听力整理-L6-U1-P1 英语流利说 Level6 Unit1 Part1

L6-U1-P1-1 Listening : Harry's Injure 1

Harry’s Injury

Harry Beecham works for a hi-tech German company based in Munich.

Last month, he was in an automobile accident.

He was on his way to attend an important meeting in New York City.

He had just arrived on a flight from London and was taking a taxi into the city.

How was he getting into the city? — by a taxi

Last month he was in an automobile accident.

He was taking a taxi into the city.

Harry Beecham works for a hi-tech German company based in Munich.

What was the purpose of his trip? — to attend an important meeting

Last month he was in an automobile accident.

The purpose of his trip was to attend a meeting.

Harry Beecham works for a hi-tech German company based in Munich

The weather was terrible, and the road was icy.

He was in a hurry, so he asked the taxi driver to get him into the city as soon as possible.

The taxi driver agreed and sped up, but, just as they left the airport, the car went out of control.

It spun around, and skidded into the path of an oncoming truck.

Fortunately, the truck wasn't going too fast, so nobody was killed.

But the taxi was severely damaged, and both passengers were injured.

Why did the car go out of control? The road was icy.

What might have happened if the car had been going faster? — Somebody might have been killed

The weather was terrible, and the road was icy.

The accident wouldn't have happened had the weather had been better.

But the taxi was severely damaged and both passengers were injured.

What can contribute to the accident? — The bad weather

What might have happened if the car had been going faster?  — Somebody might have been killed

Fortunately, the truck wasn't going too fast, so nobody was killed.

If the weather had been better, the accident wouldn't have happened.

But the taxi was severely damaged and both passengers were injured.

If the weather hadn’t been bad, the accident probably wouldn’t have happened.

The taxi driver survived with only a few injures because he was wearing a seat belt.

The taxi's airbag had also deployed, absorbing much of the impact.

However, Hary, who was in the back seat, hadn't put on his seat belt.

As a result, he was severely injured and had to be rushed to a hospital.

Why was Harry injured so severely? - he hadn't put on his seatbelt.

He mightn't be injured so badly had been put on his seatbelt

He might not have been injured so badly had he been wearing his seatbelt.

The taxi's airbag had also deployed, absorbing much of the impact.

However, Harry, who was in the back seat, hadn't put on his seatbelt.

Why wasn't the taxi driver injured more severely?— He was wearing a seatbelt.

Had he put on his seatbelt, he might not have been injured so badly.

The taxi driver survived with only a few injuries because he was wearing a seatbelt.

However, Harry, who was in the back seat, hadn't put on his seatbelt.

The accident wouldn’t have happened had the weather been better.

He might not have been injured so badly had he been wearing his seat belt.

L6-U1-P1-2 Listening : Harry's Injure 2

Now, a month later, Harry still can't remember much of what happened.

When he first woke up in the hospital, it was several hours after the accident, and he wasn't sure where he was.

The bad news was that he couldn't move his legs.

This was because his back had been broken in the accident.

The doctors later told him that he might never regain the use of his legs.

Some of the nerves in his spine and legs had been damaged, but everything else was okay.

Why couldn't he move his legs when he woke up in hospital?- his back had been broken.

He couldn’t move his legs because his back had been broken in the accident.

Now,a month later, Harry still can't remember much of what happened.

The doctors later told him that he might never regain the use of his legs.

Why might he never regain the use of his legs?  — Some of the nerves in his spine and legs had been damaged.

The bad news was that he couldn't move his legs.

This was because his back had been broken in the accident.

Some of the nerves in his spine and legs had been damaged, but everything else was okay.

Now, Harry is trying to figure out what to do.

If he works hard and exercises every day, there is still a chance that his legs will recover on their own.

There are also some new treatments that might help his nerves regenerate.

Still, he should be prepared for a long recovery and the possibility that he might never walk again.

Without the use of his legs, he wouldn't be able to continue working in the same way.

It wouldn't be possible to travel, so he would have to find another way to attend meetings.

Either that or he would have to look for another way to make a living.

What does he have to do to improve the chance that his legs will recover? -He'll have to work hard and exercise every day.

What would happen if he lost the use of his legs? -In that case, he wouldn't be able to continue working in the same way.

(1) Now, Harry is trying to figure out what to do.

(2) If he works hard and exercises every day, there is still a chance that his legs will recover on their own.

(3) There are also some new treatments that might help his nerves regenerate.

(4) Still, he should be prepared for a long recovery and the possibility that he might never walk again.

Without the use of his legs, he wouldn't be able to continue working in the same way.

If he regains the use of his legs, he’ll be able to continue working in the same way.

There are also some new treatments that might help his nerves regenerate.

Even if he works hard, there’s no guarantee that he’ll be able to walk again.

What should he be prepared for?  — He might never be able to walk again.

What will happen if he regains the use of his legs?  — In this case, he'll be able to continue working in the same way.

It wouldn't be possible to travel, so he would have to find another way to attend meetings.

Now, Harry is trying to figure out what to do.

Either that or he would have to look for another way to make a living.

If he regains the use of his legs, he’ll be ableto continue working in the same way.

Harry has good disability insurance, so money won't be a problem for a while.

But sooner or later he wants to be able to earn a living again.

Of course he isn't planning to give up on his legs.

If he works hard he might still be able to regain their use and learn to walk again.

Some of his nerves had been damaged, but there is a chance that they will heal.

The new drugs being developed might make it possible for the nerves to grow back.

Still, he has to face the possibility that nothing will work.

Why won't money be a problem for a while? -He has good insurance.

If he wants to regain the use of his legs, he’ll have to work hard.

Harry has good disability insurance, so money won't be a problem for a while.

Of course he isn't planning to give up on his legs.

What does he need to do if wants to regain the use of his legs? — He'll have to work hard.

Still, he has to face the possibility that nothing will work.

But sooner or later, he wants to be able to earn a living again.

Some of his nerves had been damaged, but there is a chance that they will heal.

Whatever happens, Harry is determined to think positively.

Even if he can't walk, he can still attend meetings all over the world.

With new technology he could be anywhere, and there is much that he can still do.

Luckily, he still has the use of his arms and hands, and his brain is still functioning.

With the right attitude he can find a way forward.

There is no reason for despair or feeling sorry for oneself.

That kind of thinking won't solve anything.

He just hopes that his company or another company will give him the chance to prove himself.

He can still be a valuable asset for them, come what may.

How can new technology allow him to anywhere in the world? - It enables people to meet remotely, with video and audio connections.

That kind of thinking won't solve anything.

With the right attitude he can find a way forward.

Even if he can't walk, he can still attend meetings all over the world.

He had just arrived on a flight from London and was taking a taxi into the city.

If he lost the use of his legs, he wouldn't be able to continue working in the same way.

What kind of thinking won't solve anything? — Negative thinking

There is no reason for despair or feeling sorry for oneself.

He has a positive attitude toward life and is determined to prove himself.

He should be prepared for the possibility that he will never walk again.

When he first woke up in the hospital, it was several hours after the accident, and he wasn't sure where he was.

The new drugs being developed might make it possible for the nerves to grow back.

How would you characterize Harry’s personality? He is a positive thinker with determination.

For important meetings, he can use a virtual assistant.

It enables people to meet remotely, with video and audio connections.

He has a positive attitude toward life and is determined to prove himself.

L6-U1-P1-3 Dialogue : Lover's Quarrel

Lover’s Quarrel

Hey, what do you think?

Do you like it?

No, it's too short.

You can't wear that to the office.

If you do, nobody will be able to concentrate.

What about this one?

That's the right length, but I hate the color.

I hate pink.

OK, I'll see if they have it in another color, but it isn't cheap.

It's okay if you don't buy anything else for a while.

Sure, this will last for a while.

Why shouldn't she wear the short dress to her office? — It might distract others from doing their work.

Well, I'm glad you like your dress.

It looks great on you.

You should get some new clothes too.

You never buy anything for yourself.

I have an expensive girlfriend now, so I can't afford it.

And besides I don't have the time to go shopping.

(1) Well, I'm glad you like your dress.

(2) It looks great on you.

(3) You should get some new clothes too.

(4) You never buy anything for yourself.

(5) I have an expensive girlfriend now, so I can't afford it.

You should get some new clothes too.

If she wears it, nobody will be able to concentrate.

I'll see if they have it in another color, but it isn't cheap.

He can’t afford to buy new clothes for himself because he spends a lot on his girlfriend.

I have an expensive girlfriend now, so I can't afford it.

That's the right length, but I hate the color.

I'll see if they have it in another color, but it isn't cheap.

What are you doing?

Are you staring at that woman?

What? No, of course not.

Yes, you were.

You were staring at her.

How do you think it makes me feel?

I was just looking in that direction.

No, you were staring at her for several seconds.

I'm sorry but I couldn't help it.

Why was she upset?  — Her boyfriend was looking at another woman.

To stare at something mean ...to look at it intensely, with eyes wide open.

I've told you many times to stop that.

And if you are going to stare, you shouldn't do it like that, so obvious and rude.

OK, what's the best way to stare?

Don't stare for four or five seconds.

Just take quick looks, 2 seconds long.

Then it isn't so obvious.

Sorry, my eyes just went there.

I'm programed like that.

That's no excuse.

What may the way he stares so obvious and rude? — It was for too long.

I've told you many times to stop that.

How do you think it makes me feel?

I'm sorry but I couldn't help it.

How do you think it makes me feel?

It was obvious and rude because he stared at her for too long.

You just had to ruin the evening.

And don't ever tell me you don't like pink again.

She is wearing pink.

Why is it that pink is so bad on me when you can't help staring at someone else who is wearing pink?

I didn't notice that she is wearing pink.

Ah, so the clothes don't matter.

She is more attractive than I am.

Why don't you go sit with her?

Hey, come on.

Let's not get into a fight.

I thought you were getting better.

But you never change.

You just had to ruin the evening.

Hey, come on, I'm sorry.

No! Don't say anything, I don't wanna hear it.

(1) Why is it that pink is so bad on me when you can't help staring at someone else who is wearing pink?

(2) I didn't notice that she is wearing pink.

(3) Ah, so the clothes don't matter.

(4) She is more attractive than I am.

Why don't you go sit with her?

Ah, so the clothes don't matter.

I thought you were getting better, but you never change.

Why is it that pink is so bad on me when you can't help staring at someone else who is wearing pink?

If she wears something that short, nobody will be able to concentrate.

And don't ever tell me you don't like pink again.

I thought you were getting better, but you never change.

L6-U1-P1-4 Reading : The Boy Who Cried Wolf

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Once upon a time there was a mischievous young boy who wasgiven the task of tending a herd of sheep on a hillside near a village.The boy grew tired and bored while watching the sheep, so he found ways to amuse himself, such as climbing trees or chasing sheep. One day he came up with what he thought was a brilliant idea. He climbed to the top of a tree and shouted toward the village:"Wolf! Wolf! Help me please!"

When the villagers heard his cries for help, they rushed up the hill to rescue him and chase the wolf away. Of course, when they got there, there was no wolf to be seen, and the boy, who was still in the tree, was laughing. The sheep were grazing peacefully. Annoyed, the villagers returned to the village and back to their normal activities.

A few days later, the boy grew bored again, and played the sametrick on the villagers. This time the villagers were furious at the boy. That night he was punished by his mother for his bad behavior.

For a while after that, life went on as normal and the boy behaved, he didn't want to be punished again.Then, one afternoon while he was tending the sheep, he noticed that the sheep was werebleating and nervous.He didn't know what was causing their strange behavior, so he climbed a tree to see if he could determine what was going on. What he saw from a tree was a frightening sight, a big,hairy wolf chasing after the sheep, Terrified, he screamed for help:"Wolf! Wolf! There's a wolf chasing the sheep!"

This time, when the villagers heard his cries for help, they were convinced that it was another one of his pranks. Nobody believed that there was really a wolf, so they ignored his frantic calls for help. The wolf, having nothing to fear, feasted on several of the sheep and then slipped back into the forest.

What is the moral of this story? Liars are not believed even when they speak the truth.

What is the purpose of this story? It's to educate.

What do you think the boy learned? Lying to others can have serious consequences.

What can you infer from the passage of the boy? He was mischievous and selfish.

Someone who is mischievous is someone who ...often gets into trouble (but not serious trouble).

To feast on something means ...to eat a large amount of it.

Once upon a time there was a mischievous young boy who was given the task of tending a herd of sheep on a hillside near a village.

Then, one afternoon while he was tending the sheep, he noticed that the sheep was werebleating and nervous.He didn't know what was causing their strange behavior, so he climbed a tree to see if he could determine what was going on. What he saw from a tree was a frightening sight, a big,hairy wolf chasing after the sheep.

(1) Once upon a time there was a mischievous young boy who wasgiven the task of tending a herd of sheep on a hillside near a village.

(2) The boy grew tired and bored while watching the sheep, so he found ways to amuse himself, such as climbing trees or chasing sheep.

(3) One day he came up with what he thought was a brilliant idea.

(4) He climbed to the top of a tree and shouted toward the village:"Wolf! Wolf! Help me please!"

This time the villagers were furious at the boy.

One day he came up with what he thought was a brilliant idea.

The villagers were annoyed when the boy fooled them the first time.

Of course, when they got there, there was no wolf to be seen, and the boy, who was still in the tree, was laughing.

He didn't know what was causing their strange behavior, so he climbed a tree to see if he could determine what was going on.

To be frantic means to be desperate.

To be annoyed means to be upset (and a bit irritated).

To cry for help means to call out in a loud voice for help.

To play a trick on someone means to deceive or mislead them.

How did the villagers feel the first time the boy fool them?They were annoyed.

How did the villagers feel the second time the boy fool them?They were furious.

The villagers were annoyed when the boy fooled them the first time.

He learned that lying to others can have serious consequences.

To be annoyed means to be upset and a bit irritated.

A few days latter, the boy grew bored again and played the same trick on the villagers.

>>Please tap the first correct sentence to appear:

What did his mother do to him after he trick the villagers second time? That night he was punished by his mother for his bad behavior.

What happened to the sheep when the wolf finally came after them? The wolf, having nothing to fear, feasted on several of the sheep and then slipped back into the forest.

What did the villagers do the third time the boy cried a wolf? Nobody believed that there was really a wolf, so they ignored his frantic calls for help.

Why didn't the villagers come to help him when the wolf came for real? This time, when the villagers heard his cries for help, they were convinced that it was another one of his pranks.

Where does the first say, how the boy amused himself? The boy grew tired and bored while watching the sheep, so he found ways to amuse himself, such as climbing trees or chasing sheep.

How did the sheep behave when the wolf first approached? Then, one afternoon while he was tending the sheep, he noticed that the sheeps were bleating and nervous. 

What's the moral of this story? Liars are not believed even when they speak the truth.

How did the villagers feel the first time the boy fooled them? - They were annoyed.

To be annoyed means to be ...upset.

To cry for help means ...call out in a loud voice for help.

He didn't want to be punished again.

That night he was punished by his mother for his bad behavior.

Liars are not believed even when they speak the truth.

Nobody believed that there was really a wolf, so they ignored his frantic calls for help.

The wolf, having nothing to fear, feasted on several of the sheep and then slipped back into the forest.

L6-U1-P1-5 Reading : Survival in the Outback

Survival in the Outback

What would you do if you ever found yourself lost in the wild?To find out, you can join a weekend survival course in Australia's Outback Desert. This vast area is famous for its harsh desert climate.

To survive, your first task will be to find water, a rare commodityin the desert. Animals such as ants and seed-eating birds are strong indicators of water.You can also cut and suckmoisturefrom the roots and leaves of plants. Trees like the desert oak have roots near the surface. But be careful. The branches of gum trees are a rich source of water, but the leaves are poisonous, so don't eat them.

The best place to build a shelter is in an area with the least amount of sunlight, like between sand dunes or in a trench, To make a trench, dig a hole big enough to lie down in and use the extra sand to create a barrieror wall on each side. This can help to shield you from the glare and scorching heat of the sun.

Nights can be cold, so knowing how to make a fire is essential. One way to build a fire is to use the hand drill method. This is one of the oldest and simplest ways to start a fire. It involves rolling a stick between your hands while pressing it onto a notched piece of wood with dry tinder below. The idea is to use the friction to create enough heat to ignite the tinder. This can be a lot of work.

As for food, you'll have to be open-minded. Some forms of life can be ugly to look at but can provide you with enough protein to survive. They may even taste good, like scrambled eggs!

The purpose of this reading is ....to give advise on how to survive in the desert.

What should you be careful of when searching for water? the leaves of gum trees

To ignite something means to ...spark an explosion or fire.

Something is harsh if it is ...intense or severe.

What is essential for surviving in the desert? To survive, your first task will be to find water, a rare commodity in the desert.

What are potential sources of food? Some forms of life can be ugly to look at but can provide you with enough protein to survive.

Some forms of life can be ugly to look at but can provide you with enough protein to survive.

To survive, your first task will be to find water, a rare commodity in the desert. Animals such as ants and seed-eating birds are strong indicators of water. You can also cut and suck moisture from the roots and leaves of plants. Trees like the desert oak have roots near the surface. But be careful, the branches of gum trees are a rich source of water, but the leaves are poisonous, so don't eat them.

(1) Nights can be cold, so knowing how to make a fire is essential.

(2) One way to build a fire is to use the hand drill method.

(3) This is one of the oldest and simplest ways to start a fire.

(4) It involves rolling a stick between your hands while pressing it onto a notched piece of wood with dry tinder below.

(5) The idea is to use the friction to create enough heat to ignite the tinder. This can be a lot of work.

Nights can be cold, so knowing how to make a fire is essential.

As for food, you'll have to be open-minded.

If something is essential, it is necessary or very important.

The branches of gum trees are a rich source of water, but the leaves are poisonous, so don't eat them.

To survive, your first task will be to find water, a rare commodity in the desert.

The tone of this reading is? instructive and entertaining

To be open-minded means to be flexible and ready for something new.

Something is essential if it is necessary or required.

Where is this reading probably taking from? a travel magazine

How can you prepare yourself to survive in the wilderness? take a weekend survival course

An area is vast if it is immense or huge.

Something is rare if it is hard to find.

What is a strong indicator of water? Animals such as ants.

Something is harsh if it is ...intense or severe.

One way to prepare yourself to survive in the wilderness is to take a weekend survival course.

If something is essential, it is necessary or very important.

If you are lost in the desert, your first task will be to find water.

One way to prepare yourself to survive in the wilderness is to take a weekend survival course.

The idea is to create enough heat through friction to ignite the tinder. This can be a lot of work.

What is essential for surviving in the desert?To survive, your first task will be to find water, a rare commodity in the desert.

What are potential sources of food? Some forms of life can be ugly to look at but can provide you with enough protein to survive.

What can be signs of water? Animals such as ants and seed-eating birds are strong indicators of water.

What is the purpose of having a barrier on each side of trench?This can help to shield you from the glare and scorching heat of the sun.

1. The purpose of this reading is …to give advice on how to survive in the desert

2. How can you prepare yourself to survive in the wilderness?

One way to prepare yourself to survive in the wilderness is to take a weekend survival course.

3. To ignite something means ...to spark an explosion or fire.

4.Something is harsh if it is intense or severe.

1. If you are lost in the desert, your first task will be to find water.

2. As for food, you'll have to be open-minded.

3. One way to prepare yourself to survive in the wilderness is to take a weekend survival course.

4. The branches of gum trees are a rich source of water, but the leaves are poisonous, so don't eat them.

5. This can help to shield you from the glare and scorching heat of the sun.

6. What would you do if you ever found yourself lost in the wild.

7. This is one of the oldest and simplest ways to start a fire.

8. This vast area is famous for its harsh desert climate.


He was on his way to attend an important meeting in New York City.

The accident wouldn't have happened had the weather been better.

It spun around, and skidded into the path of an oncoming truck.

Some of his nerves had been damaged, but there is a chance that they will heal.

The doctors later told him that he might never regain the use of his legs.

As a result, he was severely injured and had to be rushed to a hospital.

It was obvious and rude because he stared at her for too long.

Nights can be cold, so knowing how to make a fire is essential.

I have an expensive girlfriend now, so I can't afford it.

If he works hard and exercises every day there is still a chance that his legs will recover on their own.

If he lost the use of his legs, he wouldn't be able to continue working in the same way.

When he first woke up in the hospital, it was several hours after the accident, and he wasn't sure where he was.

He can't afford to buy new clothes for himself because he spends a lot on his girlfriend.

Once upon a time there was a mischievous young boy who was given the task of tending a herd of sheep on a hillside near a village.

Why is it that pink is so bad on me when you can't help staring at someone else who is wearing pink?

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  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
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  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
    沈念sama阅读 48,798评论 3 376
  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
    茶点故事阅读 45,435评论 2 359
