你家猫咪正在密谋杀掉你 How to tell if your cat isplottingto kill you?
plot /plɒt/密谋
V. to make a secret plan to harm a person or organization,
especially a political leader or government
plot to do sth密谋做某事 plot against密谋推翻…
挠你、给你按摩 Kneadingon you
You may think this is a sign of affection, but your cat is actually checking yourinternal organsfor weaknesses.
knead /niːd/按摩、推拿
V. to press someone’s muscles many times to help cure pain or to help them relax
internal /ɪn'tɜːnl/体内的
Adj. inside your body体内的
organ /'ɔːɡən/器官
N. a part of the body, such as the heart or lungs, that has a particular purpose
过度铲猫砂 Excessive shovelingof kitty litter
After using the litter box, your cat needlessly kicks litter around, most of it ending up all over the room. This is practice for burying bodies.
excessive /ɪk'sesɪv/
Adj. much more than is reasonable or necessary过度的, 过多的
shovel /'ʃʌv ə l/
V. to lift and move earth, stones etc with a shovel(用铲子)铲起
瞪眼持久赛 Staring contests
If youget caught ina staring contest with your cat, do not look away. Looking away will signal to your cat that you are weak, and an attack is likely to follow.
get caught in a contest with sb. 被卷入和……的比赛
弄了个动物尸体扔给你 Bringing you dead animals
抱歉,这还真不是给你送大礼,而是在警告你:哼哼,最近对我招待不周,小心点吧,你呀你。This isn't a gift. It's a warning.
呕吐草 Throwing up grass
Through this painful feeding andpurgingprocess, cats prepare their minds and bodies forcombat.
combat /'kɒmbæt/(尤指战争中的)战斗
N. fighting, especially during a war
purge /pɜːdʒ/清除(对手或反对者、有害或不可接受之物)
V. to force people to leave a place or organization because the people in power do not like them, or to remove something that is thought to be harmful or unacceptable
purge A of B清除A中的B purge A from B从B中清除A
藏到阴暗地方,偷偷看着你 Hiding in dark places and watching you
现在知道为什么它总爱躲在暗处了吧?不错,那是在研究你的生活习性神马的。Your cat will often hide in order to study you in your naturalhabitat.
habitat /'hæbɪtæt/(动植物的)生活环境, 栖息地
N. the natural home of a plant or animal
睡在你的电子产品上 Sleeping on your electronics
Humans havesuperiortechnology. Your cat knows this and will attempt to disrupt all communications to the outside world.
superior /suː'pɪəriə/更好的, 更强的
Adj. better, more powerful, more effective etc than a similar personor thing, especially one that you are competing against.
睡觉时,没事趴在你脸上 Pawing at your face while you sleep
Cats aren't very good atsmotheringpeople, but this won't stop them from trying.
smother /'smʌðə/使窒息,把…闷死
V. to kill someone by putting something over their face
to stop them breathing
sprint /sprɪnt/快速奔跑,冲刺
V. to run very fast for a short distance (短距离)
从你进入的任何房间中快速跑出 Sprinting at light speed out of any room you enter
看到猫咪这么做时,实际上,那是它刚刚进行了一次失败的伏击!When your cat does this, it's actually a failedambush.
ambush /ˈæmbʊʃ/伏击,埋伏地点
N. a sudden attack on someone by people who have been hiding and waiting for them, or the place where this happens
Be careful or just give me more benefits ! otherwise,I'm not sure what I will do ~