SectionI:财富富足七步法之Chapter1 白手起家百万富翁的秘密
1、The Greatest Money Making Asset That Will Make You A Fortune
When you invest time and money to expand your knowledge and skills, especially your financial education, it will return you millions of dollars in income streams for the rest of your life! And that is exactly the purpose of this book, to massively increase the power of your intellectual asset.
Over 90% of your wealth is not what you have in your wallet or in the bank, it is the ideas that you have in your head! In the information age of today, one great idea can be worth a billion dollars.
2、If You Want to Get a 1000% Return on Your Investment You Must Do this...
Simply spend at least an hour a day reading two chapters, digesting the material and putting it into action. Statistics have shown that 72% of people who buy a book never complete it and less than 3% ever follow through by applying what they have learnt. What a complete waste of money and time!
3、My Journey as a Self-Made Millionaire
So, what qualifies me to be your wealth coach? Who am I to teach you about how to make money? Am I the richest guy in the region? Or even in Singapore? Of course not! But I dare say that I am someone who has created massive wealth within a very short period of time.
I created all this wealth starting with virtually nothing but the ideas in my head... the same raw material that you too have been blessed with. I did it without a single dollar in inheritance, no bank loans or any external investments.
4、So How Did I Achieve All This?
答案是对成功和财富的欲望。并且这种欲望驱使他去学习任何能让他获取财务的知识。在他15岁的时候,他就已经看巴菲特等成功人士的书籍,模仿他们心态和策略,吸收并应用这些新技巧直到取得我想要的成果。为什么Adam Khoo如此渴望获得财富,即便他家还是挺有钱的?这离不开家庭教育,特别是他父亲对他非常严格。所以,从小他就认识到金钱等于自由。如果他能自己赚钱,他就能获得他想要的自由,不需要别人的允许,特别是他父亲会花一个小时教训他乱花的钱。此外,介绍了他参加第一份工作的经验、参加训练营、阅读Anthony Robbins的Unlimited Power和Napoleon Hill的Think and Grow Rich对他的追求财富的观念均有不可磨灭的影响。
My dad believed that if a parent gave his child everything, he would kill the child’s hunger for success. He knew that hunger was the key to motivation and the only way to make me hungry was to deprive me. Whenever I asked my dad to buy me something, his predictable reply would be, ‘Why should I buy it for you? Buy it yourself!’ So early on in my life, I learnt that nobody owed me a living.
Looking back, it was during those days that I learnt how to overcome shyness and the fear of rejection... two important traits of becoming rich.
5、My Very First Business...Setting Up a Mobile Disco
First-hand experience in this entertainment business was also crucial in teaching me the skills that would later enable me to grow this entertainment enterprise into a full-fledged event management business, ‘EventGurus Pte Ltd’.
6、My Second Business Idea...Adam Khoo & Associates
介绍了作者的第二桶金。因为在学业上的成功,作者去当了“家教/老师”,每个月可以赚200美元/人。随着客户增加和作者声誉增强,作者开始以一名自由职业的励志导师赚钱,每天可以赚高达2000美元,当时他才17岁。后来,他决定把这些写成书,于是出版了“I Am Gifted, So Are You!“,并且这本书的销量很好,为作者带来了可观的收入。此外,作者也和别人合著了三本书,这些为他增加了收入。虽然作者赚了很多钱,但他认为,他之所以拥有很多钱是因为他从 Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch and George Soros的书籍里学习到的储蓄和投资的能力,并养成了习惯。
However, what truly enabled me to accumulate so much money was not so much the income I created, but the lessons I learnt about saving and investing from the stacks of wealth books that I read.
Instead of spending my money indulging in fun and frivolous things, I invested almost everything I had into unit trusts and stocks through the investment strategies I had learnt from reading books by wealth gurus like Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch and George Soros.
All it took was intense desire, a mindset of infinite possibilities, the right strategies and consistent action and determination.
7、Money is A Game...You Must Learn How to Play it
Adam khoo指出,赚钱就是场游戏,前提是你得掌握游戏规则。那些在学校比你懒惰、学习成绩比你差的人之所以如今这么成功,是因为他们掌握了游戏规则。“钱不是万能的”,这只说对了一半。事实上,一切都是钱。财务安全意味着自由,意味着从解决生存的枷锁中解脱出来。但我们却没有接受如何赚钱、如何投资以及如何管理我们财富的教育。我们接受的教育是努力学习,取得好成绩,找到好工作…投资有风险、不要进入股市等等。就是这些错误的财务建议,许多人努力工作,参与这场竞争激励的比赛,但依然贫穷且不快乐。然而,只有少数幸运的人知道财富并不是来自于一份好工作和为此努力工作。通过阅读本书,我们能够了解到别人穷尽一生都了解不到他们为什么没有实现财务自由的原因。
Although many people say that ‘money isn’t everything’, that’s only a half-truth. The truth is that ‘everything is money’!
To be financially secure means to be ‘Free’ – free from being hounded by creditors to pay one’s rent or the hospital to pay one’s bill.
As result of all the wrong anti-wealth advice, most people work hard all their lives, going around in circles in the rat race and ending up broke and unhappy. However, a fortunate few eventually learn that wealth is not made by just getting a good job and working hard.
8、First… You Must Know Why You Are Not Rich, Yet
在学习创造财富策略前,Adam khoo 希望我们回答,为什么我们依然不富有?是什么原因阻碍我们获得我们应得的财富?我们需要写下原因。
9、Reasons Why I Am Not Rich Yet
Winners take a hundred percent responsibility for the results in their life.
When you learn the strategies of wealth creation, you will find that you can make money at any age, with any background, with little or no money and in any economy.