动画:Peppa pigS1E16,17
1.Mummy cannot find her glasses
凌晨三点半睡觉,早上娃不到六点就醒了。闭着眼睛恳请娃再给五分钟,后来索性变成猪妈妈。Where is my glasses? I cannot find my glasses. Will you help me?得到愿意合作的诚意后又问,would you like to put them on my nose?他肯定乐得屁颠屁颠的呀!
Coco finished it all by himself. He did a baby bird.
I can fly here. I can fly there. I am high in the air. Mummy, I am hungry. I want to eat.
Here is the bug.
Ennn… Yummy, yummy!
Two little green birds sitting on the pillow.One named jupiter, one named coco.
No, one named jupiter, one named Mars.
Okay, one named jupiter, one named Mars.Fly away jupiter, fly away Mars. Come back Jupiter, come back mars.
3.new stamps
We went to the market. I repaired my watch. Coco got a new watch and new stamps.
指读:海尼曼come and see系列,清汉第二册第二单元