Aqua is a brownfield infill development of 8.5 acres (3.4 hectares) on Allison Island in northern Miami Beach, Florida. Located on the site of a former hospital, the project reused an existing parking garage/office building.
The 151 residential units are arranged in the form of an intown neighborhood with interconnected streets, squares, and a waterfront promenade defined by three mid-rise towers containing 105 condominium units and 46 townhomes. Nine different architects were commissioned to design the buildings, working within guidelines and a master plan developed by Duany Plater-Zyberk & Company.
151个住宅单元以一种市中心社区的形式进行布置,街道、广场相互连接,海滨长廊由三座包含105套公寓单元的中高层塔楼和和46套联排别墅所界定。委托九名不同的建筑师设计建筑,按照导则和Duany Plater-Zyberk&Company开发的总体规划进行工作。
Aqua illustrates the use of the transect as it reconciles the contrasting scales of the oceanfront high-rises to the east with the two-story single-family houses in the golf-course community to the west.
Craig Robins of Dacra, Aqua's developer, was intrigued with creating a real estate development that adhered to the time-honored space-defining principles of New Urbanism while embracing a modernist aesthetic.
达克拉(Dacra)的克雷格罗宾斯(Craig Robins),Aqua的开发商对创建一个房地产开发项目很感兴趣,该项目坚持了历史悠久的新城市主义的空间界定原则,同时融入了现代主义美学。