And with its low levels of literacy, film can change the way people perceive issues. 由于文盲很多,采用电影的形式可以有效的改变人们看待事情的方式。
An effective storyteller speaks to our emotions, elicits empathy and compassion, and forces us to look at things differently. 一个有效的讲述者会和我们的情感对话,激发我们的同理心和同情心,并迫使我们以不同的方式看待事物。
The issues that I've always wanted to raise—I've always wanted to hold up a mirror to society—they've been driven by my barometer of anger. 我一直想提出的问题——我总是想给社会立一面镜子——它们被我愤怒的晴雨表驱动