Item recommendation computation
In order to get the actual recommendations for all users, we need to find items with highest predicted ratings for each user. When dealing with the huge data sets, checking the dot product for each (user, item) pair becomes unfeasible, even if we distribute the problem to more workers. We needed a faster way to find the top K recommendations for each user, or a good approximation of it.
One possible solution is to use a ball tree data structure to hold our item vectors. A ball tree is a binary tree where leafs contain some subset of item vectors, and each inner node defines a ball that surrounds all vectors within its subtree. Using formulas for the upper bound on the dot product for the query vector and any vector within the ball, we can do greedy tree traversal, going first to the more promising branch, and prune subtrees that can’t contain the solution better than what we have already found. This approach showed to be <font color='red'>10-100x faster</font> than looking into each pair, making search for recommendations on our data sets finish in reasonable time. We also added an option to allow for specified error when looking for top recommendations to speed up calculations even more.
Another way the problem can be approximately solved is by clustering items based on the item feature vectors — which reduces the problem to finding top cluster recommendations and then extracting the actual items based on these top clusters. This approach speeds up the computation, while slightly degrading the quality of recommendations based on the experimental results. On the other hand, the items in a cluster are similar, and we can get a diverse set of recommendations by taking a limited number of the items from each cluster. Note that we also have k-means clustering implementation on top of Giraph, and incorporating this step in the calculation was very easy.