Here is a bus schedule at a bus stop,it has a schedule for three buses between 8:00 and 9:30 in the morning.
Bus No.38 has the regular schedule .it comes every 15 minutes:8:10,8:25,8:55,9:10.
bus No.47 comes less often.It comes at 8:20,8:45,and 9:25.
bus No.60 is the earliest comes at 8:05,8:30,at 9:00.
bus No.38 has stops at the main train station and the airport.
bus No.60 stops at the main train station,but doesn’t go to the airport.
Bus No.47 doesn’t go to either the main train station or the airport.
This is our planet earth,it has the sharp of a sphere like a ball.
The equator divides the earth into two halves.
The northern half is the northern hemisphere
The southern half is the Southern Hemisphere
Europe and Asia are both in the northern hemisphere
Australia and a third of Africa are in the Southern Hemisphere
The earth moves in two ways
First is spins or rotates around its axis.the axis is a line through its takes the earth 24 hours to complete a rotation.that is the length of 1day.
Second,the earth travels around the sun,it takes about 356 days for the earth to go around the sun.that is the length of one year.its average speed during the year is about 30 kilometers per second.
The earth's axis is not perpendicular to the sun.the earth's axis is is tilted at an angle of around 23.5 degrees.
This tilt cause the seasons of the year
During part of the year the northern hemshphere is tilted toward the sun.when the northern hemshpere is tilted toward the sun ,it is summer.
When the northern hemshpere is tilted away from the sun,it’s winter.
this is why the seasons opsite for the northern and Southern Hemispheres
When is summer in Australia it is winter in Europe.
What would happen if the earths tilt were different than it is now? If the earth
s tilt were larger,summers would be hotter.
if the earth`s tilt were smaller ,summers would be cooler.
if the earth had no tilt at all ,there would be no seasons.
Therefore the angle of tilt is every important for life on earth.
The earth is 93 millions miles form the sun
The sun is at the center of our solar system
Our solar system has several planets which orbit around it.
Our planet is the third planet form the sun.
If the earth were closer to the sun,our planet would be hotter.
If the earth were farther form the sun,our planet would be colder
Therefore,the distance between the earth and the sun is every important.