fetid TEM8 GRE
UK /ˈfet.ɪd/ US /ˈfet̬.ɪd/
adj, Fetid water or air has a very strong unpleasant smell.(空气、水)恶臭的,臭醺醺的
1. The wastefulness was all ours but this fetid heat could be a planetary impersonal adjustment like an ice age, so it might well be wise to keep always facepaint and ash about us.(The Guardian)
2. You ferment alcohol, but foment unrest ferris wheel no need for a cap F, although the first was built by George Washington Gale Ferris Jr for the World's Fair in Chicago in 1893 festivals lc, whether artistic or sporting: Cannes film festival, Cheltenham festival, Edinburgh festival fringe, London jazz festival, etc fete no accent fetid not foetid fewer or less?(The Guardian)
3. The harmony of the scene is spoiled only by the smell: the rich notes of the oil mingle in the air with the strange pancake aroma that's emanating from Holman's sweat-soaked trousers and the fetid stench of a blocked toilet next door.(The Guardian)
4. Their further revelations, including confinement in fetid and humiliating conditions, now mark 17 first-hand accounts of detention at Homan Square since the Guardian began reporting on the warehouse in February.(The Guardian)
5. Set in London's fetid East End in the late 19th century, creator Richard Warlow's stories are not all, as the name suggests, of murdered doxies and fetishised male-on-female violence.(The Guardian)
6. Okay, it's fetid, necrotic air filled with screams, dry ice and liberated haemoglobin, but you get the point.(The Guardian)
7. His years on Appropriations were spent not just juggling favours and nitpicking on procedure, but also proudly channelling money to the hills and hollows: making gravel tracks into Robert C. Byrd Freeways, turning fetid lock-ups into Robert C. Byrd Correctional Institutions, setting up the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope to look at the stars.(The Economist)
8. The author was one of the countless migrants to pass through the fetid, overcrowded facility, his fate unknown. Some of the people herded into more than 20 such centres across Libya were intercepted by Libyan naval vessels as they attempted the perilous journey across the Mediterranean.(The Economist)
9. And she no longer has to work outdoors all day in the blazing sun and torrential monsoon rain. The swarming flies and sickly, fetid smell that fill the shed do not seem to put her off her work.(The Economist)
10. She appears honest; home remains a two-storey whitewashed box in a humble bit of Kolkata, wedged between a fetid river and a tumbledown bakery.(The Economist)
11. People who have been sleeping at the roadside or on the corrugated iron roofs of their crude shacks are wading back through the inky, fetid, sewage-contaminated water beneath.(The Economist)
12. In hundreds of fetid cells he would appear in person, Bible in hand, to urge jailbirds to a new life.(The Economist)
13. Gazans have been shut away in their fetid, overcrowded strip, oppressed by both Hamas, whose rule has been harsh, and Israel, which has punished them for harbouring what it deems to be a terrorist regime.(The Economist)
fetid water, river, condition, smell, air, stench
early 15c., from Latin fetidus (commonly, but incorrectly, foetidus) "stinking," from fetere "have a bad smell, stink." This is perhaps connected with fimus "dung," or with fumus "smoke."
foul, frowsty, frowsy (or frowzy), funky, fusty, malodorous, musty, noisome, reeking, reeky, smelly, stenchy, stinking, stinky
ambrosial, aromatic, fragrant, perfumed, redolent, savory (also savoury), scented, sweet
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