作者,Evil Genius
好了,今天我们分享的文献在Spatial transcriptomics reveals niche-specific enrichment and vulnerabilities of radial glial stem-like cells in malignant gliomas,2023年2月发表于NC,我精读了一下,有很多好的方法值得推荐。
Spots from different samples are horizontally integrated in the transcriptional space by Harmony. To integrate both transcriptional space and Cartesian space for spatially informed spot clustering, we tested several recently developed spatially aware tools such as Seurat, BayesSpace,SpatialPCA, Spruce, SpatialDE, and BANKSY. Since the DMG1 sample contains a significant portion of normal cerebellum tissue with clearly demarcated anatomic domains, we used DMG1 as a benchmark to compare the clustering results, and found that the clusters generated by Banksy best correlate with anatomical domains in DMG1
To identify malignant spots with relatively high tumor cell content, we performed inferCNV analysis using histologically normal peritumor tissue as a reference
we first analyzed patient samples individually to identify spatially informed marker gene sets. For each sample, we filtered out malignant spots, performed BANKSY to group them into spatially informed clusters, and identified marker genes for each cluster using the Seurat package27 (v4.0.4) (FindAllMarkers function, only. pos = T, p_val_adj < 0.05), while excluding marker genes that are shared by different clusters. For each cluster, we retained the top 50 marker genes based on log2FC. Clusters with fewer than 50 significant genes (log2FC > 0.25 and P.adj < 0.05) were removed. As a result, 48 spatially informed marker gene sets were identified across 10 tumor samples.
To horizontally integrate these gene sets into transcriptional modules, we tested three methods as follows and got consistent results.
(1) In the transcriptional space, we calculated the relative gene set expression score in each spot using the Seurat’s (v4.0.4) AddModule-Score function with default parameters. The gene set expression matrix was then used as input for Pearson correlation analysis. The resultant correlation coefficient matrix was subjected to hierarchical clustering using corrplot package-based hclust method, integrating the 48 spatially informed marker gene sets into four cluster modules.
(2) In the Cartesian space, while each spot is not spatially independent, spatially informed clusters obtained by Banksy can be considered independent to each other. Thus,we integrated spots fromthe same cluster in each sample into pseudobulks using Seurat’s (v4.0.4) AverageExpression function. For each pseudobulk, we calculated the relative expression of the aforementioned 48 marker gene sets using Seurat’s (v4.0.4) AddModuleScore function with the default parameters. The gene set expression matrix was then used as input for Pearson correlation analysis. The correlation coefficient matrix was
subjected to hierarchical clustering using corrplot (v0.92) packagebased hclust method, resulting in four modules highly similar to method 1 (Jaccard-Index 0.746).
(3) In the Cartesian space, since adjacent spots are not independent, we used Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) for correlation analysis. We first calculated all 48 marker gene set scores for individual spots in each sample. Then we calculated the spatially weighted correlation coefficient between any two gene sets using the GWmodel(v2.2) and gwrr (v0.2-2) packages, individually for each sample. The resulting correlation array was reduced by mean to generate a single cross-sample correlation coefficient for any two gene sets. Finally, the correlation coefficient matrix was hierarchical clustered using the corrplot package-based hclust method, resulting in four modules similar to method 1 (Jaccard-Index 0.53). The mean values of the correlation coefficients were visualized by ComplexHeatmap64 R package (v2.0.0).
当然,最终的模块结果跟形态学是匹配的,这也是空间转录组需要告诉我们的信息。当然, 模块的分布与CNV事件的关联,也自然而然成为分析的重点。这里的模块分布,就意味着niche的分布。
第六点,空间轨迹基因,identified genes specifically upregulated in each region based on their dynamic expression patterns.对于空间轨迹基因的变化,高度特异的区域基因在调节生态位program起到至关重要的作用。