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<h2>The Beach</h2>
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<img src="images/0004.jpg" width="150" heght="150" alt="beach3">
<p>We learn wisdom from failure much more than from success.We often
discover what will do, by finding out what will not do; and probably
he who never make a mistake never make a discovery.
As a rule, he -or she- who has the most information will have the
greatest success in life.</p>
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- 这次是我第一次使用markdown来编写博文,不得不说用markdown编写上手特别快;使用中出现一个小插曲,就是我本想在PC上使用markpad写好后发来简书,发现两者显示出的效果有差别,我还需要进一步上网查出是什么问题导致不同的。
- 编写网页时,一些不太懂的HTML标签,我通过使用老师给出的w3school手册进行查询。有个问题不太明白,w3school手册对于一些标签属性的描述,给出了不赞成的红色字体。这是出于什么考虑呢?
多写代码!多写代码! 多写代码!