这个问题在很早的时候遇到过一次,当时的解决办法通过push 而不是 modal 的方法。 但是这次又遇到了,而且不能用push的方法来解决了。so 能怎么办???
上链接:iOS 8 SDK: modal UIWebView and camera/image picker
The uiwebview causes the uialertcontroller to be presented on the uiwebviewviewcontroller to show the camera/existing/cancel. When user chooses option, then uialertcontroller is meant to be dismissed and the uuiimagepickercontroller presented. However the dismissing of the uialertcontroller seems to fire twice. The first time is ok because the presentedviewcontroller = the uialertcontroller , but the 2nd time the presentedviewcontroller property is nil, and this causes the dismissviewcontrolleranimated method to kill the webviewviewcontroller which is the problem, to I now test for this case。
大概意思就是:点击了 UIWebView 中打开相机的标签的时候,弹出了 UIAlertController, UIAlertController是通过modal到 UIWebView,当你点击了选项卡里面的选项的时候, UIAlertController 的dismissing执行了两次,第一次dismiss的是UIAlertController,但是第二次dismiss的是UIWebViewVC。
-(void)dismissViewControllerAnimated:(BOOL)flag completion:(void (^)(void))completion
if (self.presentedViewController)
[super dismissViewControllerAnimated:flag completion:completion];