Principles are concepts that can be applied over and over again in similar circumstances as distinct from narrow answers to specific questions. Every game has principles that successful players master to achieve winning resul ts. So does life.
Principles are ways of successfully dealing with the laws of nature or the laws of life. Those who understand more of them and understand them well know how to interact with the worl d more ef fectively than those who know fewer of them or know them less well . Different principles apply to different aspects of life - e.g. , there are "skiing principles" for ski i ng,
"parenting principles" for parenting, "management principles" for managing, “investment principles” for investi ng, etc -and there are over - arching "l i fe pri nci pl es" that i nf l uence our approaches to al l thi ngs. And, of course, di f ferent peopl e
subscri be to di f ferent pri nci pl es that they bel i eve work best .
I am conf i dent that whatever success Bri dgewater and I have had has resul ted f rom our operat i ng by certai n pri nci pl es.
Creat i ng a great cul ture, f i ndi ng the ri ght peopl e, managi ng them to do great thi ngs and sol vi ng probl ems creat i vel y and
systemat i cal l y are chal l enges faced by al l organi zat i ons. What di f ferent i ates them i s how they approach these
chal l enges. The pri nci pl es l ai d out i n the pages that fol l ow convey our uni que ways of doi ng these thi ngs, whi ch are the
reasons for our uni que resul ts. Bri dgewater’ s success has resul ted f rom tal ented peopl e operat i ng by the pri nci pl es set
out here, and i t wi l l cont i nue i f these or other tal ented peopl e cont i nue to operate by them. Li ke get t i ng f i t , vi rtual l y anyone
can do i t i f they are wi l l i ng to do what i t takes.
What i s wri t ten here i s j ust my understandi ng of what i t takes: my most fundamental l i fe pri nci pl es, my approach to get t i ng
what I want , and my “management pri nci pl es, ” whi ch are based on those foundat i ons. Taken together, these pri nci pl es
are meant to pai nt a pi cture of a process for the systemat i c pursui t of t ruth and excel l ence and for the rewards that
accompany thi s pursui t . I put them i n wri t i ng for peopl e to consi der i n order to hel p Bri dgewater and the peopl e I care
about most .
Unt i l recent l y, I di dn’ t wri te out these pri nci pl es because I fel t that i t was presumptuous for me to tel l others what woul d
work best for them. But over t ime, I saw the peopl e who I cared about most st ruggl i ng wi th probl ems and wanted to hel p
them; I al so found that thei r probl ems were almost al ways the resul t of vi ol at i ng one or more of these pri nci pl es, and that
thei r probl ems coul d be sol ved by appl yi ng these pri nci pl es. So I began wri t i ng down the types of probl ems and the
broken pri nci pl es that caused them. When I began, I di dn’ t know how many pri nci pl es I woul d end up wi th but , through
thi s process, I di scovered that about 200 pri nci pl es pret ty much cover al l the probl ems. I ’m sure that I wi l l come up wi th
more as I l earn more.
Introduction 简介