商业艺术作品的目的除了获取经济利益之外,还有让观众(广义,非仅限于视觉)得到某种感受,比如以近年来 Marvel 出品为代表的动作漫画片,将原本在纸墨间的动作特效通过好莱坞的体制、技术搬上荧幕,并刺激越来越多的人,以及徐峥的「X 囧」系列,通过喜剧的形式,以丑买笑。但不同于电影,电视喜剧通常只用 20 分钟去制造效果,很难说 20 分钟对于制作者来说是限制还是释放,但 20 分钟已然造就了许多让人乐意捧腹的作品。
《Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll》有一个直截了当的名字,可能也是很多人眼中的摇滚乐,当然也是许多人从事于此的初衷。或许他们讲述的是真实的摇滚乐内幕,但并不是那么有趣。我会加上 fame,Andy Warhol 说「In the future everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.」他的本意大概是 pop,但在我看来「15 minutes」就只是代表短暂的一段时间,也就是像其中那个带有吉普赛气质的心理医生所说「famous is very, very fleeting.」何况在原句成为 cliché 之后,Warhol 改成了:In 15 minutes everybody will be famous.
关于 Johnny Rock 的「Great bands are full of most talented people, most talented people are vain, egomaniacal, insecure assholes.」这一点, just hit the point。
(Highlight: I’m talking about… Back in the day only bikers and rock stars and marines and firefighters had ‘toos. Like, really cool ones, like, bodacious babes and, like, flaming dice and, you know, heroic dead guy names, and now what do you… Every skinny white dipshit you see out there has got a razor wire on his pink freckled arm, and the black guys getting tattoos? It doesn’t even make any sense. It’s black on black. You can’t even read it. I’ve been staring at LeBron James’s right shoulder for the last ten years, I still can’t tell what the fuck is on there.)