Generalized Intersection over Union: A Metric and A Loss for Bounding Box Regression
1 IOU为何不能作为损失函数
2 GIOU 定义如下:
3 GIOU的性质:
- Similar to IoU, GIoU as a distance, e.g. LGIoU =1-GIoU, holding all properties of a metric such as non-negativity, identity of indiscernibles, symmetry and triangle inequality.
- Similar to IoU, GIoU is invariant to the scale of the problem.
- GIoU is always a lower bound for IoU,and this lower bound becomes tighter when A and B have a stronger shapesimilarity and proximity.
- 0 < IoU(A;B)<1, but GIoU has a symmetric range, -1<GIoU(A;B) <1.
I) Similar to IoU, the value 1 occurs only when two objects overlay perfectly.
II) GIoU value asymptotically converges to -1 when the ratio between occupying regions of
two shapes,and the volume (area) of the enclosing shape tends to zero.