英文 | 中文 |
You cannot know this. No-one can hold a map in their head. | 你不可能知道的 没有人能记得住一张地图 |
I can! It's three turnings away. | 但我可以 还有三个路口就到了 |
You're so going to get this wrong. | 你一定会发现自己错了的 |
- Stop it. - What? | -快停下 -怎么了 |
I can feel you judging my driving. | 我感觉你在心里瞧不起我的驾驶技术 |
I'm not judging your driving! | 我没有瞧不起你的驾驶技术 |
Let go of the handle, then. | 那你松开把手 |
Oh, we were supposed to go down that turning. | 天哪 我们应该在刚刚那个路口拐弯的 |
- What? - Yeah. | -什么 -对呀 |
- You said three turnings. - No, I missed one. | -你说还有三个路口的 -不 我漏掉了一个 |
Just use your phone, you have a Sat Nav on your phone. | 你就用一下你的手机不行么 你手机上有卫星定位的 |
Oh, my God, there, Mindful. Oh, God. Farm, there it is. | 哦 天哪 就在那儿 小心 农场 就在那儿 |
We're going the right way. | 我们走的是对的路 |
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I was right. | 我是对的 |
Was right. | 我是对的 |
Do you know what the lesbian app for Grindr is called? | 你知道类似于基达[男同交友软件]的女同交友软件叫什么吗 |
Twat Nav. | 小妞定位 |
Don't make this fun! | 你不要以此取乐 |
It's OK, I'm fucking OK, I'm excellent. | 我还好 我真的还好 我感觉很好 |
- I know I seem mental, but I'm fine. - OK. | -我知道我看起来有病 但我确实没事 -好吧 |
I just... | 我只是 |
- I just sometimes need you not to... - To take the piss. | -我只是有时候需要你别 -嘲笑你 |
Don't finish my sentences! | 你别接我的话 |
- Take the piss... - Out of you and your... | -嘲笑 -你和你的 |
You don't always know what I'm going to say, OK? | 你不是总知道我要说什么 好吗 |
- Sorry. - Out of... | -对不起 当 |
Out of her when she's driving. | 当她在开车时取笑她 |
...me while I'm driving. | 我在开车时取笑我 |
I'm sorry. | 对不起 |
Is it at home or... | 是因为家里的原因还是 |
work or Martin? | 因为工作还是马丁 |
I'm fine, it's fine. | 我很好 一切都好 |
- Martin's been lovely. - Really? | -马丁一直很体贴 -真的吗 |
It's fine. | 一切都好 |
I'm OK. | 我很好 |
Fucking psycho. | 疯女人 |
Wow! Dad really splashed out this time. | 哇 父亲这次真的出大血本了 |
He must be about to do something awful. | 他一定是想做什么肮脏的事 |
No, it's just Mother's Day. | 不 只是因为今天是母亲节 |
- Oh. - Happy Mother's Day. | -哦 -母亲节快乐 |
We're not supposed to bond on this, are we? | 我们不会因为这个活动重归于好的 对吗 |
Because I really don't think that's going to end well. | 因为我不认为这样会有个好结局 |
We're not supposed to talk at all. | 我们其实不该有任何交谈的 |
It's a silent retreat, God help us. | 幸亏是冥想活动 上帝都在帮我们 |
How's everything at the cafe? You... | 咖啡馆还好吗 你 |
- You really don't have to. - Thank you. | -你真的不用勉强找话题 -谢谢你 |
Hi. | 你好 |
- Hi. - Good morning. | -你好 -早上好 |
Hello, hello. | 你好 你好 |
Come on. | 来人呀 |
They're probably going to think we're a couple. | 他们说不定觉得我们是情侣呢 |
The fact that your mind even goes there is beyond disturbing. | 你的想法都无可救药了 |
Hey! We'd make a really cute couple. | 嘿 我们会成为很可爱的一对的 |
'Sluts!' | 荡妇 |
Yes? | 有事吗 |
I'm going to die here. We're going to be raped and die. | 今天我会死在这儿的 我们都会被奸杀的 |
Every cloud... | 每一片云 |
Oh, just open the fucking door. It's been fucking forev... | 哦 把门打开啊 难道永远都不能 |
Welcome. | 欢迎 |
- Thank you so much. - Hi. Yeah. | -非常感谢 -你好 |
It's really wonderful. | 这里真不错 |
- Really beautiful grounds. - Extraordinary energy, yeah. | -地板真好看 -非凡的精气神 |
I see you've been gifted this retreat. How lucky you both are. | 有人请你们两位来我们这里做冥想 你们俩真幸运 |
I hope after this weekend, you will feel rested, inspired. | 我希望这个周末之后 你们会感到灵魂得以安放 精神受到鼓舞 |
- Do you have Wi-Fi? - No. | -你们这里有无线网吗 -没有 |
Erm, would you like two single beds or a double? | 呃 你们是要两张单人床还是一张双人床 |
- Two singles. - A double, please. | -两个单人床 -一个双人床谢谢 |
- Actually, do you have a separate room? - I'm afraid not. | -事实上 你有没有分开来的房间 -恐怕没有 |
Everyone has to share here. It's part of the communal... | 在这里每个人都要和别人同住 这是共同生活的一部分 |
Singles, then. Do you get newspapers in the morning? | 那就单人床吧 你们早上有报纸吗 |
No, we try to keep the outside world on the outside | 不 我们试着在你们住宿期间 |
during your stay here. | 将外界信息隔绝在外 |
You'll appreciate it in the end, I promise. | 我承诺 你们最终会感激这点的 |
- So, here is your key. - Thank you. | -好 这是你们的钥匙 -谢谢 |
- You have a restful weekend. - You too. | -祝你们度过一个放松的周末 -你也是 |
- Wow, no papers. - You don't read the news. | -哇哦 没有报纸 -你又不读报 |
- Yes, I do! - What happened yesterday? | -不 我读 -昨天发生了什么事 |
Sting wore white jeans and a puppy got stuck in a fan. | 黏糊糊的旧白牛仔裤和一只小狗卡在了风扇里 |
Big day. | 真是个大日子 |
- What's that for? - My neck and chest. | -那个是干什么的 -涂我的脖子和胸 |
- What's that for? - My legs and knees. | -那个是干什么的 -涂我的腿和膝盖 |
- What's that for? - Ends of my hair. | -那个是干什么的 -涂我的发尾 |
- What's that? - For my under-eyes. | -那是干什么的 -涂我的眼袋 |
- What's that? - That is for my face and body. | -那是干什么的 -涂我的脸和全身 |
What would you do if someone stole all of those? | 如果有个人把这些都偷走了 你会怎么办 |
I'd kill myself. | 我会自杀 |
Why are there no plug sockets in here? | 为什么这里没有插座 |
Don't touch my stuff. | 别碰我的东西 |
- What are these for? - Nothing. | -这些是干什么的 -没什么 |
- Mm-hm. - What? | -嗯 -怎么了 |
Well, it's just... | 没什么 只是 |
Why would you bring such tiny batteries? | 你为什么要带这么小的电池 |
I'm just prepared. | 我只是准备得充分而已 |
Just I've only ever... | 只是我曾经 |
- seen them used for remote controls. - Yes. | -看见遥控器里用过 -对 |
- Or alarm clocks. - Yes, all right. | -或者闹钟里 -对 |
- And vibrators. - Yes! All right! | -或者震动棒 -对 就是这个 |
You didn't have to ask for a separate room! | 你根本不用申请分开的房间 |
What? | 什么 |
If you want to have a wank, I can give you some space. | 如果你想自慰 我可以给你空间的 |
Oh, my God! | 哦 我的天哪 |
No, if you want to take ten minutes, | 不是的 如果你需要花十分钟 |
I'll go into the bathroom and moisturise my wrists for a bit. | 我会去浴室给我的手腕擦点霜 |
- You are so immature! - Oh, give it a minute. | -你真幼稚 -我还没完呢 |
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Oh, God. Seriously! | 哦 天哪 严肃点 |
- What is wrong with your insides? | 你脑子有什么问题 |
- Why did you bring the tiny batteries? | 你为什么要带这些小电池 |
You're a genius. | 你这个天才 |
Always know where the reserves are. | 总能发现备用品在哪里 |
Let go of your past. | 放下你的过去 |
- Bit on the nose. - Now is the time to let it go. | -说到点子上了 -现在是时候放下了 |
Open up your senses, close your mouth and live now. | 开放你的感官 闭上嘴 享受现在 |
Welcome to the female-only Breath Of Silence retreat. | 欢迎来到只对女性开放的寂静之息冥想活动 |
Women don't speak. | 女性们应该沉默 |
Erm, sorry. I think I'm meant to be at... | 呃 对不起 我觉得我应该在 |
- 'Fucking sluts!' - ...that one. | -“可恨的荡妇” -那个活动 |
Shame. | 可惜了 |
Yes, the first major consideration is why are you here? | 是的 现在最重要的问题是你们为什么在这里 |
Can anyone here answer that question? | 现场谁能回答这个问题 |
I want to shut the noise out and reconnect to my inner thoughts | 我想隔绝外面的噪音 重新回到我的内心 |
on the road to feeling more at one with myself. | 去获取更多关于自身的感觉 |
Excellent attitude. | 不错的态度 |
Well, you're in the right place. | 那么 你来对了地方 |
And this weekend is about being mindful. | 这个周末有关于专注内心 |
It's about leaving your voice in your head... | 关于将你的声音留在头脑里 |
...and trapping your thoughts in your skull. | 将你的想法困在头颅中 |
Think of it as a thought prison in your mind. | 想象你的大脑中有一个思维监狱 |
Firstly, we're going to teach you how to breathe. | 首先 我们将会教你如何呼吸 |
Then we will have a short meditation, | 接着我们会有一次短暂的冥想 |
then we will find our sanctuary in the partaking of menial tasks, | 然后我们会在参加枯燥任务的过程中寻找到我们心灵的庇护所 |
all in perfect silence. | 这一切都在绝对的寂静中 |
Principal rules are no talking. | 原则性的规定就是不要讲话 |
If you need to communicate with any of our other superiors, | 如果你想和我们其中一位监管员交流 |
you can write on that board. | 你可以写在那个黑板上 |
Under no other circumstances must you communicate, | 在任何你想交流的情况下 |
even with each other. | 甚至是想互相交流的时候 |
- What about an emergency? - Thank you all for coming here today. | -如果是紧急情况呢 -感谢你们今天到场 |
No matter what happens, a word must not be heard. | 不管发生了什么 一点声音都不能发出 |
Shh! | 嘘 |
'Slut!' | “荡妇” |
'Slut!' | “荡妇” |
'Bitch!' | “贱人” |
'Bitch, bitch!' | “贱人 贱人” |
Fucking bitch! You fucking piece of shit. | 可恨的贱人 你就是一坨屎 |
Back here! Back here, back to me. Back to me. | 过来 过来 到我这儿来 |
All right, now, wherever it's come from... your upbringing, | 好的 现在 不管那些怨言是因为什么 是因为你的教养也好 |
your experiences with women, now is the time to turn that around. | 或是因为你和女人的经历也罢 现在是时候改变一下了 |
To reprogram your mind, | 重装你的思想 |
your body and your mouth. | 你的身体 你的嘴 |
To be the better... man. | 成为一个更好的男人 |
All right? | 好吗 |
So, this... is Patricia. | 那么 这位是帕特希亚 |
Yeah? She's a friend. | 好吗 她是个朋友 |
Now, Patricia has just earned a promotion at work, | 现在 帕特希亚刚刚在工作中获得升职 |
beating over six other candidates. | 打败了其他六位候选者 |
She's the youngest person to ever achieve this role. | 她是获得这个这个职位最年轻的人 |
What should we not say when we meet her? | 我们在遇见她的时候不能说什么 |
- Clever little munchkin? - Excellent. | -聪明的小不点 -好极了 |
- Who did you blow to get that job? - OK. | -你为谁口交才得到的这个职位 -好 |
- Slut, you fucking stupid slut. - OK. | -荡妇 你这个可恶的蠢荡妇 -好的 |
Ok. | 好的 |
What should we say to her? | 我们应当对她说什么呢 |
Hmm? | 嗯 |
- Well done, Patricia. - Very good. | -做的不错 帕特希亚 -非常好 |
"Well done, Patricia." | “做的不错 帕特希亚” |
Please leave. | 请离开 |
- Perv. - Slut. | -变态 -荡妇 |
Wow! | 哇哦 |
Well done, Patricia. | 做的不错 帕特希亚 |
Slut! | 荡妇 |
Guys, it's OK. | 伙计们 没事 |
Keith, come. | 凯斯 来 |
Oh, my God. Excuse me, miss, you can't be here. | 我的天哪 对不起女士 你不能来这里 |
- OK. - You really can't be here. | -好的 -你真的不能到这里来 |
It's a feel-no-good. Please. | 这会让他们感觉不好的 求你了 |
And now, hands up. | 现在 举起你们的手 |
Mirror your palms. | 掌心相对 |
Look each other in the eye, and... | 看着对方的眼睛 |
...touch. | 然后触碰 |
Literally her worst nightmare. | 绝对是她最可怕的噩梦 |