-- Dec 18th 2018
Warning signs: Somalia’s election
- sign 信号
- Somalia 索马里
December 19th marks the start of election season in Somalia, in which the seven states will choose regional presidents. Early omens are troubling.
- omens 预兆;征兆
The days preceding the first vote, in the South-West region, have been marred by deadly violence.
- preceding 在先的;前面的;先前的
- mar 毁损
The process has also been tainted by interference of the federal government, determined to prevent the victory of Mukhtar Robow, a popular former leader from al-Shabaab, an Islamist militant group which America has been pounding with air strikes.
- taint v. 污染;使腐坏;玷污
- pound v. 反复击打
- air strikes 空袭
Until last year Mr Robow had a $5m American bounty on his head.
- bounty 赏金;奖金;慷慨之举;大量给予之物
- on ones head 落到某人身上;归罪于某人
Last month members of the regional election committee resigned in protest, citing meddling.
- resign 辞职;辞去(某职务);放弃;退出;认输
- meddle 干涉;弄;参与
The poll has so far been delayed three times.
- poll 民意测验;民意调查;选举投票;计票
On December 13th the federal government arrested Mr Robow, claiming he had brought militants and weapons to the South-West region; the arrest triggered demonstrations.
- militant 激进份子
Relations between Somalia’s federal government and the member states were already terrible.
They look set to get worse.
- look set to 即将要……
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