The Education of a Publisher
这篇能看出创业初期的Jared Kushner在纸媒界混得并不怎么好。(还有前员工专门在下一篇文章种来拆台。)当然,后来的发展另当别论。虽然是新手,但是他成绩优异、努力、热情、肯学,确实比很多富二代的孩子优秀多了。
be nestled in a wingback chair/highback chair(高背椅)
The boy publisher was nestled in a wingback chair in the book-strewn office.
a playoff game 加时赛
the gray-templed editor 两鬓斑白
The gray-templed editor has been a mentor to waves of young journalists in New York.
a scion of: a rich or famous family is one of its younger or more recent members 富家子弟
Nabokov was the scion of an aristocratic family.
The scion of a troubled New Jersey real estate family had also dabbled in Boston-area condominiums.(波士顿附近的公寓套房)
disdain for: a complete lack of respect that you show for someone or something because you think they are not important or good enough 蔑视
He was astounded at his disdain for his staff.
broadsheet-tabloid 大报(严肃题材,正经新闻)--小报(娱乐八卦)
be frontally in the spotlight 备受瞩目
He has transformed the newspaper from a broadsheet to a tabloid, which has been more frontally in the spotlight.
besot: to muddle or stupefy, as with alcoholic liquor or infatuation.
His challenge is to besot his young publisher with a love of the ink-and-newsprint business(纸媒) before that happens.
endure a spectacular fall 飞得越高,摔得越惨
tryst:a tryst is a meeting between lovers in a quiet secret place 幽会
He served nearly a year in prison in part for hiring a prostitute to seduce his brother-in-law, then showing a tape of the tryst to his sister, who had instigated a tax investigation.
broker a deal/settlement/treaty etc: to arrange the details of a deal etc so that everyone can agree to it 安排
a ceasefire agreement brokered by the UN
carry the ball: take the responsibility
The young man carried the ball when his father was in prison.
(give sb/get) the cold shoulder: to behave in an unfriendly way towards someone that you know 吃了闭门羹
The undergraduate, was desperately trying to meet with Mr. Carter, who was giving him a cold shoulder.
pour in 投入一大笔钱
The young publisher is pouring in money.
be born on third base 出身好
Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple.
1. "As other fans sought cover in the tunnels of Yankee Stadium, Mr. Kaplan and Mr. Kushner remained in their field-side seats, drinking Bud Lights and talking newspapers." 细节描写很生动
仿写:As other tourists ran down from the mountaintop and sought cover in the tunnel of the building, they remained walking toward the top in the pouring rain.
2. "That is just the sort of “Front Page” romanticism Mr. Kaplan has conjured for young reporters over the dozen years he has run The Observer, motivating them to give their all."
仿写: The seasoned editor conjured the sort of "Front Page" romanticism for young reporters in order to motivate them to give them all.
3. "Dealing with scrutiny is one of many aspects of an unusual on-the-job education he is receiving from Mr. Kaplan, who has called himself the Mr. Chips of New York journalism, greeting each arriving class of boys (and girls), whose youth never changes." 这句挺有意思的,有点高级黑的意思。
仿写:He received on-the-job education (被师父手把手带着教)from the most esteemed editor in New York, who called himself Mr. Chips, greeting every arriving class of boys and girls, whose youth never changes.
4. "The question for Mr. Kushner, hardly the first rich man to buy a trophy news media property, is whether, after reading the umpteenth gossip item about whom he may be dating, or staring at the 20th quarterly statement of losses, he will drop his trophy as quixotically as he picked it up."
仿写: The first scion from an real estate family who bought a trophy news media may read the umpteenth gossip and suffer from losses. He may drop his trophy as quixotically as he picked it up.
5. "...the motive for switching to a tabloid was in no small part to get a love of black ink into Mr. Kushner’s veins. " 很形象
仿写: He has get a love of black ink into his veins so that he devoted his lifetime in the cause.
6. "“In real estate, you can work 15 hours a day and get it all lined up with your suppliers, and you can use reason and make that thing work for you...In a newspaper you can work 300 hours a week and it still won’t make a difference.”