"Where must one look for justifications? Only I think to the facts themselves; for they might enable me to see now a little further into the central truth of this enigma called 'love'. I see the image of it receding and curling away from me in an infinite series like the waves of the sea; or, colder than a dead moon, rising up over the dreams and illusions I fabricated from it -- but like the real moon, always keeping one side of the truth hidden from me, the nether side of a beautiful dead star."
男主人公(我们终于从出场人物之一的口中听到了他的名字 -- Darley)的“爱情”被Balthazar(我喜欢这个名字的发音)另一个版本的故事推翻。有趣的是,或许是时间起到了一部分平复作用,或许是Darley已经学会了接受现实,Justine刚刚消失时的怨怼,在这一部中已不明显。当然,也可能是因为Justine在这一部中仿佛退到了幕后,她的dark beauty在Pursewarden(被“保护”起来的真正情人)的毒舌面前显得苍白而任性,Scobie和Toto两起死亡的突然和暴力成分进一步将故事的重心从Justine身上移开。与上一部相比,这一部里的亚历山大,仿佛摄像机被装在了更为灵活、活动范围更大的摇臂顶端,于是我们得以看到更多角落里发生的故事,甚至深入到更多人的卧室衣橱内。至于爱情,也从四角,变成了牵扯不清的一团乱麻。
"My 'love' for her, Melissa's 'love' for me, Nessim's 'love' for her, her 'love' for Pursewarden -- there should be a whole vocabulary of adjectives with which to qualify the noun -- for no two contained the same properties; yet all contained the one indefinable quality, one common unknown in treachery."