GRE作文Outline Sample
- Position: Agree/Disagree/Agree with Caution
- Reason 1
- Reason 2
- Counter-argument
开始写作的时候,根据Position,自然发展写作Introduction Paragraph。Reason 1和2各占一个自然段,记得添加生动有说服力的例子。
The issue claims that judging work harshly in whichever should not be done by those who are not highly knowledgeable and studied in that particular area. [sum claim] This is a complex issue indeed. It is sometimes true that expert opinions should be valued over others. [reason for] However, at times this point could also be invalid. [reason against] In order to form a well-reasoned opinion on the matter, it is essential to analyze the questionable assumptions that this claim makes. Support in favor, as well as compelling evidence against this particular issue and examples of each, will be provided.
One example in favor of the claim is that field experts have particular knowledge likely garnered from years of experience and education. Therefore, their counsel on any topic within their ken can be considered supported. [reason for *2 sentences] One anecdote from today’s political rhetoric supports this. Climate change has been a debated topic, and many scientists researching the subject have published research with clear evidence that proves it exists. However, in the political arena, certain politicians reject the notion of climate change as a hoax and negate the evidence presented by researchers in their rhetoric. It is much more difficult for some to believe politicians who do not understand the science behind the global temperature shift. [Example * 3 sentences] Sound evidence provided by experts on climate change is much more plausible. [restate reason]
However, one example against the claim is that opinions and input from individuals outside the field can still be valid. They bring different views and interpretations that perhaps those within the field are blind to. [reason against *2sentence] For example, there are many cross-cultural differences when it comes to beliefs about illness. A doctor, an expert in curing and diagnosing illness, might not have the cultural competence to help someone from a different belief system. For that reason, a member from that community would be better apt to help understand the differences that are perhaps lost in translation.
A third example against this claim is that judgment is valuable to a specific person and his or her belief system throughout a lifetime. Solely because an expert argues that a certain lifestyle is better or healthier does not hold true for every individual. [reason against*2 sentences] In this sense, each person has the
right to choose what path to follow and what information to accept. For example, an expert nutritionist could claim that a vegetarian lifestyle is the best option because it reduces our footprint and the amount of hormones we ingest. However, those with certain illnesses, many fruit allergies, or even mothers with
finicky children would find this advice difficult to follow. [Example*3 sentences]The judgment of the individual in this case, although not an expert in the field of nutrition, is valid because they are an expert in their own lives and needs. [restate reason]
In conclusion, this is a complex issue. As the evidence presented clearly shows, there are compelling reasons for judgment of any field by an expert. It is sometimes true that experts can provide necessary information and judgment within their area of expertise. [review reason for *2 sentence] On the other hand, their opinions and knowledge may not be applicable in all instances. In drawing from both sides of the argument, it seems more valid to assume that experts are not always right. Their merit in whichever field is not law, and individuals are also free to judge whatever they say or claim. [review reason against *2 sentences] In the future, it would be more beneficial to evaluate both expert and lay opinions alike in order to properly judge an issue for its worth. In this way, a more multi-
faceted progression could be achieved and promote the growth of mankind. [restate position]
- sum claim*1 sentence
- reason for *1 sentence
- reason against *1 sentence
- Anything *1 sentence
[2nd Paragraph]
- reason for *2 sentences
- example *3 sentences
- restate reason *1 sentence
[3rd Paragraph]
- reason against *2 sentences
- example*3 sentences
[4th Paragraph]
- reason against *2 sentences
- example*3 sentences
- restate reason*1 sentence
- in conclusion*1 sentence
- review reason for*2 sentences
- review reason against*2 sentences
- restate position *1-2 sentences
The tone for GRE essays should be strong and analytical.
Examples should be clear, easy-to-understand and vivid.
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