哲学翻译的过程:古希腊文—— 阿拉伯文——拉丁文——英文。以研究哲学为生的人会研究会涉猎,但是很少人会从古希腊文入手,因为史料,历史学考据学变为哲学的前提了,研究哲学会变成研究哲学史,很没有意思。西哲,从大陆开始,modern philosophy:笛卡尔--康德--黑格尔--叔本华--尼采--海德格尔; 英美路线:培根--怀特海德--霍布斯--罗素--维特根斯坦柏拉图的体系相对完备亚里士多德:外部是有决定因素的,内部也有,但内外怎么调和没有说清楚
passive: soul dies with the body灵魂 { active: soul-immortal--flesh of body decay亚里士多德神学观解决:何为纯粹运动亚里士多德心理学解决:何为纯粹思考
事物的本质存在于内部,是inner urge 决定的,我们看到的事物的表象是现在的状态,是matter,真正的实在到了未来,好句整理1.the power of habit is emphasized,2 the crucial problems of philosophical psychology--the freedom of the will and the immortality of the soul--are left in haze and doubt.3. we can't directly will to be different from what we are4 we can choose what we shall be, by choosing now the environment that shall mould us; so we are free in the sense that we mould our own characters by our choice of friends, books, occupations, and amusements.5. A personal and particular soul can exist only in its own body.6.否定词前置倒装:Not A is B--B is not A