
在学习jemalloc之前可以了解一下glibc malloc,jemalloc没有'unlinking' 和 'frontlinking'的概念,jemalloc最早使用是在freeBSD系统中,随后firefox浏览器也开始使用jemalloc作为内存分配器,jemalloc是开源的(源码)。glibc是LInux系统默认的mallocer,二者虽然来自不同系统,但并不是完全不同,还是有很多相似之处,两个mallocer支持多线程。



jemalloc 的基本设计


Jemalloc 把内存分配分为了三个部分,
Small objects的size以8字节,16字节,32字节等分隔开的,小于页大小。
Large objects的size以分页为单位,等差间隔排列,小于chunk的大小。
Huge objects的大小是chunk大小的整数倍。

small objects和large objects由arena来管理, huge objects由线程间公用的红黑树管理。

Small: [8], [16, 32, 48, …, 128], [192, 256, 320, …, 512], [768, 1024, 1280, …, 3840] (1-57344分为44档)
Large: [4 KiB, 8 KiB, 12 KiB, …, 4072 KiB] (58345-4MB)
Huge: [4 MiB, 8 MiB, 12 MiB, …] (4MB的整数倍)


<p>arena:</p><pre><code>struct arena_s {

/* This arena's index within the arenas array. */
unsigned        ind;

 * Number of threads currently assigned to this arena.  This field is
 * protected by arenas_lock.
unsigned        nthreads;

 * There are three classes of arena operations from a locking
 * perspective:
 * 1) Thread assignment (modifies nthreads) is protected by arenas_lock.
 * 2) Bin-related operations are protected by bin locks.
 * 3) Chunk- and run-related operations are protected by this mutex.
malloc_mutex_t      lock;

arena_stats_t       stats;
 * List of tcaches for extant threads associated with this arena.
 * Stats from these are merged incrementally, and at exit if
 * opt_stats_print is enabled.
ql_head(tcache_t)   tcache_ql;

uint64_t        prof_accumbytes;

 * PRNG state for cache index randomization of large allocation base
 * pointers.
uint64_t        offset_state;

dss_prec_t      dss_prec;

 * In order to avoid rapid chunk allocation/deallocation when an arena
 * oscillates right on the cusp of needing a new chunk, cache the most
 * recently freed chunk.  The spare is left in the arena's chunk trees
 * until it is deleted.
 * There is one spare chunk per arena, rather than one spare total, in
 * order to avoid interactions between multiple threads that could make
 * a single spare inadequate.
arena_chunk_t       *spare;

/* Minimum ratio (log base 2) of nactive:ndirty. */
ssize_t         lg_dirty_mult;

/* Number of pages in active runs and huge regions. */
size_t          nactive;

 * Current count of pages within unused runs that are potentially
 * dirty, and for which madvise(... MADV_DONTNEED) has not been called.
 * By tracking this, we can institute a limit on how much dirty unused
 * memory is mapped for each arena.
size_t          ndirty;

 * Size/address-ordered tree of this arena's available runs.  The tree
 * is used for first-best-fit run allocation.
arena_avail_tree_t  runs_avail;

 * Unused dirty memory this arena manages.  Dirty memory is conceptually
 * tracked as an arbitrarily interleaved LRU of dirty runs and cached
 * chunks, but the list linkage is actually semi-duplicated in order to
 * avoid extra arena_chunk_map_misc_t space overhead.
 *   LRU-----------------------------------------------------------MRU
 *        /-- arena ---\
 *        |            |
 *        |            |
 *        |------------|                             /- chunk -\
 *   ...->|chunks_cache|<--------------------------->|  /----\ |<--...
 *        |------------|                             |  |node| |
 *        |            |                             |  |    | |
 *        |            |    /- run -\    /- run -\   |  |    | |
 *        |            |    |       |    |       |   |  |    | |
 *        |            |    |       |    |       |   |  |    | |
 *        |------------|    |-------|    |-------|   |  |----| |
 *   ...->|runs_dirty  |<-->|rd     |<-->|rd     |<---->|rd  |<----...
 *        |------------|    |-------|    |-------|   |  |----| |
 *        |            |    |       |    |       |   |  |    | |
 *        |            |    |       |    |       |   |  \----/ |
 *        |            |    \-------/    \-------/   |         |
 *        |            |                             |         |
 *        |            |                             |         |
 *        \------------/                             \---------/
arena_runs_dirty_link_t runs_dirty;
extent_node_t       chunks_cache;

/* Extant huge allocations. */
ql_head(extent_node_t)  huge;
/* Synchronizes all huge allocation/update/deallocation. */
malloc_mutex_t      huge_mtx;

 * Trees of chunks that were previously allocated (trees differ only in
 * node ordering).  These are used when allocating chunks, in an attempt
 * to re-use address space.  Depending on function, different tree
 * orderings are needed, which is why there are two trees with the same
 * contents.
extent_tree_t       chunks_szad_cache;
extent_tree_t       chunks_ad_cache;
extent_tree_t       chunks_szad_mmap;
extent_tree_t       chunks_ad_mmap;
extent_tree_t       chunks_szad_dss;
extent_tree_t       chunks_ad_dss;
malloc_mutex_t      chunks_mtx;
/* Cache of nodes that were allocated via base_alloc(). */
ql_head(extent_node_t)  node_cache;
malloc_mutex_t      node_cache_mtx;

 * User-configurable chunk allocation/deallocation/purge functions.
chunk_alloc_t       *chunk_alloc;
chunk_dalloc_t      *chunk_dalloc;
chunk_purge_t       *chunk_purge;

/* bins is used to store trees of free regions. */
arena_bin_t     bins[NBINS];


<p>arena内bin</p><pre><code>struct arena_bin_s {
* All operations on runcur, runs, and stats require that lock be
* locked. Run allocation/deallocation are protected by the arena lock,
* which may be acquired while holding one or more bin locks, but not
* vise versa.
malloc_mutex_t lock;

 * Current run being used to service allocations of this bin's size
 * class.
arena_run_t *runcur;

 * Tree of non-full runs.  This tree is used when looking for an
 * existing run when runcur is no longer usable.  We choose the
 * non-full run that is lowest in memory; this policy tends to keep
 * objects packed well, and it can also help reduce the number of
 * almost-empty chunks.
arena_run_tree_t runs;

/* Bin statistics. */
malloc_bin_stats_t stats;

<p>tcache</p><pre><code>struct tcache_s {

ql_elm(tcache_t) link;      /* Used for aggregating stats. */
uint64_t    prof_accumbytes;/* Cleared after arena_prof_accum(). */
unsigned    ev_cnt;     /* Event count since incremental GC. */
index_t     next_gc_bin;    /* Next bin to GC. */
tcache_bin_t    tbins[1];   /* Dynamically sized. */
 * The pointer stacks associated with tbins follow as a contiguous
 * array.  During tcache initialization, the avail pointer in each
 * element of tbins is initialized to point to the proper offset within
 * this array.

<p>tcache内bin</p><pre><code>struct tcache_bin_s {

tcache_bin_stats_t tstats;
int     low_water;  /* Min # cached since last GC. */
unsigned    lg_fill_div;    /* Fill (ncached_max >> lg_fill_div). */
unsigned    ncached;    /* # of cached objects. */
 * To make use of adjacent cacheline prefetch, the items in the avail
 * stack goes to higher address for newer allocations.  avail points
 * just above the available space, which means that
 * avail[-ncached, ... -1] are available items and the lowest item will
 * be allocated first.
void        **avail;    /* Stack of available objects. */

<p>run</p><pre><code>struct arena_run_s {

/* Index of bin this run is associated with. */
index_t     binind;
/* Number of free regions in run. */
unsigned    nfree;
/* Per region allocated/deallocated bitmap. */
bitmap_t    bitmap[BITMAP_GROUPS_MAX];

<p>chunk</p><pre><code>struct arena_chunk_s {

 * A pointer to the arena that owns the chunk is stored within the node.
 * This field as a whole is used by chunks_rtree to support both
 * ivsalloc() and core-based debugging.
extent_node_t       node;

 * Map of pages within chunk that keeps track of free/large/small.  The
 * first map_bias entries are omitted, since the chunk header does not
 * need to be tracked in the map.  This omission saves a header page
 * for common chunk sizes (e.g. 4 MiB).
arena_chunk_map_bits_t  map_bits[1]; /* Dynamically sized. */



jemalloc 的内存分配,可分成四类:
2、large: 如果请求size大于arena的最小的bin,同时不大于tcache能缓存的最大块,也会通过线程对应的tcache来进行分配,但方式不同。首先看tcache对应的tbin里有没有缓存块,如果有就分配,没有就从chunk里直接找一块相应的page整数倍大小的空间进行分配(当这块空间后续释放时,这会进入相应的tcache对应的tbin里);
3、large: 如果请求size大于tcache能缓存的最大块,同时不大于chunk大小(默认是4M),具体分配和第2类请求相同,区别只是没有使用tcache;
4、huge(size> chunk ):如果请求大于chunk大小,直接通过mmap进行分配。


<p>定义在arena.h文件中</p><pre><code>JEMALLOC_ALWAYS_INLINE void *
arena_malloc(tsd_t *tsd, arena_t *arena, size_t size, bool zero,
tcache_t *tcache)

assert(size != 0);

arena = arena_choose(tsd, arena);
if (unlikely(arena == NULL))
    return (NULL);

if (likely(size <= SMALL_MAXCLASS)) {
    if (likely(tcache != NULL)) {
        return (tcache_alloc_small(tsd, arena, tcache, size,
    } else
        return (arena_malloc_small(arena, size, zero));
} else if (likely(size <= arena_maxclass)) {
     * Initialize tcache after checking size in order to avoid
     * infinite recursion during tcache initialization.
    if (likely(tcache != NULL) && size <= tcache_maxclass) {
        return (tcache_alloc_large(tsd, arena, tcache, size,
    } else
        return (arena_malloc_large(arena, size, zero));
} else
    return (huge_malloc(tsd, arena, size, zero, tcache));

如果要分配的内存大小属于small object,且线程tcache不为空

tcache_alloc_easy(tcache_bin_t *tbin)
    void *ret;

    if (unlikely(tbin->ncached == 0)) {
        tbin->low_water = -1;
        return (NULL);
    if (unlikely((int)tbin->ncached < tbin->low_water))
        tbin->low_water = tbin->ncached;
    ret = tbin->avail[tbin->ncached];
    return (ret);

tcache_alloc_small(tsd_t *tsd, arena_t *arena, tcache_t *tcache, size_t size,
    bool zero)
    void *ret;
    index_t binind;
    size_t usize;
    tcache_bin_t *tbin;

    binind = size2index(size);
    assert(binind < NBINS);
    tbin = &tcache->tbins[binind];
    usize = index2size(binind);
    ret = tcache_alloc_easy(tbin);
    if (unlikely(ret == NULL)) {
        ret = tcache_alloc_small_hard(tsd, arena, tcache, tbin, binind);
        if (ret == NULL)
            return (NULL);
    .........( chunk > size > tcache )
    return (ret);

void *
tcache_alloc_small_hard(tsd_t *tsd, arena_t *arena, tcache_t *tcache,
    tcache_bin_t *tbin, index_t binind)
    void *ret;

    arena_tcache_fill_small(arena, tbin, binind, config_prof ?
        tcache->prof_accumbytes : 0);
    if (config_prof)
        tcache->prof_accumbytes = 0;
    ret = tcache_alloc_easy(tbin);

    return (ret);

arena_tcache_fill_small(arena_t *arena, tcache_bin_t *tbin, index_t binind,
    uint64_t prof_accumbytes)
    unsigned i, nfill;
    arena_bin_t *bin;
    arena_run_t *run;
    void *ptr;

    assert(tbin->ncached == 0);

    if (config_prof && arena_prof_accum(arena, prof_accumbytes))
    bin = &arena->bins[binind];
    for (i = 0, nfill = (tcache_bin_info[binind].ncached_max >>
        tbin->lg_fill_div); i < nfill; i++) {
        if ((run = bin->runcur) != NULL && run->nfree > 0)
            ptr = arena_run_reg_alloc(run, &arena_bin_info[binind]);
            ptr = arena_bin_malloc_hard(arena, bin);
        if (ptr == NULL) {
             * OOM.  tbin->avail isn't yet filled down to its first
             * element, so the successful allocations (if any) must
             * be moved to the base of tbin->avail before bailing
             * out.
            if (i > 0) {
                memmove(tbin->avail, &tbin->avail[nfill - i],
                    i * sizeof(void *));
        if (config_fill && unlikely(opt_junk_alloc)) {
            arena_alloc_junk_small(ptr, &arena_bin_info[binind],
        /* Insert such that low regions get used first. */
        tbin->avail[nfill - 1 - i] = ptr;
    if (config_stats) {
        bin->stats.nmalloc += i;
        bin->stats.nrequests += tbin->tstats.nrequests;
        bin->stats.curregs += i;
        tbin->tstats.nrequests = 0;
    tbin->ncached = i;


/* Re-fill bin->runcur, then call arena_run_reg_alloc(). */
static void *
arena_bin_malloc_hard(arena_t *arena, arena_bin_t *bin)
    void *ret;
    index_t binind;
    arena_bin_info_t *bin_info;
    arena_run_t *run;

    binind = arena_bin_index(arena, bin);
    bin_info = &arena_bin_info[binind];
    bin->runcur = NULL;
    run = arena_bin_nonfull_run_get(arena, bin);
    if (bin->runcur != NULL && bin->runcur->nfree > 0) {
         * Another thread updated runcur while this one ran without the
         * bin lock in arena_bin_nonfull_run_get().
        assert(bin->runcur->nfree > 0);
        ret = arena_run_reg_alloc(bin->runcur, bin_info);
        if (run != NULL) {
            arena_chunk_t *chunk;

             * arena_run_alloc_small() may have allocated run, or
             * it may have pulled run from the bin's run tree.
             * Therefore it is unsafe to make any assumptions about
             * how run has previously been used, and
             * arena_bin_lower_run() must be called, as if a region
             * were just deallocated from the run.
            chunk = (arena_chunk_t *)CHUNK_ADDR2BASE(run);
            if (run->nfree == bin_info->nregs)
                arena_dalloc_bin_run(arena, chunk, run, bin);
                arena_bin_lower_run(arena, chunk, run, bin);
        return (ret);

    if (run == NULL)
        return (NULL);

    bin->runcur = run;

    assert(bin->runcur->nfree > 0);

    return (arena_run_reg_alloc(bin->runcur, bin_info));

arena_run_reg_alloc(arena_run_t *run, arena_bin_info_t *bin_info)
    void *ret;
    unsigned regind;
    arena_chunk_map_misc_t *miscelm;
    void *rpages;

    assert(run->nfree > 0);
    assert(!bitmap_full(run->bitmap, &bin_info->bitmap_info));

    regind = bitmap_sfu(run->bitmap, &bin_info->bitmap_info);
    miscelm = arena_run_to_miscelm(run);
    rpages = arena_miscelm_to_rpages(miscelm);
    ret = (void *)((uintptr_t)rpages + (uintptr_t)bin_info->reg0_offset +
        (uintptr_t)(bin_info->reg_interval * regind));
    return (ret);

arena_tcache_fill_small函数会判断arena数组中的bin对应的run是否为空,如果为空就调用arena_bin_malloc_hard函数新建run再调用arena_run_reg_alloc分配内存。注意:run中采用bitmap记录分配区域的状态, 相比采用空闲列表的方式, 采用bitmap具有以下优点:bitmap能够快速计算出第一块空闲区域,且能很好的保证已分配区域的紧凑型。分配数据与应用数据是隔离的,能够减少应用数据对分配数据的干扰。对很小的分配区域的支持更好。


下面看一下当申请的内存属于large object的情况

tcache_alloc_large(tsd_t *tsd, arena_t *arena, tcache_t *tcache, size_t size,
    bool zero)
    void *ret;
    index_t binind;
    size_t usize;
    tcache_bin_t *tbin;

    binind = size2index(size);
    usize = index2size(binind);
    assert(usize <= tcache_maxclass);
    assert(binind < nhbins);
    tbin = &tcache->tbins[binind];
    ret = tcache_alloc_easy(tbin);
    if (unlikely(ret == NULL)) {
         * Only allocate one large object at a time, because it's quite
         * expensive to create one and not use it.
        ret = arena_malloc_large(arena, usize, zero);
        if (ret == NULL)
            return (NULL);
    } else {
        if (config_prof && usize == LARGE_MINCLASS) {
            arena_chunk_t *chunk =
                (arena_chunk_t *)CHUNK_ADDR2BASE(ret);
            size_t pageind = (((uintptr_t)ret - (uintptr_t)chunk) >>
            arena_mapbits_large_binind_set(chunk, pageind,
        if (likely(!zero)) {
            if (config_fill) {
                if (unlikely(opt_junk_alloc))
                    memset(ret, 0xa5, usize);
                else if (unlikely(opt_zero))
                    memset(ret, 0, usize);
        } else
            memset(ret, 0, usize);

        if (config_stats)
        if (config_prof)
            tcache->prof_accumbytes += usize;

    tcache_event(tsd, tcache);
    return (ret);


void *
arena_malloc_large(arena_t *arena, size_t size, bool zero)
    void *ret;
    size_t usize;
    uint64_t r;
    uintptr_t random_offset;
    arena_run_t *run;
    arena_chunk_map_misc_t *miscelm;
    UNUSED bool idump;

    /* Large allocation. */
    usize = s2u(size);
    if (config_cache_oblivious) {
         * Compute a uniformly distributed offset within the first page
         * that is a multiple of the cacheline size, e.g. [0 .. 63) * 64
         * for 4 KiB pages and 64-byte cachelines.
        prng64(r, LG_PAGE - LG_CACHELINE, arena->offset_state,
            UINT64_C(6364136223846793009), UINT64_C(1442695040888963409));
        random_offset = ((uintptr_t)r) << LG_CACHELINE;
    } else
        random_offset = 0;
    run = arena_run_alloc_large(arena, usize + large_pad, zero);
    if (run == NULL) {
        return (NULL);
    miscelm = arena_run_to_miscelm(run);
    ret = (void *)((uintptr_t)arena_miscelm_to_rpages(miscelm) +
    if (config_stats) {
        index_t index = size2index(usize) - NBINS;

        arena->stats.allocated_large += usize;
    if (config_prof)
        idump = arena_prof_accum_locked(arena, usize);
    if (config_prof && idump)

    if (!zero) {
        if (config_fill) {
            if (unlikely(opt_junk_alloc))
                memset(ret, 0xa5, usize);
            else if (unlikely(opt_zero))
                memset(ret, 0, usize);

    return (ret);

static arena_run_t *
arena_run_first_best_fit(arena_t *arena, size_t size)
    size_t search_size = run_quantize_first(size);
    arena_chunk_map_misc_t *key = (arena_chunk_map_misc_t *)
        (search_size | CHUNK_MAP_KEY);
    arena_chunk_map_misc_t *miscelm =
        arena_avail_tree_nsearch(&arena->runs_avail, key);
    if (miscelm == NULL)
        return (NULL);
    return (&miscelm->run);

static arena_run_t *
arena_run_alloc_large_helper(arena_t *arena, size_t size, bool zero)
    arena_run_t *run = arena_run_first_best_fit(arena, s2u(size));
    if (run != NULL)
        arena_run_split_large(arena, run, size, zero);
    return (run);

static arena_run_t *
arena_run_alloc_large(arena_t *arena, size_t size, bool zero)
    arena_chunk_t *chunk;
    arena_run_t *run;

    assert(size <= arena_maxrun);
    assert(size == PAGE_CEILING(size));

    /* Search the arena's chunks for the lowest best fit. */
    run = arena_run_alloc_large_helper(arena, size, zero);
    if (run != NULL)
        return (run);

     * No usable runs.  Create a new chunk from which to allocate the run.
    chunk = arena_chunk_alloc(arena);
    if (chunk != NULL) {
        run = &arena_miscelm_get(chunk, map_bias)->run;
        arena_run_split_large(arena, run, size, zero);
        return (run);

     * arena_chunk_alloc() failed, but another thread may have made
     * sufficient memory available while this one dropped arena->lock in
     * arena_chunk_alloc(), so search one more time.
    return (arena_run_alloc_large_helper(arena, size, zero));

arena_malloc_large中首先会计算一个随机偏移,随后调用arena_run_alloc_large分配新的run。在arena_run_alloc_large中,我们可以看到arena_run_first_best_fit中通过树(Size/address-ordered tree)查找到可用的run,如果没有可用的run就通过arena_chunk_alloc函数创建新的chunk,在新建的chunk中分配run。


static arena_chunk_t *
arena_chunk_alloc(arena_t *arena)
    arena_chunk_t *chunk;

    if (arena->spare != NULL)
        chunk = arena_chunk_init_spare(arena);
    else {
        chunk = arena_chunk_init_hard(arena);
        if (chunk == NULL)
            return (NULL);

    /* Insert the run into the runs_avail tree. */
    arena_avail_insert(arena, chunk, map_bias, chunk_npages-map_bias);

    return (chunk);


static arena_chunk_t *
arena_chunk_alloc_internal(arena_t *arena, bool *zero)
    arena_chunk_t *chunk;

    if (likely(arena->chunk_alloc == chunk_alloc_default)) {
        chunk = chunk_alloc_cache(arena, NULL, chunksize, chunksize,
            zero, true);
        if (chunk != NULL && arena_chunk_register(arena, chunk,
            *zero)) {
            chunk_dalloc_cache(arena, chunk, chunksize);
            return (NULL);
    } else
        chunk = NULL;
    if (chunk == NULL)
        chunk = arena_chunk_alloc_internal_hard(arena, zero);

    if (config_stats && chunk != NULL) {
        arena->stats.mapped += chunksize;
        arena->stats.metadata_mapped += (map_bias << LG_PAGE);

    return (chunk);


static arena_chunk_t *
arena_chunk_alloc_internal_hard(arena_t *arena, bool *zero)
    arena_chunk_t *chunk;
    chunk_alloc_t *chunk_alloc = arena->chunk_alloc;
    chunk_dalloc_t *chunk_dalloc = arena->chunk_dalloc;

    chunk = (arena_chunk_t *)chunk_alloc_wrapper(arena, chunk_alloc, NULL,
        chunksize, chunksize, zero);
    if (chunk != NULL && arena_chunk_register(arena, chunk, *zero)) {
        chunk_dalloc_wrapper(arena, chunk_dalloc, (void *)chunk,
        chunk = NULL;

    return (chunk);

void *
chunk_alloc_wrapper(arena_t *arena, chunk_alloc_t *chunk_alloc, void *new_addr,
    size_t size, size_t alignment, bool *zero)
    void *ret;

    ret = chunk_alloc(new_addr, size, alignment, zero, arena->ind);
    if (ret == NULL)
        return (NULL);
    if (config_valgrind && chunk_alloc != chunk_alloc_default)
    return (ret);


void *
huge_malloc(tsd_t *tsd, arena_t *arena, size_t size, bool zero,
    tcache_t *tcache)
size_t usize;

    usize = s2u(size);
    if (usize == 0) {
        /* size_t overflow. */
        return (NULL);

    return (huge_palloc(tsd, arena, usize, chunksize, zero, tcache));

void *
huge_palloc(tsd_t *tsd, arena_t *arena, size_t usize, size_t alignment,
    bool zero, tcache_t *tcache)
    void *ret;
    extent_node_t *node;
    bool is_zeroed;

    /* Allocate one or more contiguous chunks for this request. */

    /* Allocate an extent node with which to track the chunk. */
    node = ipallocztm(tsd, CACHELINE_CEILING(sizeof(extent_node_t)),
        CACHELINE, false, tcache, true, arena);
    if (node == NULL)
        return (NULL);

     * Copy zero into is_zeroed and pass the copy to chunk_alloc(), so that
     * it is possible to make correct junk/zero fill decisions below.
    is_zeroed = zero;
    /* ANDROID change */
#if !defined(__LP64__)
    /* On 32 bit systems, using a per arena cache can exhaust
     * virtual address space. Force all huge allocations to
     * always take place in the first arena.
    arena = a0get();
    arena = arena_choose(tsd, arena);
    /* End ANDROID change */
    if (unlikely(arena == NULL) || (ret = arena_chunk_alloc_huge(arena,
        usize, alignment, &is_zeroed)) == NULL) {
        idalloctm(tsd, node, tcache, true);
        return (NULL);

    extent_node_init(node, arena, ret, usize, is_zeroed);

    if (huge_node_set(ret, node)) {
        arena_chunk_dalloc_huge(arena, ret, usize);
        idalloctm(tsd, node, tcache, true);
        return (NULL);

    /* Insert node into huge. */
    ql_elm_new(node, ql_link);
    ql_tail_insert(&arena->huge, node, ql_link);

    if (zero || (config_fill && unlikely(opt_zero))) {
        if (!is_zeroed)
            memset(ret, 0, usize);
    } else if (config_fill && unlikely(opt_junk_alloc))
        memset(ret, 0xa5, usize);

    return (ret);

void *
arena_chunk_alloc_huge(arena_t *arena, size_t usize, size_t alignment,
    bool *zero)
    void *ret;
    chunk_alloc_t *chunk_alloc;
    size_t csize = CHUNK_CEILING(usize);


    /* Optimistically update stats. */
    if (config_stats) {
        arena_huge_malloc_stats_update(arena, usize);
        arena->stats.mapped += usize;
    arena->nactive += (usize >> LG_PAGE);

    chunk_alloc = arena->chunk_alloc;
    if (likely(chunk_alloc == chunk_alloc_default)) {
        ret = chunk_alloc_cache(arena, NULL, csize, alignment, zero,
    } else
        ret = NULL;
    if (ret == NULL) {
        ret = arena_chunk_alloc_huge_hard(arena, chunk_alloc, usize,
            alignment, zero, csize);

    if (config_stats && ret != NULL)
    return (ret);

static void *
arena_chunk_alloc_huge_hard(arena_t *arena, chunk_alloc_t *chunk_alloc,
    size_t usize, size_t alignment, bool *zero, size_t csize)
    void *ret;

    ret = chunk_alloc_wrapper(arena, chunk_alloc, NULL, csize, alignment,
    if (ret == NULL) {
        /* Revert optimistic stats updates. */
        if (config_stats) {
            arena_huge_malloc_stats_update_undo(arena, usize);
            arena->stats.mapped -= usize;
        arena->nactive -= (usize >> LG_PAGE);

    return (ret);


小内存(small class): 线程缓存bin -> 分配区bin(bin加锁) -> 问系统要
中型内存(large class):分配区bin(bin加锁) -> 问系统要
大内存(huge class): 直接mmap组织成N个chunk+全局huge红黑树维护(带缓存)



  1. 当释放时发现某个chunk的所有内存都已经为脏(即分配后又回收)就把整个chunk释放;
  2. 当arena中的page分配情况满足一个阈值时对dirty page进行purge(通过调用madvise来进行)。这个阈值的具体含义是该arena中的dirty page大小已经达到一个chunk的大小且占到了active page的1/opt_lg_dirty_mult(默认为1/32)。active page的意思是已经正在使用中的run的page,而dirty page就是其中已经分配后又回收的page。
    <p></p><pre><code>JEMALLOC_ALWAYS_INLINE void
    arena_dalloc(tsd_t *tsd, void *ptr, tcache_t *tcache)
arena_chunk_t *chunk;

size_t pageind, mapbits;

assert(ptr != NULL);

chunk = (arena_chunk_t *)CHUNK_ADDR2BASE(ptr);

if (likely(chunk != ptr)) {

    pageind = ((uintptr_t)ptr - (uintptr_t)chunk) >> LG_PAGE;

if defined(ANDROID)

    /* Verify the ptr is actually in the chunk. */

    if (unlikely(pageind < map_bias || pageind >= chunk_npages)) {
        __libc_fatal_no_abort("Invalid address %p passed to free: invalid page index", ptr);


    mapbits = arena_mapbits_get(chunk, pageind);
    assert(arena_mapbits_allocated_get(chunk, pageind) != 0);

if defined(ANDROID)

    /* Verify the ptr has been allocated. */
    if (unlikely((mapbits & CHUNK_MAP_ALLOCATED) == 0)) {
        __libc_fatal("Invalid address %p passed to free: value not allocated", ptr);


    if (likely((mapbits & CHUNK_MAP_LARGE) == 0)) {
        /* Small allocation. */
        if (likely(tcache != NULL)) {
            index_t binind = arena_ptr_small_binind_get(ptr,
            tcache_dalloc_small(tsd, tcache, ptr, binind);
        } else {
                &chunk->node), chunk, ptr, pageind);
    } else {
        size_t size = arena_mapbits_large_size_get(chunk,

        assert(config_cache_oblivious || ((uintptr_t)ptr &
            PAGE_MASK) == 0);

        if (likely(tcache != NULL) && size - large_pad <=
            tcache_maxclass) {
            tcache_dalloc_large(tsd, tcache, ptr, size -
        } else {
                &chunk->node), chunk, ptr);
} else
    huge_dalloc(tsd, ptr, tcache);



几种malloc实现原理 ptmalloc(glibc) && tcmalloc(google) && jemalloc(facebook)

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