5月week1 文献阅读:TheCancerCell Line Encyclopedia enables predictive modelling of anticancer drug sens...

5月week1 文献阅读:TheCancerCell Line Encyclopedia enables predictive modelling of anticancer drug sensitivity



  • The systematic translation of cancer genomic data into knowledge of tumour biology and therapeutic possibilities remains challenging.


  • Such efforts should be greatly aided by robust preclinical model systems that reflect the genomic diversity of human cancers and for which detailed genetic and pharmacological annotation is available.


  • Here we describe the Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE): a compilation of gene expression, chromosomal copy number and massively parallel sequencing data from 947 human cancer cell lines.


  • When coupled with pharmacological profiles for 24 anticancer drugs across 479 of the cell lines, this collection allowed identification of genetic, lineage, and gene-expression-based predictors of drug sensitivity.


  • In addition to known predictors, we found that plasma cell lineage correlated with sensitivity to IGF1 receptor inhibitors;


  • AHR expression was associated with MEK inhibitor efficacy in NRAS-mutant lines;


  • and SLFN11 expression predicted sensitivity to topoisomerase inhibitors.


  • Together, our results indicate that large, annotated cell-line collections may help to enable preclinical stratification schemata for anticancer agents.


  • The generation of genetic predictions of drug response in the preclinical setting and their incorporation into cancer clinical trial design could speed the emergence of ‘personalized’ therapeutic regimens.


First paragraph

  • Human cancer cell lines represent a mainstay of tumour biology and drug discovery through facile experimental manipulation, global and detailed mechanistic studies, and various high-throughput applications.


  • Numerous studies have used cell-line panels annotated with both genetic and pharmacological data, either within a tumour lineage or across multiple cancer types.


  • Although affirming the promise of systematic cell line studies, many previous efforts were limited in their depth of genetic characterization and pharmacological interrogation.




  • To address these challenges, we generated a large-scale genomic data set for 947 human cancer cell lines, together with pharmacological profiling of 24 compounds across ,500 of these lines.


  • The resulting collection, which we termed the Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE), encompasses 36 tumour types (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Table 1;see also http://www.broadinstitute.org/ccle).




  • Supplementary Table 1: CCLE cell lines and associated data.


  • The “CCLE name” consists of alpha-numeric characters from the Primary name and the site of the primary tumor from which the cell line was derived.


  • The “Notes” field describes cell lines that appear to derive from the same individual based on SNP fingerprint matching.


  • “Expression arrays”, “SNP arrays”, “OncoMap”, “Hybrid capture/sequencing” and “Drug sensitivity profiling” refer to the existence of these data to date for the specified cell line.


  • All cell lines were characterized by several genomic technology platforms.


  • The mutational status of >1,600 genes was determined by targeted massively parallel sequencing, followed by removal of variants likely to be germline events (Supplementary Methods).


  • Moreover,Moreover, 392 recurrent mutations affecting 33 known cancer genes were assessed by mass spectrometric genotyping (Supplementary Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 1). DNA copy number was measured using high-density single nucleotide polymorphism arrays (Affymetrix SNP 6.0;Supplementary Methods).

    此外,采用质谱法基因分型(补充表2和补充图1)评估了影响33个已知已知癌症基因的392例复发性突变(补充方法为Affymetrix SNP 6.0)。




  • Supplementary Table 2: OncoMap assays and associated mutations.


  • Details of the 456 mass spectrometric assays that were used to assess the presence 392 mutations in 33 genes are shown.


  • The genomic positions refer to hg18 genomic coordinates.


  • Finally,messenger RNA expression levels were obtained for each of the lines using Affymetrix U133 plus 2.0 arrays.

    最后,使用Affymetrix U133 + 2.0阵列获得每条直线的mrna表达水平。

  • These data were also used to confirm cell line identities (Supplementary Methods and Supplementary Figs 2–4)


    Supplementary Figure 2

Supplementary Figure 2: Venn diagram of overlap between the cell lines in the CCLE, the Sanger Institute’s Cancer Cell Line Project (http://www.sanger.ac.uk/genetics/CGP/CellLines/) and the GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Cancer Cell Line Genomic Profiling dataset (https://cabig.nci.nih.gov/caArray_GSKdata/).

补充图2:CCLE细胞系、Sanger研究所癌症细胞系项目(http://www.sanger.ac.uk/genetics/CGP/CellLines/)和GlaxoSmithKline (GSK)癌症细胞系Genomic Profiling dataset (https://cabig.nci.nih.gov/caArray_GSKdata/)之间的重叠。

Supplementary Figure 3

Supplementary Figure 3: Distribution of the percentages of SNP identity across cell lines.


  • The boxplot (orange) corresponds to the same values shown as a histogram in blue.


  • Values above 80% identity denote cell line pairs presumed to derive from the same individual


    Supplementary Figure 4

Supplementary Figure 4: Principal component analysis of expression data from cell lines and primary tumors, for the 1,000 most varying genes.


  • Those derived from solid tumors are shown in orange, and those corresponding to hematopoietic lineages are shown in blue.


  • This figure indicates that there was no cross-contamination between hematopoietic and solid tumor-derived cell lines.


  • Expression data was also used to ascertain the original lineage of certain cell lines.


(500细胞系基因表达测序,33个基因中392个突变的456种质谱分析方法,使用Affymetrix U133 + 2.0阵列获得每条直线的mrna表达水平确认细胞系的身份,可利用测序结果进行突变检测和区别细胞系)


  • We next measured the genomic similarities by lineage between CCLE lines and primary tumours from Tumorscape,expO,MILE and COSMIC data sets (Fig. 1b–d and Supplementary Methods).


  • For most lineages, a strong positive correlation was observed in both chromosomal copy number and gene expression patterns (median correlation coefficients of0.77, range 0.52–0.94, P<10-15, for copy number, and 0.60, range50.29–0.77, P,10215, for expression, respectively;Fig. 1b, c and Supplementary Tables 3 and 4), as has been described previously.

    大多数谱系的染色体拷贝数与基因表达模式均存在较强的正相关关系(拷贝数的中位相关系数为0.77,范围0.52 - 0.94,P<10-15;表达量的中位相关系数为0.60,范围0.29 - 0.77,P<10-15);图1b, c和补充表3和4),如前所述。

  • A positive correlation was also observed for point mutation frequencies (median correlation coefficient 0.71, range 0.06– 0.97, P,1022 for all but 3 lineages;Supplementary Fig. 5), even when TP53 was removed from the data set (median correlation coefficient5 0.64, range520.31–0.97, P,1022 for all but 3 lineages;Fig. 1d and Supplementary Table 5).

    点突变频率(中位相关系数0.71,范围0.06 - 0.97,P<10-22,除3个谱系外,其余均为正相关;补充图5),即使剔除TP53(中位相关系数 0.64,范围0.31 - 0.97,P<10-22,除3个谱系外,其余均为正相关;Fig1d和补充表5)

  • Thus, with relatively few exceptions (Sup- plementary Information), the CCLE may provide representative genetic proxies for primary tumours in many cancer types.



Fourth paragraph

  • Given the pressing clinical need for robust molecular correlates of anticancer drug response, we incorporated a systematic framework to ascertain molecular correlates of pharmacological sensitivity in vitro.


  • First, 8-point dose–response curves for 24 compounds (targeted and cytotoxic agents) across 479 cell lines were generated (Supplementary Tables 1 and 6, and Supplementary Methods).


  • These curves were represented by a logistical sigmoidal function with a maximal effect level (Amax), the concentration at half-maximal activity of the compound (EC50), a Hill coefficient representing the sigmoidal transition, and the concentration at which the drug response reached an absolute inhibition of 50% (IC50)



Fivth paragraph

  • Broadly active compounds, exemplified by the HDAC inhibitor LBH589 (panobinostat), showed a roughly even distribution of Amax and EC50 values across most cell lines (Fig. 2a).

    以HDAC抑制剂LBH589 (panobinostat)为例的广泛活性化合物显示,Amax和EC50值在大多数细胞系中分布大致均匀(图2a)。

  • In contrast, the RAF inhibitor PLX4720 had a more selective profile: Amax or EC50 values for most cell lines could be categorized as ‘sensitive’ or ‘insensitive’ to PLX4720, with sensitive lines enriched for the BRAFV600E mutation (Fig. 2a).


  • To capture simultaneously the efficacy and potency of a drug, we designated an ‘activity area’ (Fig. 2b and Supplementary Fig. 6). The 24 compounds profiled showed wide variations in activity area, and those with similar mechanisms of action clustered together (Supplementary Fig. 7)



(药物的有效性和有效力“活力区的指定”,例细胞系的Amax 值和EC50值可以被归类为“敏感”或“不敏感”,24种药物的活力区差异很大。)

Sixth paragraph

  • Genomic correlates of drug sensitivity maybe extractedbypredictive models using machine learning techniques.


  • We therefore assembled all CCLE genomic data types into a matrix wherein each feature was converted to a z-score across all lines (Supplementary Methods).


  • Next, we adapted a categorical modelling approach that used a naive Bayes classification and discrete sensitivity calls, or an elastic net regression analysis for continuous sensitivity measurements.


  • Both approaches were applied to all compounds and genomic data with or without gene expression features (Supplementary Methods).


  • Prediction performance was determined using tenfold cross-validation, and the elastic net features were bootstrapped to retain only those that were consistent across runs (Supplementary Methods).



Seventh paragraph

  • 50,000 input features, the regression-based analysis identified multiple known features as top predictors ofsensitivity to several agents (Supplementary Table 7 and Supplementary Figs 8 and 9), with robust cross-validated performance (Supplementary Fig. 10 and 11).


  • For example, activating mutations in BRAFandNRAS were among the top four predictors of sensitivity in models generated for the MEK inhibitor PD-0325901 (ref. 10) (Fig. 2c).


  • Additional predictive features for MEK inhibition included expression ofPTEN, PTPN5 and SPRY2 (which encodes a regulator of MAPK output).


  • KRAS mutations were also identified, albeit with a lower predictive value (Fig. 2c, Supplementary Tables 8 and 9 and Supplementary Fig. 8)




Eighth paragraph

  • Other top predictors included EGFR mutations and ERBB2 amplification/overexpression for erlotinib and lapatinib , respectively;BRAFV600E for RAF inhibitors (PLX4720 (ref. 18) and RAF265);


  • HGF expression and MET amplification for the MET/ALK inhibitor PF- 2341066 (ref. 19);

    MET/ALK抑制剂PF- 2341066的HGF表达及MET扩增(参考文献19);

  • and MDM2 overexpression for Nutlin-3 (ref. 20) sensitivity.


  • Variants affecting the EXT2 gene, which encodes a glycosyltransferase involved in heparin sulphate biosynthesis, were signifi- cantly correlated with erlotinib effects (Supplementary Fig. 12).


  • This observation is intriguing in light of a report linking heparin sulphate with erlotinib sensitivity.


  • In addition, NQO1 expression was identified as the top predictive feature for sensitivity to the Hsp90 inhibitor 17AAG, a quinone moiety metabolized by NAD(P)H:quinone oxido- reductase (NQO1).


  • NQO1 produces a high-potency intermediate (17AAGH2), and has previously been identified as a potential biomarker for Hsp90 inhibitors.



Nineth paragraph

  • Because some genetic/molecular alterations occur commonly in specific tumour types, lineage may become a confounding factor in predictive analyses.


  • Indeed, a classifier built using the entire cell-line data set performed suboptimally when applied exclusively to melanoma-derived cell lines (Fig. 2d), whereas a model built with only melanoma cell lines performed better (Fig. 2d).


  • Predictive features in the melanoma-only model showed a strong overexpression of genes regulated by the transcription factors MITF and SOX10 (Supplementary Table 10), which may also help predict RAF inhibitor drug sensitivity in melanoma cell lines.



Tenth paragraph

  • Nonetheless, lineage emerged as the predominant predictive feature for several compounds.


  • For example, elastic net studies of the HDAC inhibitor panobinostat identified haematological lineages as predictors of sensitivity (Fig. 2e and Supplementary Fig. 9). Interestingly, most clinical responses to panobinostat and related compounds (for example, vorinostat and romidepsin) have been observed in haematological cancers.


  • Similarly, most multiple myeloma cell lines (12 of 14 lines tested) exhibited enhanced sensitivity to the IGF1 receptor inhibitor AEW541 (Fig. 2f and Supplementary Figs 8 and 9) and showed high IGF1 expression (Fig. 2f).


  • Interestingly, elevated IGF1R expression also correlated with AEW541 sensitivity(SupplementaryFig.9). The CCLE results indicate that multiple myeloma may be a promising indication for clinical trials of IGF1 receptor inhibitors and that these drugs may have enhanced efficacy in cancers with high IGF1 or IGF1R expression.

    有趣的是,IGF1R表达升高也与 AEW541敏感性相关(补充图9). CCLE结果表明,多发性骨髓瘤可能是临床试验IGF1 受体抑制剂的一个有希望的适应症,这些药物可能对IGF1或IGF1R高表达的癌症具有增强疗效的作用。



  • Whereas BRAF and NRAS mutations are known single-gene predictors of sensitivity to MEK inhibitors, several ‘sensitive’ cell lines lacked mutations in these genes, whereas other lines harbouring these mutations were nonetheless ‘insensitive’ (Fig. 2c).


  • The elastic net regression model derived from the subset of cell lines with validated NRAS mutations identified elevated expression of the AHR gene (which encodes the aryl hydrocarbon receptor) as strongly correlated with sensitivity to the MEK inhibitor PD-0325901 (Fig. 3a).


  • This find- ing was interesting in light of previous studies indicating that a related MEK inhibitor (PD-98059) may also function as a direct AHR antagonist.


  • We therefore hypothesized that the enhanced sensitivity of some NRAS-mutant cell lines to MEK inhibitors might relate to a coexistent dependence on AHR function

    因此,我们推测某些 NRAS突变细胞系对MEK抑制剂的敏感性增强可能与AHR功能的共存依赖有关.

    (利用NRAS突变的细胞系子集中得到的弹性网络回归模型发现,AHR基因(编码芳基烃受体)的表达升高与MEK抑制剂PD-0325901的敏感性密切相关,得到推测:某些 NRAS突变细胞系对MEK抑制剂的敏感性增强可能与AHR功能的共存依赖有关)


  • To test this hypothesis, we first confirmed the correlation between AHR expression and sensitivity to MEK inhibitors in a subset of NRAS-mutant cell lines (Fig. 3b and Supplementary Fig. 13).


  • Next, we performed short hairpin RNA (shRNA) knockdown of AHR in cell lines with high or low AHR expression (Fig. 3c).

    接下来,我们在AHR表达量高或低的细胞系中进行对AHR的短RNA (shRNA)敲除(图3c)。

  • Silencing of AHR suppressed the growth of three NRAS-mutant cell lines with elevated AHR expression (Fig. 3d–f), but had no effect on the growth of two lines with low AHR expression (Fig. 3g, h). The growth inhibitory effect was confirmed with two additional shRNAs, where evidence for dose dependence was also apparent (Fig. 3i, j).

    有着促进AHR表达的短片段的AHR抑制三个NRAS-mutant细胞系的生长(图3 d-f),但较低的表达ANHR没有影响二个细胞系的增长(图3 g h)。生长抑制作用被证实有两个额外的成分shRNAs,在剂量依赖的证据也明显(图3 i, j)。

  • i, Left: proliferation of IPC-298 cells (high AHR) after introduction of additional shRNAs against AHR (shAHR_1 and shAHR_4;green and purple lines, respectively) or luciferase (control shLuc;blue line).

    i,左:添加针对AHR的shrna (shAHR_1和shAHR_4)后,IPC-298细胞的增殖(高AHR);


  • Right: corresponding immunoblot analysis of AHR protein j, Equivalent studies as in i using SK-MEL-2 cells (high AHR).


  • We also tested the hypothesis that allosteric MEK inhibitors may suppress AHR function by measuring the effect ofPD-0325901 and PD-98059 on endogenous CYP1A1 mRNA, a transcriptional target of AHR in some contexts.

    我们还通过测量pd -0325901和PD-98059对内源性CYP1A1 mRNA的影响,验证了变构MEK抑制剂可能抑制AHR功能的假说,CYP1A1 mRNA是AHR在某些情况下的转录靶点。

  • Both compounds reduced CYP1A1 levels in NRAS-mutant melanoma cells (IPC-298 and SK-MEL-2;Fig.3k) but not in neuroblastoma cells (CHP-212;Fig.3k), indicating that other factors may govern CYP1A1 expression in the latter lineage.

    这两种化合物都降低了nras突变型黑色素瘤细胞(IPC-298和SK-MEL-2;图3k)中的CYP1A1水平,但在神经母细胞瘤细胞(cp -212;图3k)中没有降低,这表明在后者谱系中CYP1A1的表达可能受其他因素的控制。

  • Together, these results suggest that AHR dependency may co-occur with MAP kinase activation in some NRAS-mutant cancer cells, and that elevated AHR may serve as a mechanistic biomarker for enhanced MEK inhibitor sensitivity in this setting.






    因此,我们推测某些 NRAS突变细胞系对MEK抑制剂的敏感性增强可能与AHR功能的共存依赖有关。

    实验:AHR的短RNA (shRNA)敲除,验证生物假说,



  • We also looked for markers predictive of response to several conventional chemotherapeutic agents (Supplementary Fig. 7 and Supplementary Table 6) and identified SLFN11 expression as the top correlate of sensitivity to irinotecan(Fig.4a),a camptothecin analogue that inhibits the topoisomerase I (TOP1)enzyme.

    我们还寻找了几种传统化疗药物反应的预测标志物(补充图7和补充表6),并确定SLFN11的表达与对伊立替康(图4a)的敏感性相关(图4a),这是一种抑制拓扑异构酶I (TOP1)的喜树碱类似物。

  • SLFN11expression also emerged as the top predictor of topotecan sensitivity (another TOP1 inhibitor;Supplementary Figs 8 and 14).


  • Overall, 12 of 16 lineages showed significant SLFN11 associations for topotecan or irinotecan sensitivity (Pearson’s r$0.2, Supplementary Fig. 14b).

    总的来说,16个谱系中有12个表现出与拓扑替康或伊立替康敏感性显著相关的SLFN11 (Pearson’s 0.2 r,补充图14b)。

  • This finding was independently validated using data from the NCI-60 collection (Supplementary Fig. 15).


  • SLFN11 knockdown did not affect steady-state growth sensitivity profiles (Supplementary Fig. 14d–f).




  • All three Ewing’s sarcoma cell lines screened showed both high SLFN11 expression and sensitivity to irinotecan (Fig. 4b and Supplementary Fig. 14).


  • Ewing’s sarcomas also exhibited the highest SLFN11 expression among 4,103 primary tumour samples spanning 39 lineages (Fig. 4c), suggesting that TOP1 inhibitors might offer an effective treatment option for this cancer type.


  • Towards this end, several ongoing trials in Ewing’s sarcoma are examining irinotecanbased combinations,or the addition of topotecan to standard regimens.


  • For some lineages with high SLFN11 expression (for example, cervical adenocarcinoma),topoisomerase inhibitors already comprise a standard chemotherapy regimen.


  • In other tumours where topoisomerase inhibitors are commonly used (for example, colorectal and ovarian cancers), a range of SLFN11 expression was observed, raising the possibility that high SLFN11 expression might enrich for tumours more likely to respond.


  • If confirmed in correlative clinical studies, SLFN11 expression may offer a means to stratify patients for to poisomerase inhibitor treatment




  • By assembling the CCLE, we have expanded the process of detailed annotation of preclinical human cancer models(http://www.broadinstitute.org/ccle).Genomic predictors of drug sensitivity revealed both known and novel candidate biomarkers of response.


  • Even within genetically defined sub-populations—orwhenagents were broadly active without clear genetic targets—elastic net modelling studies identified key predictors o rmechanistic effectors of drug response.


  • Additional efforts that increase the scale and provide complementary types of information(for example,whole-genome/transcriptome sequencing,epigenetic studies, metabolic profiling or proteomic/phosphoproteomic analysis) should enable additional insights.


  • In the future, comprehensive and tractable cell-linesystemsprovidedthroughthisandotherefforts27mayfacilitate numerous advances in cancer biology and drug discovery.




  • Mutationinformationwasobtained both by using massively parallel sequencing of .1,600 genes (Supplementary Table12)andbymassspectrometricgenotyping(OncoMap),whichinterrogated 492mutationsin33knownoncogenesandtumoursuppressors.

    突变信息是通过对. 1600个基因进行大规模并行测序(补充表12)和通过质谱基因分型(OncoMap)获得的。

  • Genotyping/copy number analysis was performed using Affymetrix Genome-Wide Human SNP Array 6.0 and expression analysis using the GeneChip Human Genome U133 Plus2.0Array.

    基因分型/拷贝数分析采用Affymetrix全基因组SNP Array 6.0进行,表达分析采用GeneChip Human Genome U133 Plus2.0Array。

  • Eight-pointdose–responsecurvesweregeneratedfor24anticancer drugs using an automated compound-screening platform.


  • Compound sensitivity data were used for two types of predictive models that used the naive Bayes classifier or the elastic net regression algorithm.


  • The effects of AHR expression silencing on cell viability were assessed by stable expression of shRNA lentiviral vectors targetingeitherthis gene or luciferase as control.


  • The effect of compound treatment on AHR target gene expression was assessed by quantitative RT–PCR.

    采用定量荧光定量pcr (pcr - pcr)技术检测复方制剂对肿瘤的治疗效果。

  • A full description of the Methods is included in Supplementary Information


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