1: beckon :something that is likely to happen 很可能发生或出现
2: reeling from 受...不好的影响
3: body blow 遭受重创
4: year on year 与去年同期相比
5: unfettered:not controlled or restricted 无拘无束的
6: bias :a strong favor of sth,偏见偏爱
7: inward looking: 只关注自己的不关注外界的
8: enfeeble : make sth weak 使..衰弱
9: stagnated : stop changing or progressing 停滞不前的
10: autocratic:独裁的
11: agenda : a list of items to be discussed at a meeting 会议的议事日程
12: contempt:蔑视轻视
13:decouple: to end the connection between two things 分离隔断