1、git 、github 介绍
1.git 、github、repository、
git is one of the most popular SCM(Source Control Management) tools. It can be used for large and small, and is agnostic to the types of content in the projects. We use git to manage our work in daily life.
Git is distributed, different from some other SCM tools, that means there is no central repository.For this reason, git has become very popular for the development of what is known as Free and Open Source Software,or FOSS.
And,Repository, or repo for short, is a place where your code and version history is stored.
You known that most SCM tool require a Client/Server architecture, where a centralized server hostes the main repository, and developers work with clients that commit code to the main repository. However, git,considered aa distributed version control system, is different. There is no main central repository, and developers on a project work with local repositories, pushing commits around directly to each other. yep, to be truth, most developers using git will not push commits directly to each other. Instead, they rely on central repository to act as the main repo, and that main repo is typically hosted on Github.com.
So, a Local repository refer to a repository located on the pc you are using now . A Remote repository, on the other hand, refers to a repository that is located on another computer or server. Repository created on Github.com are considered remote because they are located on Github's server.
And ,github.com took the git program and connected the people and code over the web, creating an eco-system and user interface for software projects. Another words, Github is the best place to share our code with friends, co-workers, classmates, and complete strangers.
有关git 的初始化内容就不展开,不清楚的自行搜索解决。
ofcoure, you guys can use git GUI to initial git on your computer.
2、git 本地操作
next, i will decribe how to do those work step by step. Just relax and follow me .
$ mkdir git_basics
$ cd git_basics
git_basics/ $ echo '# README #' > README.md
git_basics/ $ echo '# LICENSE #' > LICENSE.md
2、git init 为你的project初始化git
git_basics/ $ git init
3、修改the config File
git_basics/ $ git config --global user.name "peterswj"
git_basics/ $ git config --global user.email peterswj@163.com
git_basics/ $ mkdir db
git_basics/ $ touch db/development.sqlite3
git_basics/ $ touch .gitignore
# Ignore all SQLite databases
something on the config files, you can refer to the link below:
1、查询git 状态 git status
2、创建 commit git add , git commit
3、查询提交日志 git log
3、git 远程操作