1.Time's arrow neither Stands still nor reverses.光阴似箭,不停不退。
2.This is our time.这是属于我们的时代。
3.I'm on top of the world.我已站在世界之巅。
4.May the sun shine warm upon your face.愿阳光温暖你的脸庞。
5.Life has its poetry.人生如诗,岁月如歌。
6.What you earn depends on what you learn.一分耕耘,一分收获。
7.Forge ahead with your lives.在生活中勇往直前。
8.It's a big job.重任在肩。#《红色一号:冬日行动》正在热映
9.All the world is a stage.世界就是座舞台。
10.Love is a gift.爱是上天的恩赐。
11.Nothing is impossibte if you believe.心存信念,无所不能。
12.Good things come to those who wait.耐心等待,好事自会到来。
13.The eyes are the windows to the soul.眼睛是心灵的窗户。
14.Life is a gamble, but at least you're rolling the dice.人生如赌局,但至少是你在掌掷骰子。
15.The years go by in the blink of an eye.时光荏苒,年华易逝。
16.No time is like the present.现在就是最好的时光。
17.To see the world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower.一沙一世界,一花一天堂
18.Life is an adventure.生活是场冒险。
19.Knowledge and wisdom are the real power.知识和智慧才是真正的力量。
20.The future holds the promise.未来孕育着希望。
21.Love is a beacon of light.爱是一座在黑夜中闪烁的灯塔。
22.Confidence is the necessary spark before everything that follows.自信是点燃一切的火花。
23.You couldn't change the direction of the wind, but you adjusted your sails to use it wisely.你无法改变风的方向,但可以调整风帆,选择远航的方向。
24.Laughter is the bést medicine for despair.笑容是绝望时最好的解药。
25.You learn more from disappointment than you do from success.相较于成功,失败能教会你更多。
26.Be as strong as the stormy seas and as proud as an eagle's scream.愿你如汹涌波涛般坚强,如鹰啸长空般骄傲。
27.Friendship is the foundation of any lasting relationship.友谊是维系长久关系的基石。
28.Communication is the key, and trust is the lock.沟通是开启信任的钥匙。
29.Courage is a must.勇气是必不可少的。
30.We look for shelter in the storm.风暴之中,当觅避风之港。