When you start to walk the path that destiny has prepared for you, you stop the adolescent bullshit.
You stop being a narcissist and navel-gazing and start to accept that just as some people have done you bad things, you have probably been the bad guy in many people’s lives.
Nobody is perfect. And when you start aligning yourself with your true self, you understand and accept it.
You accept your flaws. You get your virtues. You get your limits, and you understand that those limits give structure to your personality. Because a house without boundaries is not a house, it is a garden, Capichi!
Everything makes sense when you become the person you were born to be, even your childhood shortcomings and traumas.
If I hadn’t been bullied so much, I wouldn’t be able to inspire others to bounce back. I couldn’t tell them things like, “They don’t bully you because you’re fat, short, ugly, etc., they do it because deep down they’re afraid of what’s different because what’s different is unique, and that’s a competitive advantage in life. And what they want is to eliminate the competition.”
Lesson: when you stop fooling yourself, two things happen, 1) you don’t waste time with self-deception, and 2) you see more clearly the lies of others. And this aligns you with your destiny because it gives you clarity. And clarity is the absence of mental noise. And by accepting yourself, that mental noise disappears.