亲子阅读:0aunit3 kangaroos
加海尼曼hop hop hop
M:I am Mommy kangaroo,and Allen is baby kangaroo
(今天早上上Kevin老师的课,新教了girl和egg两个单词,正好运用了下,准备了 apple,cookie,egg,fish,duck,boy,girl。)
and if I want the card of egg,you get it and hop to me,ok?
M:baby kangaroo, I want the card of girl
Allen picks up “girl” and says“hop,hop,hop”
M:baby kangaroo,I want the card of duck
Allen picks up “duck” and says “hop,hop,hop”
语文:去市区上了童学馆,没有加额外任务。 内容:弟子规:兄道友,弟道恭,兄弟睦,孝在中。(哥哥姐姐要爱护弟弟妹妹,弟弟妹妹也要尊敬哥哥姐姐,兄弟姐妹要和睦相处