7 Ah.
8 Ah!
9 #Buh-buh-buh-buh-buhBuh-buh-buh. #
10 Ca!Ca!
11 Duh-duh-duh-duh,duh-duh-duh-duh,duh-duh-duhDUH-DUH!
12 -Eh!- ECHOES: -Eh-eh-eh!
13 Ffff!Ffffff!Ff!Ff!
14 Ffffffff!
15 Guh-guh-guh-guh-guh-guh.
16 - PANTING: -Hah-hah-hah-hah.Haaaah.Haaaah.
17 # I-I-iy-iy-iy! #
18 Juh!Juh!
20 Kuh!Kuh!Kuh!KUH!
21 Kuh!
22 #Luh-luh-lu-uh-uh! #
23 Llll.Llll.
24 Mmmm!Mm-mm-mm-mm!
25 Mmm-mm!
26 Nn-hn.
27 Nnnnn!
28 Oh?
29 Oh!
30 Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh.
31 Puh-puh.
32 Puh-puh.
33 Puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh.
35 Kwu-kwu-kwu-kwu-kwu!Kwu-kwu-kwu!
36 Arrrrrrr!
37 Rrrrr?
38 Rrrrr!
39 Sssssssss....
40 Ss-ss-ss-ss-ss-ss!
41 Tuh-tuh-tuh-tuh!
42 Tuh-tuh-tuh!
43 U-UGH!
44 Uh?
45 Uh!
46 Vvvvvvv!
47 Vvv-vvv-vvv!
48 Vvvvvv...
49 Wuh-wuh-wuh...Wuh-wuh-wuh-wuh-wuh!
51 Xs!Xs-xs!
52 Xs!
53 Yee....
54 Eee-yuh!
55 Zzzzzz.
56 Zzzz.
57 Zz?
58 Zzz?
59 Zzz...Zz!
8 Eh!Eh!
10 # Look at me, my name is E
11 # Bet you haven't met a better letter yet
12 # I'm the busiest letter in the alphabet
13 # E - that's me!
14 #Buh,buh,buh,buh
15 #Duhduh-duhdeduh-duh
16 # We can make a B-E-D Bed!
17 # B!
18 # R!
19 # He can make it R-E-D
20 # Red!
21 #Eh!
22 # Look at me
23 # No, look at me!
24 - # He's another E - He's just the same asme!
25 BOTH: # We can live together in harmony
26 # Double E - you and me
28 #Buh!
29 # E! Let's make a... B-EE!
30 ALL: # Bee!
31 # Everybody - one, two... T-R-EE!
32 ALL: # Tree! #
33 One, two, tree?
34 - PANTING: - Huh, huh, huh... Sorry!
35 One, two, TH-R-EE!
36 ALL: Three!
37 # Another E A brother E
38 # He's the quiet one in the family
39 # He doesn't say much He does it silently
40 # E number three
41 # And with threeEsWe can make you
42 # S-N-EE-ZE. #
43 ALL: Sneeze!
44 Ah, ah, ah, ah-choo!
45 Bee!
46 Eek!
47 Eep!
48 Er!
49 We need moreEs!
50 MoreEs?MoreEs?
51 Yes, quickly.
52 Eeee!
53 B-EE-K-EE-P-ER ALL:Beekeeper!
54 # Did you ever see So manyEs?
55 # You've really never met A better letteryet
56 # We're the busiest letter in the alphabet
57 # E - that's me! #
58 Ehh!
8 Alphablocks!
9 Tuh,tuh,tuh.I was hoping to find a place for a nice cup of tea.
10 Oh!
11 Somewhere with a view.
12 Oh!
13 -Puh!Perhaps - I - can help.
14 -Tuh!- Oh! -Puh!
15 ALL: Top!
16 Perfect!
17 - Oh! -Tuh!Be careful.
18 Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!
19 Oh!
20 Tuh!Typical. Now we're stuck.
21 I'm not. I'm puffing off.Puh!
22 Tuh.
23 Ahh.
24 Ehh.
25 -Eee.-Ohh.
27 -Ahh!-Eeh! -Ehh!- Oh!
28 Uh?
29 What's going on?
30 - I know! I know! I... - What is it, then?
31 Don't know.
32 Ohh!
33 Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh.
34 ALL: T is stuck on top of a mountain?
35 Oh! Oh! I know!
36 I know!
37 T is...stuck on top of a mountain.
38 T needs help. Vowels to the rescue!
39 ALL: A, E, I, O, U, vowels know what to do!
40 U, E, A, I, O, rescue T, off we go!
41 He's up there. We need to help!
42 But how?
43 I know! I know!
44 You don't, though, do you?
45 I do, I DO!
46 You do, don't you, U?
47 Oh, me?Uh...Uh!
48 -Buh!-Uh! -Guh!
49 ALL: Bug!
50 Brilliant, a bug!
51 Go on, save T, little bug!
52 I know! I KNOW!
53 Is it my turn?
54 -Buh!- Ah! -Guh!
55 ALL: Bag!
56 Great, maybe there's something usefulinside.
57 -Buh!- Ah! -Guh!
58 I said I know what to do!
59 Go on, then, show us.
60 I will.
61 -Buh!-Ihh! -Guh!
62 ALL: Big!
63 -Ihh!- Brilliant! - Go on,
64 - get on top. -Tuh!
65 A terrific view. A truly terrific view!
9 # A, E, I, O, U... #
10 Yay!
11 Yay.Yah!
12 Eeek.In harmony, please.
13 Y, why are you here?
14 Why not?
15 Sorry, this group is vowels only.
16 Sorry. One more time, then, vowels.
17 # Why, I, I, I, I
18 # Can't I be more like you?
19 # I, I, I, I, I
20 # I just don't know what to do
21 # O, E, A, they all know what to say
22 # But I'm much too shy to even try
23 # I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I
24 # Yes, I'm OK at the start of yellow,yo-yooryacht
25 # But I'd like to be heard at the end of aword
26 # Am I trying to be something I'm not?
27 # Why, I, I, I... #
28 # Why, my little Y
29 # Don't let your dreams pass you by
30 # All you have to do istr...
31 #Tr...#
33 Tut,tut,tut,we need a vowel.
34 Vowel needed!
35 Huh. You called?
36 ALL: T-R-A,tra.
37 ALL: T-R-E,tre.
38 ALL: T-R-O,tro.
40 I don't think so.
41 All you have to do is try... I!
42 What did you say?
43 - I. - All you have to do is...
44 ALL: T-R-Y, try!
45 I don't believe it.
46 # I, I, I, I, I, I can do it
47 # I, I, I, I, I, I'm not too shy
48 # I, I, I, I, I, I'm so happy I could cry
49 # I feel like I could fly
50 # Up into the... #
51 I get the idea!
52 Sky!
53 # A, E, I, O, U
54 # Y. #
8 Alphablocks!
9 C. C...
10 K. K. >
11 - 81. - K. - 82. - K. - 83. - K. - 84...
12 - 85... - K. - Hey! That's my sound.
13 - Stop copying me. - I'm not.
14 I'm kicking my football to... K.
15 ..keep it in the air... K.
16 Well, can't you make a different sound?
17 No! You can't k-keep it for yourself.
18 - K! - ..96, 97, 98...
19 - 99... -Copycat!- Oh!
20 -Rrrr!- HISSING
21 - Crumbs! Sorry. - This alphabet isn't bigenough for the two of 'CKs'.
22 There's only one way to sort this out.
23 - You mean...? - Correct.
24 A contest!
25 C versus K.
26 OK. Beat this...
27 'EY' - Key!
28 Oh!
29 C - that's nothing! I can make...
30 - C.- A. - G.
32 Clearly, my 'C' is the best.
33 Lovely, could you let us out now?
34 Lucky I've got the key then.
35 So get us out!
36 Looks like I'm the King of theKs. K!
37 Nokeyhole!
38 This is not cool.
39 You two got us into this mess.
40 S-S-S... Now you can both get us out!
41 CK!
42 - S. - O. - CK! ALL: SOCK!
43 Oh!
44 - SNIFFS - Oh,rrrrr!
45 What's that rotten smell?
46 Worry not,shipmates!
47 -Rrrr!- O. - CK.
48 ALL: Rock!
49 ALL: Oh!
50 GIGGLING A-aaah!
51 Listen, leave this to me.
52 - L. - O. - CK. ALL: LOCK!
53 Oh-ho!
54 Maybe two 'CKs' are better than one.
55 Hey, C, catch!
10 Fffff.
11 Fffff.
12 Fff-fffff!
13 Oh!
14 -Ffff.- Oh-oh!
15 Faster, faster!
16 Fffff!
17 Fffff!
18 -Fff-ffff. - Oh.
19 - BOTH: -Fff.
20 Off!
22 Oh!
23 Oh-oh!
24 - Fabulous. - Fantastic!
25 No, no, no!
26 I can't see.
27 - Oh. -Nnn.
28 - BOTH: - On!
29 Oh.
30 - Oh. -Fff.
31 - BOTH: - Off.
32 No, no, no!
33 - Oh. -Nnn.
34 - BOTH: - On!
35 - Oh. -Fff.
36 - BOTH: - Off.
37 Ohhh!
38 Fffff!
39 Uh.
40 Unbelievable.
41 Who turned the lights off?
42 -Fff.-Uh. -Nnn.
43 ALL: Fun!
44 Fun?
45 What's fun?
46 Uhhh!
47 This isfffffun!
48 ALL:Whoa!
49 Ohh!
50 W...What's going on?
51 BOTH:Ow!
52 BOTH:Ow.
53 BOTH:Ow!
54 BOTH:Ow,ow.
55 W-w-w-waaaah!
56 Wheeee!
57 # Twinkle twinkle little star
58 # How I wonder...
59 # Where you are. #
60 - BOTH: -Wheeee!
61 -Guh.-Lll.
62 - BOTH: -Ow.
63 ALL: Glow!
64 Ohhh!
65 Lovely.
66 Gee!Great galaxies.
67 Wonderful. Make a wish.
68 I wish for fun.
69 ALL: Fun, fun, fun!
70 Ssssuper!
71 -Sss.-Uh. -Nnn.
72 ALL: Sun!
73 Ohhh!
10 #De-dedadumdum.#
11 D on drums!
12 #De-dedadumdum.#
13 #Ba-babuh-buhba-bababuh-buh.#
14 B on bass!
15 We need a singer.
16 Definitely.
17 #Nnn-nnhnah-nahnnh-nnh
18 #Nnh-nnnnhnnnh!#
19 N, what are you doing?
20 Nnn,nothing.
21 So, what was that noise?
22 Nn-notme.
23 Show us what's be-hind your back.
24 Nn-nn.
25 A banjo!
26 No.
27 Adidgeridoo.
28 No!
29 Bagpipes?
30 #Nnh-nnhnnh-nnh!
31 #Nn-nnhnn-nnhnn-nnh! #
32 Guitar!
33 New guitar!
34 Beautiful!
35 Do you want to join my...
36 OUR band?
37 No...
38 No!
39 Er,is that a yes?
40 Yes!
41 Brilliant!
42 You can be lead guitar!
43 Nice!
44 But we still need a singer.
45 # Ah...Ee...Ih... Oh...
46 #Uh-hu-uhhh...
47 # Ah...Ee...Ih... Oh...Uh.#
48 Hey-hey! We're TheBnd.
49 The what?
50 TheBnd.We're looking for a singer. Who wants to join us?
51 Uh-uh. No way!
52 Uh!So unfair!
53 -Beh.-Uh. -Nnn.-De.
55 Uh!How utterly embarrassing.
56 Eh,excuse me, everyone.
57 -Beh.-Eh. -Nnn.-De.
58 TOGETHER: Bend!
59 ALL:Urgh.
60 Don't just stand there.
61 Do something!
62 Oh! Oh-oh! Oh!
63 Oh...Oh!
64 Eh!
65 Ah!
66 -Beh.- Ah. -Nnn. -De.
67 TOGETHER: Band!
68 #Dededuhdede...#
69 #Buh-bahbuh-bah... #
70 #Nnhnnhnnnnnh...#
71 BND: Sing, A!
72 #Aaaahah-ah ah-ah
73 # Ahaaah
74 # We are The Band! #
10 #Buh,buh-buh-buhbuh-buhbuh...
11 # Ah, a-a-a-a-a-a-aah...
12 - # N-n-n-n-n...! - D-d-d-d-d... #
13 Be quiet! Please be quiet.
14 - I said, be... - ALL SING TOGETHER
15 - QUIET! - There's no need to shout.
16 Brother,
17 we can barely hear ourselves play!
18 We need to make some noise if we want to bea rock band.
19 WE don't. We want to play pop!
20 Disappointing.
21 We'll play our music -
22 - and you play yours. - No...
23 Yes!
24 We can have a battle of the bands!
25 Done!
26 So - who wants to be in our band?
27 Mm?
28 Jump over. Let me join.
29 - J... - A... - B...
30 - ALL: - Jab! Jab...
31 # Jab!
32 # Jab!
33 # Jab!
34 - # Jab! - Stop! This isn't going to work.
35 Fear not. I'll make the band FABULOUS.
36 - F... - A... - B...
37 - ALL: -Fab!
38 Let'sboogie,blocks!
39 - ALL: - # We'refab
40 #Fab,fab,fab
41 # We'refab
42 # We're sofab,we'refab
43 #Fab,fab
44 #Fab,we'refab. #
45 And we...are DIN!
46 - ALL: # Din, din, din! - Din...
47 - # Din, din, din! - Din!
48 - # Din, din, din! - Din...
49 # Din, din!
50 # We're making a din! #
51 # We'refab,fab...
52 - # Din! Din! Din! - Din!
53 # Din! Din! Din!
54 # Din... #
55 Greetings, X fans!
56 I can FIX this.
57 But I'm going to need some help.
58 I'm in!
59 Fan-tastic!
60 - BOTH: - Hey!
62 - RAPS: - Hold out your hand. Hold out yourhand!
63 You'll soon see who's the best band.
64 Fix!
65 Brother! It's us.
66 WE'RE the best band!
67 - #Buh-buh,buh-buh... - A-a-a-a-a-aah...
68 # N-n-n-n-n...
69 # D-d-d-d-d...
70 - ALL: - # Band! #
11 Greetings!
12 Are you guys going to the party?
13 Arr.This IS the party, me hearty.
14 Where? What?
15 When does it start?
16 Twenty two minutes,
17 twelve tedious seconds ago.
18 This is it?!
19 Good grief.
20 #Ba-ba,ba-babow. #
21 #Doo-doo,doo,doo-doo.#
22 Hey, guys. Why so down in the dumps?
23 Some party(!)
24 POP
25 Sssssss.
26 Aah!
27 Ss,ss,ss,oops!
28 Say, let's get this party started.
29 -Ss.- Ah. -Ghe.
31 -Ssss...-Aaah... -Ghe.
32 I'll soon sort this out.
33 Sss.Sss.Sss.
34 Don't despair, D can do it!
35 -Ss.- Ah. -Deh.
39 Whoa!
40 We need someone who can get this partygoing.
41 Someone exciting.
42 Definitely.
43 Ssss!
44 Did somebody say exciting?
45 Qsss,qsss.
46 - The exciting X! - Yes!
47 Fear not alpha mortals, I'll fix this.
48 -Ss.- Ah. -Ssss.
51 # I'm X
52 # There's no problem I can't fix
53 # I'm X
54 # When I'm thrown into the mix
55 # I'm thesuperheroX
56 # So just watch my musclesflex
57 # I'm stronger than an ox
58 # More cunning than a fox
59 # I'm X
60 # I'm extremely extraordinary and extraexciting
61 # I excel at exercising
62 # I'm X!
63 # X strikes again... #
64 Excellent.
65 POP POP POP This party's popping!
66 Qss,qss,qss,wait!
67 Time to use my X-ray vision.
69 Sorry, X fans, but I'm needed elsewhere.
70 Time for a quick...
71 Exit!
9 Be happy! Get fit!
10 Get fit, be happy!
11 BOTH:Ch!Ch!Ch!Ch!
12 -Cheesy.- Chilly.
13 BOTH:Ch-ch-ch-chchoo-choo! All aboard!
14 A!
15 #Cha-cha,cha-cha-chaCha-cha,cha-cha-cha
16 #Sh-sh,sh-sh-shshoo-wop,do-shoo-wop
17 #Shoo-bop, do-shoo-ah
18 #Sh-sh, it's a soft shoe shuffle With ashimmy-shimmyshake
19 #Th-th-th,th-th-th
20 # We thud, thud, thud Come on, everybody!
21 # And we thump, thump, thumpCoswe're doing our thing
22 #Th-th-th,th-th-th
23 # Nowslitherwith the rhythm That's the way you've got to move it
24 #Th-th-th,th
25 #Th-th-th,th-th-th
26 # And we thud, thud, thud... #
27 I think we should stop.
28 That way!
29 T, t, time for a nice cup of tea.
30 O!
31 How are we going to get back?
32 I...don't know.
33 Shimmy,shimmy,shimmyshake.
34 Sh.
35 P!
36 -Sh.- O. - P. - ALL: Shop!
37 O!
38 O! O!
39 Cha-cha-cha.Ch.
40 -Ch.- I. - P. - ALL: Chip.
41 Eugh.What's that?
42 -Sh.- I didn't say a word.
43 -Sh.- I. - P - ALL: Ship.
44 - O... - R! - O!
45 Ahoy,there,shipmates. R to the rescue.
46 Anyone for tea?
47 Hurray!
48 All aboard.
49 Now, that's what I call aworkout!
11 Ooh!Am I fast or -vroom,vroom! - very fast?
12 I'm very fast.
13 It's a very nice day for a race andVeewillvroom,vroomto victory!
14 Vroom,vroom!
15 On your marks.
16 Get set... Go!
17 Vroom!
19 - Ah-ah-ah! -Cih.- Ah. -Bih.
20 ALL: Cab!
21 Cab. Follow thatVee.
22 Fih.Fih,fih,fih.Fih.
23 Hih,hih,hih.
24 -Dih.-Ih. -Gih.
25 ALL: Dig!
26 Down we go!
27 I'm a jelly jay-bird.
28 I can fly!
29 -Jih.-Eh. -Tih.
30 ALL: Jet!
31 I can fly!
32 #Li-li-li-li-li. #
33 Lovely!
34 Vroom!VroomVroom!
35 Vroom!
36 -Mmm.- Oh!
37 -Mmm.- O-oh!
38 ALL:Moo!
40 S-s-s-s-s.
41 Q-ee!
42 Uh!
43 -Rrrr!-Uh!
44 -Rrrr!-Uh! -Nnn.
45 ALL: Run!
46 Yoo-hoo!
47 Hold tight,Alphafriends.
48 This will be exciting!
49 -Yippee!-Whee!
50 Vroom!You'll never catch me!
52 Z-z-z-z.
53 -Zzz.-Ooh! -Mmm.
54 ALL: Zoom!
55 Everyone ready?
56 Rrr!Where is P?
57 Veeis forvroom!
58 Veeis for victory!
59 -Vvv?-Hih,hih,hih.
60 ALL: Surprise!
61 But...I'm very fast.
62 I'm very, very, very fast.
63 Race you back!Vroom!Vroom!
9 Oh!
10 O. O. Oh!
11 O, o, o, o,
12 o, o, o-oh!
13 Oh!
14 Oh!
15 O-oh!
16 O-oh!
17 - TOGETHER: -Ooh!
18 Ooh!
19 Oh!
20 Ooo.Oh.
21 Ooo.Oh.
22 Mmmm.Yum!
23 Nnn,unn,nnn!
24 - BOTH: -Ooo!
25 -Mmm.-Ooo. -Nnn.
26 - ALL: - Moon!
27 Hmmm?What's a moon?
28 No!
29 We're on the moon!
30 No way!
31 - BOTH: -Oo-ooh!
32 -Mmm.-Ooo.
33 - ALL: -Moo!
34 MOOO!
35 - BOTH: -Ooo!
36 Mmm!
37 Mmm,mmm,mmm,mmm,mmm!
38 No! Don't eat the moon!
39 No!
40 - BOTH: -Oo-ooh!
41 Noooo!
42 Anyone for tea?
43 Hee-hee-hee!Tea!
44 Lovely.
45 But how will we get home?
46 - BOTH: -Ooo.
47 -Fff.-Ooo. -Te.
48 - ALL: - Foot!
49 Ooo.Ooo.Ooo!
50 -Fff.-Ooo. -Te.
51 - ALL: - Foot!
52 Oooo!
53 Fff...funnysmell!
54 Tut.Truly terribletootsies.
55 Try again.
56 -Hha.-Ooo. -Te.
57 - ALL: - Hoot!
58 Whoo-whoo!
59 Whoo-whoo!
60 Whoo-whoo!
61 Ooo.Ooo.
62 O-oh. O-oh.
63 -Buh.-Ooo. -Te.
64 - ALL: - Boot!
65 Ooo?
66 O-oh.
67 B-b-b...
68 -Buh!-Ooo!
69 - ALL: - Boo!
70 - ALL: - BOO!
71 O, o, o, o, o-oh!
9 Welcome, sports fans, to theAlphalympics.
11 Three teams will battle to see who will gohome with the Alpha Cup.
12 You all know the rules - make as many wordsas you can
13 before your captain falls over.
14 Team One, on your marks, get set...
15 go!
17 Whoa!
20 Extraordinary! Six words!
21 That's going to be "X-tremely" hard to beat!
22 Team Two, on your marks, get set... go!
23 Argh!So embarrassing!
24 You scored...
25 nothing.
26 But an excellent effort!
27 So, to our final team.
28 The score to beat is six.
29 On your marks, get set, go!
30 That's six!
31 One more to win it.
32 We have our winners!
8 Oh, late.
9 Late, I'm going to be late.
10 Hello, L. What are you doing?
11 I promised three tired letters
12 I would sing them a lullaby when the sungoes down.
13 But look!
14 I can sing!
16 - No! - Stop!
17 Aah,don't be upset, I.
18 - BOTH: -Ai!
19 - BOTH: -Ai!Ai!Ai!
20 - BOTH: - This is different.
21 I like it.
22 Look! We haven't got time to wait.
23 - BOTH: - What happens if we do this?
24 -Sss.-Nnn. -Ai.- El.
25 - ALL: - SNAIL!
26 - BOTH: -Ai!This is painfully slow.
27 -Sss.-Ai. - El.
28 - ALL: - SAIL!
29 Look!
30 Look! Who's this?
31 H-h-hello!
32 I was just taking some friends for a swim.
33 Ssuper!
34 You can all come and listen to mylullabies.
35 - ALL: - WHOA!
36 -Nnn.-Ai. - El.
38 Now we're in trouble.
39 We needed that nail.
40 Looks like I'm not going to get there afterall.
41 - BOTH: - Of course we will. We mustn'tfail.
42 Wha...wha...what can we do?
43 Thessunisssetting.
44 -Hu.-Ai. - El.
46 Let's think of something else.
47 -Pu.-Ai. - El.
49 Perfect!
50 Land!
51 Hooray!
52 Look!
53 There they are.
54 Ooo!
55 Lulla,lullaby.
8 - ALL:
9 Ah.
10 Ah!
11 Eh.Eh?
12 Look, there's u!
13 Huh?How did you do that?
14 I know!
15 It happens when we say our letter names.
16 Oh!
17 - # i-i-i, - a-a-a, - e-e-e, - o-o-o -a-a-a, - i-i-i, - u-u-u... #
18 Look, a shooting star!
19 Ooooh!
20 What a fantastic light show!
21 May I join in?
22 Absolutely!
23 - # a-a-a, - e-e-e, - i-i-i, - u-u-u -f-f-f - o-o-o - #
24 - U... - F... - O...
25 - ALL: - UFO!
27 Ah!
28 Ah!
29 Fabulous!
30 A UFO!
32 - # a-a-a, - e-e-e, - i-i-i - u-u-u -o-o-o! #
34 - # o-o-o, - u-u-u - i-i-i, - e-e-e - ,a-a-a #
36 - # a-a-a, - e-e-e, - i-i-i, - o-o-o, -u-u-u #
38 - f... -ar...- far!
39 oar! oar!
40 ear! ear!
41 - f... -ur.- fur!
42 - f... - air. - fair!
43 four!
44 Four!
45 Aha!
8 - ALL:
10 o-o-o-o!
11 o!
12 o-o!
13 o!
14 o-o!
15 - o-o! - o-o!
16 o-o!
17 - f... - o... - x...
18 fox!
19 fox!
20 fox!
21 - d... - o... - g...
22 dog!
23 dog!
24 dog!
25 - fox! - dog!
26 - fox! fox! - dog!
27 - b... - r... -ow..- n...
28 brown!
29 fox!
30 - brown - fox
31 - brown - fox
32 - l... - a... - z... - y...
33 - lazy! - dog!
34 - lazy - dog
35 - lazy - dog
36 - brown - fox - lazy - dog
37 - brown - fox - lazy - dog
38 - brown - fox - lazy - dog
39 - brown - fox - lazy - dog
40 - the -qu...- i... -ck
41 quick
42 - brown - fox
43 - the - quick - brown - fox
44 - j... - u... - m... - p... - s...
45 jumps!
46 jumps!
47 - the - quick - brown - fox - jumps
48 - o... - v... -er...
49 over...
50 - the - lazy - dog
51 - jumps - over - the - lazy - dog
52 - # the - quick - brown - fox - jumps -over - the - lazy - dog
53 - # the - quick - brown - fox - jumps -over - the - lazy - dog
54 - # lazy - dog - quick - brown - fox
55 - # the - quick - brown - fox - jumps -over - the - lazy - dog
56 - # the - lazy - fox - jumps - the - quick- brown - dog
57 - # over - the - quick - brown - dog - the- lazy - fox - jumps
58 - # quick - fox - brown - dog
59 - # brown - fox - lazy - dog
60 - # the - quick - brown - fox - jumps -over - the - lazy - dog
61 - # the - quick - brown - fox - jumps -over - the - lazy - dog
62 - # the - quick - brown - fox - jumps -over - the - lazy - dog
63 - # lazy - dog - quick - brown - fox
64 - # the - quick - brown - fox - jumps -over - the - lazy - dog! #
65 o-o-o-o-o-o...!
10 Why are you singing?
11 Don't you know?
12 Today is a special day.
13 Why?
15 Today is my...
16 Pineapple!
17 - Look what we made for T's... - What?
18 What?
19 Arrr!Ahoythere,shipmates.
20 - Are you ready for the...? - What?
21 -Argh...ah!- What?
22 - Am I on time for the surprise...? -Surprise?
23 I've had three already.
24 T-R-A-P
25 Trap!
26 What's atraaa...?
27 Arrr.
28 Yes, you found the trap!
29 Rrr.
30 Surprise!
31 Totaltomfoolery!
32 Do you even know what today is?
33 Er,fall in a hole day?
34 How about get out of a hole day? Come on!
35 R-A-T
36 Rat!
37 Terrific! Come on, little rat. Dig us outof here.
38 Dig,Ratty,dig!
39 Ah, that's a very, very small hole.
40 Try again.
41 T-A-P
42 Tap!
43 Tremendous!
44 We can all have a nice cup of tea.
45 No tea?
46 Try again.
47 AR-T
48 Art!
49 Terrific.
50 Terrific? Better than that.
51 Tip-top!
52 Tally-ho!
53 Yes!
54 Close your eyes, T.
55 Ready?
56 P-AR-T-Y
57 Party!
58 Surprise!
59 - Is it...a party? - Better than that.
60 ALL: It's a "tea" party.
61 Happy birthday, T!
10 Oh!Tuh-tuh-tuh!
11 We're going to be late!
12 Oh! Oh!
13 Tuh!And where did P get to?
14 -Puh!- Oh!
15 I just popped out for a second.
16 Tuh!
17 Hurry up! We're going to be late!
18 - Stop! -Buh!-Uh! -Sss!
19 -Buh!-Uh! -Sss!
20 ALL: Bus!
21 - Oh! - Terrific!
22 A bus!
23 Perfect!
24 That's our bus!
25 What are you doing?!
26 -Uh!- Somebody think of something!
27 -Sss!-Uh! -Buh!
28 ALL: Sub!
29 Somebody stop them!
30 Tuh!This isn't the right way!
31 Puh!I've just popped downstairs and there's no driver!
32 Oh!
33 We're in a tight spot now!
34 Sss!Sss,sss,sss,sss!
35 Ssssssssssssssssssssss!
36 Oh!
38 So! Now what?
39 Tuh-tuh-tuh-timefor you know what!
40 -Puh!- Oh! -Tuh! -Sss!
41 ALL: Pots!
42 -Puh!- Oh! -Tuh! - Oh! -Sss! - Oh! -Tuh!
43 -Puh!- Oh! -Sss! -Tuh!
44 ALL: Post!
45 The post has arrived!
46 Terrific!
47 At last! My bus pass!
48 -Sss!-Tuh! - Oh! -Puh!
49 ALL: Stop!
50 Sss-sss-sss-sss-sss-sss!
52 Tuh!Now what?
53 Oh! Oh!
55 I thought I'd pop back with one of these.
56 Tremendous!
57 I canuse my bus pass!
59 To! To! TO!
60 Where are we going?
61 Oh-oh-oh.
10 - ECHOES: -Eh-eh-eh-eh...
11 What's up there?
12 Ah-ah!
13 Ah!
14 Puh!
15 Sssssss!
16 Ssss!
17 Cuh!
19 Cuh!
20 ALL: What's up there?
21 -Sss!-Puh! -Ay!-Sss!
22 ALL: Space!
23 - Somewhere. - Pretty. - Amazing. - Called.
24 Eric!
25 I mean space!
26 'So, home is down there.'
27 'And we're up here.'
28 Calamity! How do we get back?
29 Ff-ff!
30 Saved! We're saved! It's F!
31 Fabulous to see you!
32 Isn't it fantastic up here?
33 I feel so free!
34 Must fly!
35 Ff-ff!
36 Come back!
37 Ssss!
38 So, what do we do now?
39 Escape!
40 Perfect!
41 How?
42 Ss-ss-ss!
43 Eh...Eh!
44 Puh!Puh-puh!Puh!
45 Puh!
46 Somebody do something!
47 BOTH:Ee.
48 -Puh!- ALL:Eap!
49 -Puh!- BOTH:Ee.
50 ALL: Pea.
51 Ilike peas.
52 BOTH:Ay.
53 Puh!
54 ALL: Ape!
55 Ooh-ooh!
56 Please help us.
57 Ooh-ooh.
58 ALL: Hooray!
59 Cracking landing!
60 Thanks for saving us, ape.
61 Ooh-ooh.
62 Still wondering what's up there?
63 Eh,no. I'm just glad to be back home.
9 One, two,
10 three, four...
11 What's he doing?
12 I don't know.
13 - Who are we hiding from? - I don't know.
15 Hello!
16 Hello!
17 Where is he?
18 BOTH: As a pair, we can look everywhere.
20 - What's the fuss? - We're playing hide andseek.
21 - Bet you can't find us. - We'll count tosix.
22 LETTERS IN FRONT: One, two,
23 three...
24 ..four, five,
25 six.
26 They've disappeared.
27 Let's find them.
28 ALL: Coming, ready or not.
29 Where is everyone?
32 Whoa!Giddy up!
33 Shall I see if I can spot them from thesky?
34 There's someone.
35 What's happening?
36 - We're seeking. - Perhaps I can help.
37 What can you see?
10 Que-ee!
11 -Uh?- Can I borrow you for a second?
12 Uh...busy,can't stop.
13 I need you.
14 -Uh!- Look where I'm going, will you?
15 - Ii. - T.
16 - BOTH: - It!
18 What have I done?
19 I think we've made an "it".
21 I-et!Did you hear that?
22 -Uh?- I said,qu.
23 Quiet! Did you hear that?
25 -Uh...- I think "it" is something big.
27 Something unbelievably heavy.
28 Something...
29 tiny!
30 I think it likes you.
31 Uh!So unfair!
32 Uh-uh.
33 Uh?!That's my sound.
34 Uhh.
35 Stop it, It.
36 Uh-uhh.
37 I "ite"agree. Stop it.
38 - ALL: -Uh?
39 I said,qu...
40 Quite agree.
41 Qua?Qua,qua!
42 Oh, listen, it's making our sound. Howcute!
43 Qua,qua.
44 -Uh!-Qua,qua!- That's not cute.
45 -Qua.- Somebody make it stop.
46 Qua,qua.
47 -Qu.- A. -Ck.
48 - ALL: - Quack!
49 Quack! Quack! Quack!
50 - Quack! -Qu,that's quite loud. - Quack!
51 - S. -Qu.-Aw. -Ck.
52 -ALL: - Squawk!
53 Squawk! Squawk!
54 - Squawk! Squawk! -Uh!
55 - S. -Qu.-Ea. - K.
56 - ALL: - Squeak!
57 Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!
58 Urrh!Uh!
59 How's IT going?
60 Squeak!
61 Uh!IT is so noisy.
62 We can't get it to stop.
63 I see. Well, we made it,
64 so maybe we can help.
65 Uh...holdit.
66 This time, we'll try without Q.
67 -Uh.- I. - E. - T.
68 - ALL: - U-iet!
69 - Squeak! Squeak! -Uh...
70 - Yes? -Uh...
71 I need you, Q.
72 Qu!Qu,qu,qu,qu!
73 -Qu.- I. - E. - T.
74 - ALL: - Quiet!
75 Ohh.
11 -Arrr!- Why do you always say, "Arrr!"?
12 Because I'm a pirate.
13 What's a pirate?
14 I am.
15 - Why? - Because I dopirateythings.
16 Like what?
17 Er....
18 I've got a hat
19 And I say, "Arrr!" a lot.
20 And that's what pirates do?
21 I think so.
22 Fast!
23 Aaah!
24 Mm.Ah. P.
25 Map!
26 T... T...
27 A treasure map.
28 Arrr!
29 We found a treasure map.
30 Will you lead us to the treasure?
31 OK. But I'm not a pirate.
32 We need to get to the island.
33 - Who's with me? - Absolutely!
34 Anyone else?
35 -Rrr.- Ah. -Mm. -Sss.
36 Rams!
37 Baa!Baa!
38 Ah-ah!
39 Try again!
40 Ff...
41 -Rrr.- Ah. -Ff. -Teh.
42 Raft!
43 Climb aboard,shipmates!
44 Arr!I mean, let's go!
45 Fff...
46 Fff...Fff...
47 Right.
48 Teh-teh. There's no treasure here.
49 Pity you're not a pirate, R. A pirate wouldknow what to do.
50 What would a pirate do?
51 Arrr!
52 Listen and I'll tell you.
53 # A pirate wears a black eye patch
54 # And reads old maps for pleasure
55 # A pirate sails across the sea in searchof buried treasure
56 # A pirate does exciting things and says,"Arr!" a lot
57 # A pirate knows just where to look because"X" marks the spot. #
58 Did somebody say "X"?
59 Leave this to me.
60 # A pirate sings, a pirate swings
61 # A pirate laughs... Ha-har!
62 # This letter is a pirate
63 # This pirate's name isRrr! #
10 I'm a J. Watch me fly and hear me sing.
11 Hello, J.
12 I'm a J.
13 Yes, you're a J.
14 - No, I'm a jay bird. - Ah?
15 I can fly in the sky and sing sweet birdsong.
16 J...J...J...
18 A, what's that incredible noise?
19 The sweet sound of a jolly jay bird.
20 Jolly nonsense. This is singing...
22 Aah!
23 You're a jay bird, too.
24 You have a lucky dot and so do I. We're thesame!
25 See?
26 I am not a jay bird. I am I.
27 I can sing.
28 You can't.
29 I am straight. You have a...
30 a curly bit.
31 Aah!
32 But I can sing! Listen...
33 - J...J...J-J-J-J-J! - LOUD RUMBLING
34 Why are you making that noise?
35 I'm...
36 not a jay bird, am I?
37 No.
38 Then...what am I?
39 Let's jolly well find out!
41 Jam!
42 Am I jam?
43 - All sweet and smelling of strawberries? -Mmm!
44 Ah-ah-ah!
45 If I'm not jam, then what am I?
46 Rrr!
47 Jar!
48 Am I a jar?
49 A jar for putting things in?
50 Where is everybody?
52 J...J...
54 If I'm not a jar, then what am I?
55 Jay!
56 Am I a...jay bird?
57 - # I can fly - She can fly
58 - # Up to the sky, I can see - She can see
59 - # It's a beautiful thing - Tell us why
60 # Why? Haven't you heard? I am a real jaybird. #
10 Ss-ss-ss!
11 Ss-strange!
12 Tea, anyone?
13 Nn-nn-nn!Not for me!
14 - N... - ALL:Ote!
15 ALL: Note.
16 Ss-so!
17 What is it?
18 - A note. - It makes music.
19 -Ss-super!- Oh!
20 DING!
21 Ss-smashing!
22 -Nn!- ALL:Ote! -Ss!
23 ALL: Notes!
25 - Oh! - Terrific tune!
26 Excellent!
27 Nice noise!Nn-nn-nn-nn!
28 - T! - E! - N!
29 ALL: Ten!
30 One! Two! Three!
31 Four! Five!
32 Six! Seven!
33 Eight! Nine! Ten!
35 Skipping! Fantastic!
36 - T! - E! - N! - S!
37 ALL: Tens!
39 No! Nasty noise!
40 Stop S! You're making too many ofeverything!
41 Ss-sillyme!
42 Now what?
43 - T! - N! - E!
44 ALL:Tne!
45 - N! - E! - T!
46 ALL: Net!
47 Oh!Ohhhh!
48 Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!
49 Super!
50 - N! - E! - T! - S!
53 Tremendously tiring work!
55 Lovely lullaby!
56 - L! - O! - T! - S!
57 ALL: Lots!
59 Nice!
60 Stop!
61 Time for tea!
62 ALL: One!
63 DING!
64 Ss-silence!
8 Zz,zz,zz,zz!
9 Zz,zz,zz,zz!
10 Zz,zz,zz,zz!
12 Aa!
13 -Nn!-Aa! -Puh!
14 ALL: Nap!
15 Nap?! There's no time to nap!
16 Oh...!Zz...!
17 BOTH:Oo!
18 Zz!
19 BOTH:Oo!
20 ALL: Zoo!
21 Mm!
22 Zz!
23 - BOTH:Oo!-Mm!
24 ALL: Zoom!
25 Zoom! Zoom! Zoom!
26 Ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba!
27 Brilliant!
28 Ba,ba,ba...!Oh, bother!
29 Ba!
30 - BOTH:Oo!-Mm!
31 ALL: Boom!
32 Aah!Ooh! Stop sleeping, start marching!
33 Zz,zz,zz,zz! HE YAWNS
34 Zz...
35 Zz...
36 -Zz!-Ff!
37 Ff!
38 -Ff!-Ih!
39 BOTH:Zz!
40 ALL:Fizz!
41 -Fizz!-Fizz!Fizz!
43 Bug!
44 Geronimo!
45 -Ba!-Uh! - BOTH:Zz!
46 ALL: Buzz!
47 Zz,zz!Zz,zz!
48 Zz,zz,zz!
49 ALARM CLOCK: 'Zz!Zz!Zz!'
50 Oh! Oh...
51 Time to march!Zz!Zz!Zz!
53 -Hm!- Actually, I could do with a nap. Room for one more?
54 Zz!Zz...!
55 -Zz!- Ah! -Puh!
56 ALL: Zap!
58 Ii! What fun! My turn!
59 -Zz!- Ii! -Puh!
60 ALL:Zip!
61 -Ss!-Nn! - BOTH:Oo!
62 Zz!
63 ALL:Snooze!
10 - # I can make you go - A! A-A-A
11 #CosI'm magic E-E-E
12 - # I can make you go - I-I-I-I-I
13 - # I can make you go - O-O-O-O
14 - # I can make you go - U...
15 - # I can make you go - Oh! U-U
16 #Coswhenever I'm around I play a little game
17 # My magic will astound you When I make yousay your name
18 # When magic is around I can make you makea different sound
19 # If you're wearing a cap
20 - # I'll give you a - C-A-P-E... - CAPE
21 # If you've got aleakytap
22 # I can get you some
23 - # T-A-P-E... - TAPE
24 # If you're making a din
25 - # I'll invite you to - D-I-N-E... - DINE
26 #Coswhenever I'm around
27 # I can make you make a different sound
28 # If you spill all the slop
29 # It'll slide down the SLOPE
30 # You're going to need a mop
31 # But you better not MOPE
32 # We can give you a hug
33 - # But it's going to be - H-U-G-E... -HUGE
34 #Coswhenever I'm around I can make you make a different sound
35 # If you've got a little bit
36 # I'll take a little BITE
37 # When you're building a kit
38 # I can make you a KITE
39 # Give me a can I'll make you a CANE
40 # Show me the plan I'll make you a PLANE
41 #Coswhenever I'm around I can make you make a different sound
42 - # I can make you go - A... - SHAKE
43 - # I can make you go - E... - THESE
44 - # I can make you go - I... - ICE
45 - # I can make you go - O... - NOSE
46 - # I can make you go - U... - CUTE
47 - # I can make you go - U... - RULE
48 # Whenever I'm around I play a little game
49 # My magic will astound you When I make yousay your name
50 # When magic is around I can make you makea different sound! #