YEP.117 – Passive Aura Effects – RPG Maker MV
This plugin requires YEP_AutoPassiveStates. Make sure this plugin is located under YEP_AutoPassiveStates in the plugin list.
Passive Aura Effects are commonly found in many online multiplayer games with RPG elements. When a battler can give out an aura, it will affect other nearby battlers, too, either ally and/or foe. This plugin will allow states to generate aura effects for other party members, opponents, or specifically for actor and/or enemy parties.
Use the following notetags to make a state generate auras.
State Notetags:
<Ally Aura: x>
<Ally Aura: x, x, x>
<Ally Aura: x through y>
– This will cause the battler’s allies to gain state(s) x (through y) while the battler is affected by the current state.
*Note: A state cannot use itself in an aura effect.
<Foe Aura: x>
<Foe Aura: x, x, x>
<Foe Aura: x through y>
– This will cause the battler’s foes to gain state(s) x (through y) while the battler is affected by the current state.
*Note: A state cannot use itself in an aura effect.
<Party Aura: x>
<Party Aura: x, x, x>
<Party Aura: x through y>
– This will cause the Actor Party to gain state(s) x (through y) while the battler is affected by the current state.
*Note: A state cannot use itself in an aura effect.
<Troop Aura: x>
<Troop Aura: x, x, x>
<Troop Aura: x through y>
– This will cause the Enemy Troop to gain state(s) x (through y) while the battler is affected by the current state.
*Note: A state cannot use itself in an aura effect.
Lunatic Mode – Custom Aura Conditions
For those with JavaScript experience and would like to make conditional aura effects, you can use these notetags. Keep in mind, this conditional effect is for the target delivered state and not the origin aura itself.
State Notetags:
<Custom Aura Condition>
if (user.hpRate() > 0.50) {
condition = true;
} else {
condition = false;
</Custom Aura Condition>
– The ‘condition’ variable will determine whether or not the target aura state will appear. If the ‘condition’ variable is ‘true’, then it will appear. If the ‘condition’ variable is ‘false’, then it will not appear. Remember, this notetag has to be placed in the target delivered state and not the origin aura itself.