It's all about me.
I have lots of favourites.
Drawing is on top of the list.
I want to spend every minute in creating my master piece.
I collect cuties in my drawing book.
I create animation characters.
They have names, feelings, friends and families.
I write horror fiction stories which gives life to my characters.
I love cute things, so I draw it.
All the food has blinking eyes, cheeky smile and wiggly toes.
I am also a fan of Minecraft.
This is my self-drawing.
Loving Maths, although sometime my brain goes blank.
After school, I draw with my best friend.
That's how she named her bunnies.
I love exploring and adventure. I have nothing to lose and a world to see.
I like to draw with my sister. She inspires me a lot with her little imagination.
The sweetest memory never fade if I write it in my dairy.
t's all about me.
I am not just a pretty girl.