Amazon’s empire亚马逊,帝国雄心


The world’s most remarkable firm may eventually be threatened by its own success.


AMAZON is an extraordinary company. The former bookseller accounts for more than half of every new dollar spent online in America. It is the world’s leading provider of cloud computing. This year Amazon will probably spend twice as much on television as HBO, a cable channel. Its own-brand physical products include batteries, almonds, suits and speakers linked to a virtual voice-activated assistant that can control, among other things, your lamps and sprinkler.


亚马逊旗下的人工智能语音助手 Alexa(图片来自网络,侵删)

Yet Amazon’s shareholders are working on the premise that it is just getting started. Since the beginning of 2015 its share price has jumped by 173%, seven times quicker than in the two previous years (and 12 times faster than the S&P 500 index).With a market capitalisation of some $400bn, it is the fifth most-valuable firm in the world. Never before has a company been worth so much for so long while making so little money: 92% of its value is due to profits expected after 2020.


That is because investors anticipate both an extraordinary rise in revenue, from sales of $136bn last year to half a trillion over the next decade, and a jump in profits. The hopes invested in it imply that it will probably become more profitable than any other firm in America. Ground for scepticism does not come much more fertile than this: Amazon will have to grow faster than almost any big company in modern history to justify its valuation. Can it possibly do so?


It is easy to tick off some of the pitfalls. Rivals will not standstill. Microsoft has cloud-computing ambitions; Walmart already has revenues nudging $500bn and is beefing up online.If anything happened to Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s founder and boss, the gap would be exceptionally hard to fill. But the striking thing about the company is how much of a chance it has of achieving such unprecedented goals.

可以很容易罗列出一些危险。对手不会坐以待毙;微软拥有云计算的野心; 沃尔玛的年收入已经逼近了5000亿美金,而且正在加强其线上投入;亚马逊的创始人和老板贝索斯要有个三长两短,这个空缺将非常难以弥补。但是,公司最引人注目之事是实现这样一个前所未有的目标有多少机会。

A new sort of basket-case


This is largely due to the firm’s unusual approach to two dimensions of corporate life. The first of these is time. In an era when executives routinely whinge about pressure to produce short-term results, Amazon is resolutely focused on the distant horizon. Mr Bezos emphasises continual investment to propelits two principal businesses, e-commerce and Amazon WebServices (AWS), its cloud-computing arm.


In e-commerce, the more shoppers Amazon lures, the more retailers and manufacturers want to sell their goods on Amazon.That gives Amazon more cash for new services—such as two-hour shipping and streaming video and music—which entice more shoppers. Similarly, the more customers use AWS,the more Amazon can invest in new services, which attract more customers. A third virtuous circle is starting to whirl around Alexa, the firm’s voice-activated assistant: as developers build services for Alexa, it becomes more useful to consumers,giving developers reason to create yet more services.


So long as shareholders retain their faith in this model, Amazon’s heady valuation resembles a self-fulfilling prophecy. The company will be able to keep spending, and its spending will keep making it more powerful. Their faith is sustained by Amazon’s record. It has had its failures—its attempt to make a smartphone was a debacle. But the business is starting to crank out cash. Last year cash flow (before investment) was $16bn,more than quadruple the level five years ago.

只要股东对这一模式保持信心,亚马逊有点任性的估值就会像一个自证预言。公司将有能力保持支出,其支出又会使公司更加强大。亚马逊的记录支撑了他们的信心。它曾经历了一些失败 -制造智能手机的尝试就是其中的一次。但业务已经开始产生现金流。去年,现金流(投资前)为160亿美元,是五年前的四倍。

If Amazon’s approach to time-frames is unusual, so too is the sheer breadth of its activities. The company’s list of current and possible competitors, as described in its annual filings, includes logistics firms, search engines, social networks, food manufacturers and producers of “physical, digital and interactive media of all types”. A wingspan this large is more reminiscent of a conglomerate than a retailer, which makes Amazon’s share price seem even more bloated: stock markets typically apply a “conglomerate discount” to reflect their inefficiencies.


Many of these services support Amazon’s own expansion and that of other companies. The obvious example is AWS,which powers Amazon’s operations as well as those of other firms. But Amazon also rents warehouse space to other sellers.It is building a $1.5bn air-freight hub in Kentucky. It is testing technology in stores to let consumers skip the cash register altogether,and experimenting with drone deliveries to the home. Such tools could presumably serve other customers,too. Some think that Amazon could become a new kind of utility:one that provides the infrastructure of commerce, from computing power to payments to logistics.

许多这些服务支撑了亚马逊自己的扩张和也支持了其他公司的扩张。 明显的例子是AWS,它推动了亚马逊以及其他公司的业务增长。但亚马逊还向其他卖家租赁仓储空间。它正在肯塔基州建造一座价值15亿美元的空运中心。 它正在一些商店测试技术,让消费者完全不必通过收款机付款,并尝试用无人机送货到家。这样的工具相信也可以为其他客户服务。 有些人认为亚马逊可以成为一种新型实用工具:提供从计算能力到支付到物流的商业基础设施。

A giant cannot hide


And here lies the real problem with the expectations surrounding Amazon.If it gets anywhere close to fulfilling them, it will attract the attention of regulators. For now, Amazon is unlikely to trigger antitrust action. It is not yet the biggest retailer in America, its most mature market. America’s antitrust enforcers look mainly at a firm’s effect on consumers and pricing.Seen through this lens, Amazon appears pristine. Consumers applaud it; it is the most well-regarded company in America,according to a Harris poll. (AWS is a boon to startups, too.)

这才是围绕着亚马逊期待的真正问题所在。如果亚马逊接近完成这些目标,它将会引起监管机构的关注。到目前为止,亚马逊不太可能引发反托拉斯行动。它还不是美国这个最成熟的市场上最大的零售商。美国的反垄断执法者主要考察企业对消费者和定价的影响。通过这个视角,亚马逊看起来还处于初级阶段。消费者夸赞它。哈里斯公司的调查结果显示,亚马逊是美国最受尊敬的公司。 (AWS也是初创公司的福音。)

But as it grows, so will concerns about its power. Even on standard antitrust grounds, that may pose a problem: if it makes as much money as investors hope, a rough calculation suggests its earnings could be worth the equivalent of 25% of the combined profits of listed Western retail and media firms.But regulators are also changing the way they think about technology.In Europe, Google stands accused of using its clout as a search engine to extend its power to adjacent businesses. The comparative immunity from legal liability of digital platforms—for the posting of inflammatory content on Facebook,say, or the vetting of drivers on Uber—is being chipped away.

但随着它的增长,对它力量的关注程度也会与日俱增。即便按照标准的反垄断理由,这也会带来问题:如果亚马逊能够赚到投资者预期的利润,粗略的计算表明其盈利可能会相当于西方零售和媒体公司总利润的25%。而且监管机构正在改变他们对技术的看法。在欧洲,Google被指控利用其搜索引擎的影响力来扩展其相邻业务的能力。数字平台法律责任的比较豁免权正在被蚕食 - 比如针对在Facebook上发表煽动性内容或对Uber司机的审查。

Amazon’s business model will also encourage regulators to think differently. Investors value Amazon’s growth over profits; that makes predatory pricing more tempting. In future,firms could increasingly depend on tools provided by their biggest rival. If Amazon does become a utility for commerce, the calls will grow for it to be regulated as one. Shareholders are right to believe in Amazon’s potential. But success will bring it into conflict with an even stronger beast: government.

亚马逊的商业模式也将促使监管机构转换思路。投资者按照亚马逊的利润增长估值; 这使得掠夺性定价更具诱惑力。未来,企业可能越来越依赖其最大竞争对手提供的工具。如果亚马逊确实成为商业用途,那么作为一个整体监管的呼声将增长。股东相信亚马逊的潜力很有道理。但它的成功会与更强大的野兽-政府产生冲突。


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