What you can expect in almost every interview:(绝大多数面试中将会遇到的问题:)
1. Introductions (about 3-5 minutes): Every interview should have an introduction; Small talk and getting to know each other.(开场白(约3-5分钟):每场面试都会有一个开场白;简短的寒暄,彼此介绍并相互认识。)
2. The interviewer should explain the purpose and how he/she will conduct the interview: He/she will ask you questions about you and usually start with something like : " Tell me about yourself "; " I will leave some time at the end for you to ask questions ".(面试官说明面试的目的和流程:他/她会问一些有关你自己的情况,通常会这样开始:“请你做一个自我介绍”;“我会在最后留一些时间给你提问”。)
3. The main body of the interview ( this part usually lasts 30 to 45 minutes for most interviews ): The interviewer should ask you, in a variety of ways, what you can do; He/she might ask you what you did, said, felt, thought in certain situations.(面试的主体部分(在大多数情况下这一部分需要30至45分钟):面试官会以各种方式提问,以了解你具有哪些能力和技能;他/她可能会问你在某种特定的情境下是如何做、如何说,有何感受。)
4. Questions about your experience: What do you know about our company;What do you know about X?(询问你的经历:你对我们公司有何了解;你对X了解多少?)
5. Questions about your skills: Can you tell me how you would do Y?(询问你所掌握的技能:请告诉我你是如何做Y的?)
6. Questions about your attitude to work, teams, conflict, etc.: When was the last time you were in conflict with a colleague?(请问你对工作、团队、冲突等的态度:你与同事最近发生的一次冲突是在什么时候?)
7. You should be given the opportunity to ask questions: You must have some questions to ask!(你将获得提问机会:你必须准备和提出一些问题!)
8. The interviewer should tell you what happens next: If he/she does not tell you, then you must ask!(面试官将告知你后续步骤:如果他/她没有告知你,务必自己问清楚!)