给定一个整数数组 (下标由 0 到 n-1,其中 n 表示数组的规模,数值范围由 0 到 10000),以及一个 查询列表。对于每一个查询,将会给你一个整数,请你返回该数组中小于给定整数的元素的数量。
对于数组 [1,2,7,8,5] ,查询 [1,8,5],返回 [0,4,2]
- 方法一,将数组快速排序,然后对于某个数x,二分查找最后一个x-1的位置
- 方法二,建立值型线段树
- 对于方法二要注意查找x-1可能出现负值,要做判断,x-1 < 0直接
# 方法一
class Solution:
@param A: A list of integer
@return: The number of element in the array that
are smaller that the given integer
def countOfSmallerNumber(self, A, queries):
res = []
for q in queries:
res.append(self.SmallerNumber(A, q))
return res
def SmallerNumber(self, L, num):
if len(L) == 0 or L[-1] < num:
return len(L)
start, end = 0, len(L) - 1
while start + 1 < end:
mid = start + (end - start) / 2
if L[mid] >= num:
end = mid
start = mid
if L[start] >= num:
return start
if L[end] >= num:
return end
# 方法二
class segmentTreeNode:
def __init__(self, start, end, count):
self.start, self.end, self.count = start, end, count
self.left, self.right = None, None
class Solution:
@param A: A list of integer
@return: The number of element in the array that
are smaller that the given integer
def build(self, start, end):
if start == end:
root = segmentTreeNode(start, end, 0)
return root
root = segmentTreeNode(start, end, 0)
if start != end:
mid = (start + end) / 2
root.left = self.build(start, mid)
root.right = self.build(mid + 1, end)
return root
def query(self, root, start, end):
if root.start == start and root.end == end:
return root.count
mid = root.start + (root.end - root.start) / 2
leftCount, rightCount = 0, 0
if start <= mid:
if mid < end:
leftCount = self.query(root.left, start, mid)
leftCount = self.query(root.left, start, end)
if mid < end:
if start <= mid:
rightCount = self.query(root.right, mid + 1, end)
rightCount = self.query(root.right, start, end)
return leftCount + rightCount
def modify(self, root, index, value):
if root.start == index and root.end == index:
root.count += value
mid = root.start + (root.end - root.start) / 2
if root.start <= index and index <= mid:
self.modify(root.left, index, value)
if mid < index and index <= root.end:
self.modify(root.right, index, value)
root.count = root.left.count + root.right.count
def countOfSmallerNumber(self, A, queries):
root = self.build(0, 1000)
for num in A:
self.modify(root, num, 1)
res = []
for q in queries:
ans = 0
if q > 0:
ans = self.query(root, 0, q - 1)
return res