【学习笔记】懂你英语 商务英语 Level 6 Unit 2 Part 3(IV)词汇 Related Terms
subcontractor n. 转包商,分包者
A subcontractor is a business that signs a contract to perform the obligations of another's contract. 分包商是签订合同履行他人合同义务的企业。
Typically, subcontractors are hired to perform a task that cannot be handled internally. 通常,分包商被雇佣来执行一项不能在内部处理的任务。
The subcontractor and the contractor work closely throughout a project. 【跟读】分包商和承包商在整个项目中密切合作。
However, the contractor has general control over the process. 【跟读】 然而,承包商对整个过程有全面的控制。
third-party logistics (3PL) 第三方物流
A company may outsource its distribution and fulfillment services in the form of third-party logistics. 【朗读】公司可以通过第三方物流的形式将配送和配送服务外包出去。
3PL providers specialize in areas such as warehousing, transportation, or the provision of raw materials. 【朗读】 第三方物流供应商专注于仓储、运输或原材料供应等领域。
Using 3PL frees a company from having to establish and pay for its own logistics team. 【填空】使用第三方物流使公司不必建立和支付自己的物流团队。
However, it also means a company will have less control of its logsitics and a bigger investment cost. 然而,这也意味着公司对物流的控制将减少,投资成本将增加。
【选择】-Why do contractors normally hire subcontractors? -The contractor cannot internally handle the task.
【选择】A company may be reluctant to use 3PL because... it'll lose control over its logitics.
【填空】Having limited experience in plumbing, the construction contractor hired a plumbing subcontractor to work on the pipes. 由于在管道方面的经验有限,建筑承包商雇用了一个管道分包商来修理管道。
application service provider (ASP) 应用服务提供商
An application service provider offers clients access to applications and related services over the Internet. 应用程序服务提供者通过网络为客户机提供对应用程序和相关服务的访问。
As the costs and complexity of applications have increased, using an ASP has become an economical choice for many companies. 随着应用程序的成本和复杂性的增加,使用ASP已经成为许多公司的经济选择。
An example of an ASP company is Qwest, which provides resources planning software. 一个ASP公司的例子是Qwest,它提供资源规划软件。
best of breed 某一领域最成功的技术
Best of breed refers to the best outsourcing option for companies to choose in a certain sector. 【跟读】 最佳品种是指企业在某一领域选择的最佳外包选择。
It ensures the right skill sets used on a project, lower risk, and punctual results. 它确保在项目中使用正确的技能集,降低风险,以及准时的结果。
For example, many tech companies have adopted a model in which they seek best of breed providers to manage their IT. 【填空】 例如,许多科技公司采用了一种模式,即它们寻找最佳品种商来管理它们的IT。
insourcing 内销,内包
Insourcing involves performing a business function internally. 内包包括在内部执行业务功能。
It allows a company to maintain control of production or competencies and save on management costs. 它允许公司保持对生产或能力的控制,并节省管理成本。
However, production and labor costs are normally higher and it may be difficult to find the right talent. 然而,生产和劳动力成本通常较高,可能很难找到合适的人才。
【选择】-Why are more companies choosing to use an ASP rather than using their own software? - the costs and complexity of applications have increased
【选择】The best outsourcing option for companies to choose from is called... best of breed.
【选择】Insourcing usually saves money on... management costs.
【选择】What is a business that signs a contract to perform the obligations of anothers contract? 什么是签订合同以履行其他合同义务的企业? -subcontractor
【选择】What involves performing business functions internally? -Insourcing.
【填空】Several firms signed up with HKEx Hosting Services to get ASP connectivity services after it had developed a new framework. 在开发了一个新的框架后,几家公司与香港交易所主机托管服务签约,以获得ASP连接服务。
【填空】While a best of breed approach can provide a company with added quality, the cost of managing multiple applications should first be considered. 虽然一种最佳方法可以为公司提供附加的质量,但是应该首先考虑管理多个应用程序的成本。
【填空】With an increased demand for streamlined processes and technological expertise, insourcing in legal department has reached a 10-year high. 随着对精简流程和技术专长需求的增加,法律部门的内包达到了10年来的最高水平。
【填空】They terminated their contract with an overseas company and began to insource their call center operation. 他们终止了与一家海外公司的合同,开始把他们的呼叫中心业务内包。