最后一天Last day
4am up to the canteen for meditation about 5amish feel people coming and I did 35 mts then ashtanga继续凌晨瑜伽。
See all the legs and arms from dining table is cool传统的圆餐桌之间伸出几条胳膊和腿,是个风景。
Still round moon from window with shining palm tree leaves stretching满月还在,我在最角落里瑜伽,感觉很好。
Finish at 6.37 feeling great!
Enjoy last day dear!
Chat with Robert 早餐我吃的很少很快就问Robert背景:
Who was 22 years old starting Sivananda journey and as swami in New York where he met Eddie and also his wife: who is student to help and when pregnant, moving to Hawaii living with 17 places of friends, then back New York with help of Eddie, moving to small ashram in new Hempshire; met an Indian woman who told him he is having three children which he does! he said I was well taken card as swami traveling all over the places when I left, I was 45 years old without money. 我笑,这和corporate life很类似啊,我们有相似经历,但我在45岁,经济状况还ok。
Teaching TTC of Sivananda July 2017 in Yantai will come March 2018 to give weekend talk that I can help linking with Vivienne and promote! 我会3月份和Robert上海见,他是个很神奇人物。
Asking for his opinion on M to yoga: helps for particular purpose but not being controlled by it! 我一听又放弃了。
和两个Indonesian ladies聊天,其中瑜伽老师甚至去过 Ladakh Himalaya ,2014见过dalai lama正好那里开启,了解到Dharamsala Dalai Lama 居住地现在也是旅游中心,但都很冷的样子。
我们等当地bus,所有人就Chanting since bus is not coming,陆续听到:
Canal painting , Linga & priest , temples with ten wisdom gods, special painting in corner
Yogi Samadhi meditate rudraksha tree
Cable car to top Goddess
kali God is to get rid of ego
Tulsi plant神奇
早晨两个temple,第一个by ganga river,dipping我的bracelet,买了新的tulsi bracelet,见到10个god,最适合我的是kali,去除ego!
之后的ma anandamayee temple,很普通的白色,进去meditation,只感觉很多孩子来,一睁眼只有我一个人,赶紧追上大部队,借了700rupee买了书!现在在读,很mixed feelings,很多samathi分享,让你知道自己是没戏了。
之后说是cable car,但人很多,我就第一个徒步上去,早晨20分钟爬上davi temple。
下山后到处乱撞找一个像样的cafe不得,Almost dying to find cafe atm or toilet and asked many if there is a proper cafe or restraint answer is no! Finally 踉跄进入cafe,长出一口气,1.30开时看书:惊叹Ma samathi 如此自然!
4.30河边开始等候,阳光美丽,tulsi bracelet with Ganga blessing!到处寻找一群blonde,就会是我们大队人马,结果都没看到,也是Karma,后来看了他们视频,一起chanting,和Sharath,OK,i cannot have it all!
Haridwar aarti from opposite side amazed by how calm and well organized with the crowd movement! Good closure for our Yatra see u guys next trip! I missed the group and was chatting with Amy where they are! Did take another tuktuk back hotel to clean up, feel exhausted with the poverty dust and dirts not tiresome though! Under that got a big portion of ice cream and food and feel full to meditate so pack and go to return the money when guys back!
When I asked Satya who is in line for food for my scarf who told me not found and did not talk to me anymore! I thought then decided to let it go and meditate on it but not feeling well! Sleepy to bed then Satya came to room to say they got it and delivered to reception I went then found it with a surprise which is more joy than normal! So meditate it again on gratitude which is better! 意外惊喜, 甚至Stephanie 也意外收到她的scarf!所以不要放弃尝试,但不执着结果,天自有知!