1. [C] (选举,工作的)提名
A nomination is an official suggestion of someone as a candidate in an election or for a job.
- 他共和党总统提名的候选资格
his candidacy for Republican presidential nomination. - 谁会获得共和党总统候选人提名?
Who will get the Republican nomination for president?
2. (书、电影、演员等获奖的)提名
A nomination for an award is an official suggestion that someone or something should be given that reward.
- 他们说他肯定会获得最佳男配角奖的提名。
They say he is certain to get a nomination for the best supporting actor. - 星期二宣布了奥斯卡金像奖的提名。
The nominations for the Academy Awards were announced Tuesday.
3. 任命,指定
The act of giving someone a particular job,or the fact of being given that job.
- 任命奥尼尔为首席执行官
O'Neil 's nomination as chief executive - 德克萨斯州议员劳埃德本特森作为财政部长的任命
the nomination of Texas Senator Lloyd Bensten to be treasury secretary.