const preprocess = require('./preprocess');//正常加载管线里面的加载任务function
const fetch = require('./fetch');//下载管线里面的请求任务
const Cache = require('./cache');//容器类
const helper = require('./helper');//核心长uid和短uid的转换,判断是scene还是prefab等function
const releaseManager = require('./releaseManager');//资源释放控制类
const dependUtil = require('./depend-util');//资源依赖管理类,单例
const load = require('./load');//正常加载管线里面的任务function
const Pipeline = require('./pipeline');//任务管线类
const Task = require('./task');//管线中的任务function
const RequestItem = require('./request-item');//加载任务里面的具体信息,uid,url,isNative等信息
const downloader = require('./downloader');//管理所有下载过程,downloader 是个单例,比如下载次数等
const parser = require('./parser');//解析已下载的文件,parser 是一个单例
const packManager = require('./pack-manager');//处理打包资源,包括拆包,加载,缓存等等,这是一个单例
const Bundle = require('./bundle');//一个包含一定数量资源(包括场景)的包,你可以加载,预加载,释放此包内的资源
const builtins = require('./builtins');//此模块包含内建资源,这是一个单例,
const factory = require('./factory');//一个工厂模式类,批量创建了加载jpg,audio等不同方式的handler function
const { parse, combine } = require('./urlTransformer');//加载资源的info数据的转换
const { parseParameters, asyncify } = require('./utilities');//公用函数eg,获取依赖等
以下是新建的几个容器 变量,在shared.js文件创建的实例
bundles 一个类map 存储bundle//默认会存储 internal main resources 三个bundle
const { assets, files, parsed, pipeline, transformPipeline,
fetchPipeline, RequestType, bundles, BuiltinBundleName } = require('./shared');
* @module cc
* !#en
* This module controls asset's behaviors and information, include loading, releasing etc. it is a singleton
* All member can be accessed with `cc.assetManager`.
* !#zh
* 此模块管理资源的行为和信息,包括加载,释放等,这是一个单例,所有成员能够通过 `cc.assetManager` 调用
* @class AssetManager
function AssetManager () {
this._preprocessPipe = preprocess;//没发现有地方调用_preprocessPipe这个变量
this._fetchPipe = fetch;//没发现有地方调用_fetchPipe这个变量
this._loadPipe = load;//没发现有地方调用_loadPipe这个变量
* !#en
* Normal loading pipeline
* !#zh
* 正常加载管线
* 将两个function添加到 pipeline实例里面的pipes数组里面
* @property pipeline
* @type {Pipeline}
this.pipeline = pipeline.append(preprocefss).append(load);
* !#en
* Fetching pipeline
* !#zh
* 下载管线
* 将两个function添加到 pipeline实例里面的pipes数组里面
* @property fetchPipeline
* @type {Pipeline}
this.fetchPipeline = fetchPipeline.append(preprocess).append(fetch);
* !#en
* Url transformer
* !#zh
* Url 转换器
* 将两个function添加到 pipeline实例里面的pipes数组里面
* @property transformPipeline
* @type {Pipeline}
this.transformPipeline = transformPipeline.append(parse).append(combine);
* !#en
* The collection of bundle which is already loaded, you can remove cache with {{#crossLink "AssetManager/removeBundle:method"}}{{/crossLink}}
* !#zh
* 已加载 bundle 的集合, 你能通过 {{#crossLink "AssetManager/removeBundle:method"}}{{/crossLink}} 来移除缓存
* @property bundles
* @type {Cache}
* @typescript
* bundles: AssetManager.Cache<AssetManager.Bundle>
this.bundles = bundles;
* !#en
* The collection of asset which is already loaded, you can remove cache with {{#crossLink "AssetManager/releaseAsset:method"}}{{/crossLink}}
* !#zh
* 已加载资源的集合, 你能通过 {{#crossLink "AssetManager/releaseAsset:method"}}{{/crossLink}} 来移除缓存
* assets 存储 texture2d等资源集合
* @property assets
* @type {Cache}
* @typescript
* assets: AssetManager.Cache<cc.Asset>
this.assets = assets;
this._files = files;
parsed 是针对load资源的解析后存储的 容器。
this._parsed = parsed;
importBase: 'assets/others/import',
nativeBase: 'assets/others/native'
this.generalImportBase = '';
this.generalNativeBase = '';
* !#en
* Manage relationship between asset and its dependencies
* !#zh
* 管理资源依赖关系
* @property dependUtil
* @type {DependUtil}
this.dependUtil = dependUtil;
this._releaseManager = releaseManager;
* !#en
* Whether or not cache the loaded asset
* !#zh
* 是否缓存已加载的资源
* @property cacheAsset
* @type {boolean}
this.cacheAsset = true;
* !#en
* Whether or not load asset forcely, if it is true, asset will be loaded regardless of error
* !#zh
* 是否强制加载资源, 如果为 true ,加载资源将会忽略报错
* 【这个参数很有用,具体项目很容易遇到加载报错的情况】
* @property force
* @type {boolean}
this.force = false;
* !#en
* Some useful function
* !#zh
* 一些有用的方法
* 包括uuid的长短转换,通过url返回uuid,
* 判断asset 是scene 还是prefab等公用方法
* @property utils
* @type {Helper}
this.utils = helper;
* !#en
* Manage all downloading task
* !#zh
* 管理所有下载任务
* @property downloader
* @type {Downloader}
this.downloader = downloader;
* !#en
* Manage all parsing task
* !#zh
* 管理所有解析任务
* @property parser
* @type {Parser}
this.parser = parser;
* !#en
* Manage internal asset
* !#zh
* 管理内置资源
* @property builtins
* @type {Builtins}
this.builtins = builtins;
* !#en
* Manage all packed asset
* !#zh
* 管理所有合并后的资源
* @property packManager
* @type {PackManager}
this.packManager = packManager;
this.factory = factory;
* !#en
* Cache manager is a module which controls all caches downloaded from server in non-web platform.
* !#zh
* 缓存管理器是一个模块,在非 WEB 平台上,用于管理所有从服务器上下载下来的缓存
* @property cacheManager
* @type {cc.AssetManager.CacheManager}
* @typescript
* cacheManager: cc.AssetManager.CacheManager|null
this.cacheManager = null;
* !#en
* The preset of options
* !#zh
* 可选参数的预设集
* @property presets
* @type {Object}
* @typescript
* presets: Record<string, Record<string, any>>
this.presets = {
'default': {
priority: 0,
'preload': {
maxConcurrency: 2,
maxRequestsPerFrame: 2,
priority: -1,
'scene': {
maxConcurrency: 8,
maxRequestsPerFrame: 8,
priority: 1,
'bundle': {
maxConcurrency: 8,
maxRequestsPerFrame: 8,
priority: 2,
'remote': {
maxRetryCount: 4
'script': {
priority: 2
AssetManager.Pipeline = Pipeline;
AssetManager.Task = Task;
AssetManager.Cache = Cache;
AssetManager.RequestItem = RequestItem;
AssetManager.Bundle = Bundle;
AssetManager.BuiltinBundleName = BuiltinBundleName;
AssetManager.prototype = {
constructor: AssetManager,
* !#en
* The builtin 'main' bundle
* !#zh
* 内置 main 包
* @property main
* @readonly
* @type {Bundle}
get main () {
return bundles.get(BuiltinBundleName.MAIN);
* !#en
* The builtin 'resources' bundle
* !#zh
* 内置 resources 包
* @property resources
* @readonly
* @type {Bundle}
get resources () {
return bundles.get(BuiltinBundleName.RESOURCES);////获取到的是 resources目录针对的bundle对象
* !#en
* The builtin 'internal' bundle
* !#zh
* 内置 internal 包
* @property internal
* @readonly
* @type {Bundle}
get internal () {
return bundles.get(BuiltinBundleName.INTERNAL);
* !#en
* Initialize assetManager with options
* !#zh
* 初始化资源管理器
* @method init
* @param {Object} options
* @typescript
* init(options: Record<string, any>): void
init (options) {
options = options || Object.create(null);//创建一个类似map的容器
assets 存储 texture2d等asset资源
/* 这个是md5的后缀
bundleVers: { internal: "f1413", resources: "d99d6", main: "d3b73" }//Bundle 的 md5 值
*/ */
查看 urlTransformer.js 为了转换ttf路径名称 设置的这两个个参数
importBase: 'assets/others/import',
nativeBase: 'assets/others/native'
this.generalImportBase = options.importBase;
this.generalNativeBase = options.nativeBase;
* !#en
* Get the bundle which has been loaded
* !#zh
* 获取已加载的分包
* @method getBundle
* @param {String} name - The name of bundle
* @return {Bundle} - The loaded bundle
* @example
* // ${project}/assets/test1
* cc.assetManager.getBundle('test1');
* cc.assetManager.getBundle('resources');
* @typescript
* getBundle (name: string): cc.AssetManager.Bundle
getBundle (name) {
return bundles.get(name);
* !#en
* Remove this bundle. NOTE: The asset whthin this bundle will not be released automatically, you can call {{#crossLink "Bundle/releaseAll:method"}}{{/crossLink}} manually before remove it if you need
* !#zh
* 移除此包, 注意:这个包内的资源不会自动释放, 如果需要的话你可以在摧毁之前手动调用 {{#crossLink "Bundle/releaseAll:method"}}{{/crossLink}} 进行释放
* @method removeBundle
* @param {Bundle} bundle - The bundle to be removed
* @typescript
* removeBundle(bundle: cc.AssetManager.Bundle): void
removeBundle (bundle) {
* !#en
* General interface used to load assets with a progression callback and a complete callback. You can achieve almost all effect you want with combination of `requests` and `options`.
* It is highly recommended that you use more simple API, such as `load`, `loadDir` etc. Every custom parameter in `options` will be distribute to each of `requests`.
* if request already has same one, the parameter in request will be given priority. Besides, if request has dependencies, `options` will distribute to dependencies too.
* Every custom parameter in `requests` will be tranfered to handler of `downloader` and `parser` as `options`.
* You can register you own handler downloader or parser to collect these custom parameters for some effect.
* Reserved Keyword: `uuid`, `url`, `path`, `dir`, `scene`, `type`, `priority`, `preset`, `audioLoadMode`, `ext`, `bundle`, `onFileProgress`, `maxConcurrency`, `maxRequestsPerFrame`
* `maxRetryCount`, `version`, `responseType`, `withCredentials`, `mimeType`, `timeout`, `header`, `reload`, `cacheAsset`, `cacheEnabled`,
* Please DO NOT use these words as custom options!
* !#zh
* 通用加载资源接口,可传入进度回调以及完成回调,通过组合 `request` 和 `options` 参数,几乎可以实现和扩展所有想要的加载效果。非常建议你使用更简单的API,例如 `load`、`loadDir` 等。
* `options` 中的自定义参数将会分发到 `requests` 的每一项中,如果request中已存在同名的参数则以 `requests` 中为准,同时如果有其他
* 依赖资源,则 `options` 中的参数会继续向依赖项中分发。request中的自定义参数都会以 `options` 形式传入加载流程中的 `downloader`, `parser` 的方法中, 你可以
* 扩展 `downloader`, `parser` 收集参数完成想实现的效果。
* 保留关键字: `uuid`, `url`, `path`, `dir`, `scene`, `type`, `priority`, `preset`, `audioLoadMode`, `ext`, `bundle`, `onFileProgress`, `maxConcurrency`, `maxRequestsPerFrame`
* `maxRetryCount`, `version`, `responseType`, `withCredentials`, `mimeType`, `timeout`, `header`, `reload`, `cacheAsset`, `cacheEnabled`,
* 请不要使用这些字段为自定义参数!
* @method loadAny
* @param {string|string[]|Object|Object[]} requests - The request you want to load
* @param {Object} [options] - Optional parameters
* @param {Function} [onProgress] - Callback invoked when progression change
* @param {Number} onProgress.finished - The number of the items that are already completed
* @param {Number} onProgress.total - The total number of the items
* @param {RequestItem} onProgress.item - The current request item
* @param {Function} [onComplete] - Callback invoked when finish loading
* @param {Error} onComplete.err - The error occured in loading process.
* @param {Object} onComplete.data - The loaded content
* @example
* cc.assetManager.loadAny({url: 'http://example.com/a.png'}, (err, img) => cc.log(img));
* cc.assetManager.loadAny(['60sVXiTH1D/6Aft4MRt9VC'], (err, assets) => cc.log(assets));
* cc.assetManager.loadAny([{ uuid: '0cbZa5Y71CTZAccaIFluuZ'}, {url: 'http://example.com/a.png'}], (err, assets) => cc.log(assets));
* cc.assetManager.downloader.register('.asset', (url, options, onComplete) => {
* url += '?userName=' + options.userName + "&password=" + options.password;
* cc.assetManager.downloader.downloadFile(url, null, onComplete);
* });
* cc.assetManager.parser.register('.asset', (file, options, onComplete) => {
* var json = JSON.parse(file);
* var skin = json[options.skin];
* var model = json[options.model];
* onComplete(null, {skin, model});
* });
* cc.assetManager.loadAny({ url: 'http://example.com/my.asset', skin: 'xxx', model: 'xxx', userName: 'xxx', password: 'xxx' });
* @typescript
* loadAny(requests: string | string[] | Record<string, any> | Record<string, any>[], options: Record<string, any>, onProgress: (finished: number, total: number, item: cc.AssetManager.RequestItem) => void, onComplete: (err: Error, data: any) => void): void
* loadAny(requests: string | string[] | Record<string, any> | Record<string, any>[], options: Record<string, any>, onComplete: (err: Error, data: any) => void): void
* loadAny(requests: string | string[] | Record<string, any> | Record<string, any>[], options: Record<string, any>): void
* loadAny(requests: string | string[] | Record<string, any> | Record<string, any>[], onProgress: (finished: number, total: number, item: cc.AssetManager.RequestItem) => void, onComplete: (err: Error, data: any) => void): void
* loadAny(requests: string | string[] | Record<string, any> | Record<string, any>[], onComplete: (err: Error, data: any) => void): void
* loadAny(requests: string | string[] | Record<string, any> | Record<string, any>[]): void
requests参数: load任务的源
option: {preset: "script"__requestType__:"url"}
loadAny (requests, options, onProgress, onComplete) {
var { options, onProgress, onComplete } = parseParameters(options, onProgress, onComplete);
options.preset = options.preset || 'default';//加载的类型 比如uid url dir path
let task = new Task({input: requests, onProgress, onComplete: asyncify(onComplete), options});
// 添加到normal任务管线 【一共三个管线,这个是normal】,异步执行任务
pipeline.async(task);//pipeline里面的pipes数组 有具体的pipe,
* !#en
* General interface used to preload assets with a progression callback and a complete callback.It is highly recommended that you use more simple API, such as `preloadRes`, `preloadResDir` etc.
* Everything about preload is just likes `cc.assetManager.loadAny`, the difference is `cc.assetManager.preloadAny` will only download asset but not parse asset. You need to invoke `cc.assetManager.loadAny(preloadTask)`
* to finish loading asset
* !#zh
* 通用预加载资源接口,可传入进度回调以及完成回调,非常建议你使用更简单的 API ,例如 `preloadRes`, `preloadResDir` 等。`preloadAny` 和 `loadAny` 几乎一样,区别在于 `preloadAny` 只会下载资源,不会去解析资源,你需要调用 `cc.assetManager.loadAny(preloadTask)`
* 来完成资源加载。
* @method preloadAny
* @param {string|string[]|Object|Object[]} requests - The request you want to preload
* @param {Object} [options] - Optional parameters
* @param {Function} [onProgress] - Callback invoked when progression change
* @param {Number} onProgress.finished - The number of the items that are already completed
* @param {Number} onProgress.total - The total number of the items
* @param {RequestItem} onProgress.item - The current request item
* @param {Function} [onComplete] - Callback invoked when finish preloading
* @param {Error} onComplete.err - The error occured in preloading process.
* @param {RequestItem[]} onComplete.items - The preloaded content
* @example
* cc.assetManager.preloadAny('0cbZa5Y71CTZAccaIFluuZ', (err) => cc.assetManager.loadAny('0cbZa5Y71CTZAccaIFluuZ'));
* @typescript
* preloadAny(requests: string | string[] | Record<string, any> | Record<string, any>[], options: Record<string, any>, onProgress: (finished: number, total: number, item: cc.AssetManager.RequestItem) => void, onComplete: (err: Error, items: cc.AssetManager.RequestItem[]) => void): void
* preloadAny(requests: string | string[] | Record<string, any> | Record<string, any>[], options: Record<string, any>, onComplete: (err: Error, items: cc.AssetManager.RequestItem[]) => void): void
* preloadAny(requests: string | string[] | Record<string, any> | Record<string, any>[], onProgress: (finished: number, total: number, item: cc.AssetManager.RequestItem) => void, onComplete: (err: Error, items: cc.AssetManager.RequestItem[]) => void): void
* preloadAny(requests: string | string[] | Record<string, any> | Record<string, any>[], onComplete: (err: Error, items: cc.AssetManager.RequestItem[]) => void): void
* preloadAny(requests: string | string[] | Record<string, any> | Record<string, any>[], options: Record<string, any>): void
* preloadAny(requests: string | string[] | Record<string, any> | Record<string, any>[]): void
preloadAny (requests, options, onProgress, onComplete) {
var { options, onProgress, onComplete } = parseParameters(options, onProgress, onComplete);
options.preset = options.preset || 'preload';
var task = new Task({input: requests, onProgress, onComplete: asyncify(onComplete), options});
* !#en
* Load native file of asset, if you check the option 'Async Load Assets', you may need to load native file with this before you use the asset
* !#zh
* 加载资源的原生文件,如果你勾选了'延迟加载资源'选项,你可能需要在使用资源之前调用此方法来加载原生文件
* @method postLoadNative
* @param {Asset} asset - The asset
* @param {Object} [options] - Some optional parameters
* @param {Function} [onComplete] - Callback invoked when finish loading
* @param {Error} onComplete.err - The error occured in loading process.
* @example
* cc.assetManager.postLoadNative(texture, (err) => console.log(err));
* @typescript
* postLoadNative(asset: cc.Asset, options: Record<string, any>, onComplete: (err: Error) => void): void
* postLoadNative(asset: cc.Asset, options: Record<string, any>): void
* postLoadNative(asset: cc.Asset, onComplete: (err: Error) => void): void
* postLoadNative(asset: cc.Asset): void
postLoadNative (asset, options, onComplete) {
if (!(asset instanceof cc.Asset)) throw new Error('input is not asset');
var { options, onComplete } = parseParameters(options, undefined, onComplete);
if (!asset._native || asset._nativeAsset) {
return asyncify(onComplete)(null);
var depend = dependUtil.getNativeDep(asset._uuid);
if (depend) {
if (!bundles.has(depend.bundle)) {
var bundle = bundles.find(function (bundle) {
return bundle.getAssetInfo(asset._uuid);
if (bundle) {
depend.bundle = bundle.name;
this.loadAny(depend, options, function (err, native) {
if (!err) {
!asset._nativeAsset && (asset._nativeAsset = native);
else {
cc.error(err.message, err.stack);
onComplete && onComplete(err);
* !#en
* Load remote asset with url, such as audio, image, text and so on.
* !#zh
* 使用 url 加载远程资源,例如音频,图片,文本等等。
* @method loadRemote
* @param {string} url - The url of asset
* @param {Object} [options] - Some optional parameters
* @param {cc.AudioClip.LoadMode} [options.audioLoadMode] - Indicate which mode audio you want to load
* @param {Function} [onComplete] - Callback invoked when finish loading
* @param {Error} onComplete.err - The error occured in loading process.
* @param {Asset} onComplete.asset - The loaded texture
* @example
* cc.assetManager.loadRemote('http://www.cloud.com/test1.jpg', (err, texture) => console.log(err));
* cc.assetManager.loadRemote('http://www.cloud.com/test2.mp3', (err, audioClip) => console.log(err));
* @typescript
* loadRemote<T extends cc.Asset>(url: string, options: Record<string, any>, onComplete: (err: Error, asset: T) => void): void
* loadRemote<T extends cc.Asset>(url: string, options: Record<string, any>): void
* loadRemote<T extends cc.Asset>(url: string, onComplete: (err: Error, asset: T) => void): void
* loadRemote<T extends cc.Asset>(url: string): void
loadRemote (url, options, onComplete) {
var { options, onComplete } = parseParameters(options, undefined, onComplete);
options.__isNative__ = true;
options.preset = options.preset || 'remote';
this.loadAny({url}, options, null, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
cc.error(err.message, err.stack);
onComplete && onComplete(err, null);
else {
factory.create(url, data, options.ext || cc.path.extname(url), options, onComplete);
* !#en
* Load script
* !#zh
* 加载脚本
* @method loadScript
* @param {string|string[]} url - Url of the script
* @param {Object} [options] - Some optional paramters
* @param {boolean} [options.isAsync] - Indicate whether or not loading process should be async
* @param {Function} [onComplete] - Callback when script loaded or failed
* @param {Error} onComplete.err - The occurred error, null indicetes success
* @example
* loadScript('http://localhost:8080/index.js', null, (err) => console.log(err));
* @typescript
* loadScript(url: string|string[], options: Record<string, any>, onComplete: (err: Error) => void): void;
* loadScript(url: string|string[], options: Record<string, any>): void;
* loadScript(url: string|string[], onComplete: (err: Error) => void): void;
* loadScript(url: string|string[]): void;
eg:url 是个string 数组
options 是cb
onComplete 是 undefined
loadScript (url, options, onComplete) {
交换参数,当第二个参数不是progress func的时候重新定义obj进行交叉互换
var { options, onComplete } = parseParameters(options, undefined, onComplete);
执行转换后 options为一个空对象了,onComplete 变成了cb,传入的第二个参数 */
options.__requestType__ = RequestType.URL;//静态变量 'url'
options.preset = options.preset || 'script';
this.loadAny(url, options, onComplete);
* !#en
* load bundle
* !#zh
* 加载资源包
* @method loadBundle
* @param {string} nameOrUrl - The name or root path of bundle
* @param {Object} [options] - Some optional paramter, same like downloader.downloadFile
* @param {string} [options.version] - The version of this bundle, you can check config.json in this bundle
* @param {Function} [onComplete] - Callback when bundle loaded or failed
* @param {Error} onComplete.err - The occurred error, null indicetes success
* @param {Bundle} onComplete.bundle - The loaded bundle
* @example
* loadBundle('http://localhost:8080/test', null, (err, bundle) => console.log(err));
* @typescript
* loadBundle(nameOrUrl: string, options: Record<string, any>, onComplete: (err: Error, bundle: cc.AssetManager.Bundle) => void): void
* loadBundle(nameOrUrl: string, options: Record<string, any>): void
* loadBundle(nameOrUrl: string, onComplete: (err: Error, bundle: cc.AssetManager.Bundle) => void): void
* loadBundle(nameOrUrl: string): void
loadBundle (nameOrUrl, options, onComplete) {
var { options, onComplete } = parseParameters(options, undefined, onComplete);
let bundleName = cc.path.basename(nameOrUrl);
if (this.bundles.has(bundleName)) {
return asyncify(onComplete)(null, this.getBundle(bundleName));
options.preset = options.preset || 'bundle';
options.ext = 'bundle';
this.loadRemote(nameOrUrl, options, onComplete);
* !#en
* Release asset and it's dependencies.
* This method will not only remove the cache of the asset in assetManager, but also clean up its content.
* For example, if you release a texture, the texture asset and its gl texture data will be freed up.
* Notice, this method may cause the texture to be unusable, if there are still other nodes use the same texture, they may turn to black and report gl errors.
* !#zh
* 释放资源以及其依赖资源, 这个方法不仅会从 assetManager 中删除资源的缓存引用,还会清理它的资源内容。
* 比如说,当你释放一个 texture 资源,这个 texture 和它的 gl 贴图数据都会被释放。
* 注意,这个函数可能会导致资源贴图或资源所依赖的贴图不可用,如果场景中存在节点仍然依赖同样的贴图,它们可能会变黑并报 GL 错误。
* @method releaseAsset
* @param {Asset} asset - The asset to be released
* @example
* // release a texture which is no longer need
* cc.assetManager.releaseAsset(texture);
* @typescript
* releaseAsset(asset: cc.Asset): void
releaseAsset (asset) {
releaseManager.tryRelease(asset, true);
* !#en
* Release all unused assets. Refer to {{#crossLink "AssetManager/releaseAsset:method"}}{{/crossLink}} for detailed informations.
* !#zh
* 释放所有没有用到的资源。详细信息请参考 {{#crossLink "AssetManager/releaseAsset:method"}}{{/crossLink}}
* @method releaseUnusedAssets
* @private
* @typescript
* releaseUnusedAssets(): void
releaseUnusedAssets () {
assets.forEach(function (asset) {
* !#en
* Release all assets. Refer to {{#crossLink "AssetManager/releaseAsset:method"}}{{/crossLink}} for detailed informations.
* !#zh
* 释放所有资源。详细信息请参考 {{#crossLink "AssetManager/releaseAsset:method"}}{{/crossLink}}
* @method releaseAll
* @typescript
* releaseAll(): void
releaseAll () {
assets.forEach(function (asset) {
releaseManager.tryRelease(asset, true);
_transform (input, options) {
var subTask = Task.create({input, options});
var urls = [];
try {
var result = transformPipeline.sync(subTask);
for (var i = 0, l = result.length; i < l; i++) {
var item = result[i];
var url = item.url;
catch (e) {
for (var i = 0, l = subTask.output.length; i < l; i++) {
cc.error(e.message, e.stack);
return urls.length > 1 ? urls : urls[0];
cc.AssetManager = AssetManager;
* @module cc
* @property assetManager
* @type {AssetManager}
cc.assetManager = new AssetManager();
cc.resources 和 cc.assetManager.resources 等价
Object.defineProperty(cc, 'resources', {
* !#en
* cc.resources is a bundle and controls all asset under assets/resources
* !#zh
* cc.resources 是一个 bundle,用于管理所有在 assets/resources 下的资源
* @property resources
* @readonly
* @type {AssetManager.Bundle}
get () {
return bundles.get(BuiltinBundleName.RESOURCES);//获取到的是 resources目录针对的bundle对象
module.exports = cc.assetManager;
* !#en
* This module controls asset's behaviors and information, include loading, releasing etc.
* All member can be accessed with `cc.assetManager`. All class or enum can be accessed with `cc.AssetManager`
* !#zh
* 此模块管理资源的行为和信息,包括加载,释放等,所有成员能够通过 `cc.assetManager` 调用. 所有类型或枚举能通过 `cc.AssetManager` 访问
* @module cc.AssetManager